This was posted 8 years 4 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

DJI Mavic Pro Drone (Pre-Order and Local Stock) $1476 Shipped @ UAVwholesale (rockfusion04) on eBay


EDIT - Able to get it for $1384.50 or less if you follow these steps!
I can confirm on UAV Depot ebay listing, if you offer them $1560 they will accept. Add that with Cash Rewards and C10AUZ and the price goes down to $1384.50. This is for local stock, DJI official guarantee by EE Hobbies (Melbourne) confirmed by DJI website here

If you're leaving the country, you're able to claim TRS (9.09% of original $1560) bringing the price down to $1242.68

This method has been confirmed by here and myself (My offer of $1560 was accepted)

First time poster, been looking at the Mavic since it was released

There's one listed for $1640, 10% off bring it down to $1476

Use cashrewards to bring it down to $1455.50 (Claim TRS too if you so wish)

Enter C10AUZ at checkout

Original 10% off Selected Categories on eBay deal

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closed Comments

  • +3

    It's a good price, I would wait a bit for the reviews though but that's just me :)

    • There are a bunch of videos on YouTube already if that's what you're looking for.

      • +1

        those are mostly from selected youtubers in selected circumstances, they may or may not equate to real life performance.

      • -3

        Casey Neistat's Mavic flew away from him never to return after a few days of owning so frick that, my phantom was plagued with issues so even though the mavic appears like the better drone, im getting the gopro karma, gopro at least makes shit that works

        • +6

          So a company like DJI with many years of making drones and one of the pioneers of consumer drones are no good, but gopro who has their first drone out which is not even tested by the selected few know how to get their shit work?

        • +2

          That turned me off too. I would say thought that DJI has a whole lot more experience making premium drones than GoPro.

          Edit. ^^ Beat me to it.

        • +4

          GoPro make shit that works? I've never gotten more than about 20 hours use of my 3 go pro's before they died or became unusable in one way or another.
          Lost two due to separate faulty underwater housing's and the other has been plagued with battery and freezing issues since I bought it and sat in a draw ever since. I wouldn't be buying a drone from a company with zero experience in the field. Although I must admit the detachable gimbal is a great idea but it's the only thing it has going for it.

        • +6

          Also Casey Neistat isn't really the most careful person, he is kinda known for trashing/loosing/breaking anything he touches.

        • @SkMed: The detachable gimbal isn't anything new.

        • +1

          @YellowKnight: really? which other drone has this feature?

        • -1

          @nadan: yeap! dji might be the market leader but trust me, many people have issues with phantoms. Maybe dji's pro drones are super reliable but there consumer ones are junk. I use multiple gopros for work everyday and have no issues, since the hero 3+ they have been pretty bullet proof. So yes I am trying out the karma. Could be shit, hopefully its good.

        • +4

          Casey is a douche who knows how to make slick videos. That's it. He doesn't read instructions, follow rules or adhere to basic safety guidelines. It's no wonder he lost the damn thing.

          I don't know how you could suggest that the Karma will "just work" when GoPro have no prior experience with drones and the Karma has had next to no real world testing.

          The Mavic beats the Karma on size (most important - who wants to lug around a massive drone), range (distance and battery) and functionality.

        • @dontpanic: the second or may be the third iteration of Karma would 'just work', as of now, I'm gonna assume it won't and will be riddled with unforeseen problems. If you use them carefully enough, DJI drones are pretty reliable and consistent, not saying they aren't prone to problems, just recently my housemate's Phantom 4 had a gimbal issue after 4 days of use so there are problems but damn, that thing is very stable and easier to fly than most drones I've flown.

        • @SkMed:

          Yuneec Typhoon 4k has detachable gimbal and a Steadygrip so you can just use in on the ground

        • @SkMed:

          Yuneec Typhoon 4k has detachable gimbal and a Steadygrip so you can just use in on the ground

        • @SkMed: Feiyutech gimbals

        • He flies his drones in the middle of new york city, not the best place to fly a drone for a number of reasons.
          If i was stupid enough to do the same as he does I would expect it to fly off alot due to the 1001 things interfering with the signal.

  • The price keeps dropping from one seller to another. Great news! Soon will drop below 1K.

    • +10

      Tell him his dreamin

  • +2

    I pulled the trigger on this and will either cancel my DJI order, or return it within the 7 days…..

    Annoyingly my cashrewards didn't track on this or the GoPro 5 eBay sale

    • +1

      Sometimes it takes a while to come through. Could be a delay due to the pre-order nature of the goods….

  • Hmm I'm starting to think this ebay seller is being dishonest or up to something.

    I pre-ordered the combo pack from him much earlier and the listing was ended sometime in the last two days with 6 of these 'pre-order' stock left.…

    Now it is back relisted but with a lesser number of units:…
    That could give some the impression that they got in early with a pre-order. Same goes with the listing on this deal - that looks like it was relisted also.

    The original orders were marked as shipped (despite obviously not being shipped from DJI). So i questioned this and got this response:

    You are correct mate. DJI haven’t released them yet. Ebay has marked all our pre-orders as sent because on the listing it said send within 5 days. Go Figure?? Anyway, we will be in contact as soon as we receive them.

    • +1

      these guys are in the official DJI re-seller list though, that should give you some assurances :)

    • +2

      That definitely is a lie. Ebay never marks an item as shipped, no matter how much time passes from the date of sale.

  • -5

    $1476 for a drone??..Lemme win some money at casino….

  • +1

    Combo deal still available:

    I cracked and bought it. Have been eyeing it off for the last week and was waiting for a deal - couldn't be bothered holding out for a 20% deal (though there'll probably end up being one next week knowing my luck).

    Once I write off the GST and claim it against work (I work in video production), it should come down to ~$1000 out of pocket expenses. Not too shabby.

    • i saw that before as well and it's now gone :(

      • Argh! Missed it. Please repost, please repost.

  • Probably nothing to worry about but all of this guy's listings have suddenly disappeared.

    • hmmm… that's a bit odd….

      • Yeah, I'm sure it's fine, but just bring cautious. It's not chump change after all.

        • that's kinda why i held off…… but i guess we could always claim it back via ebay/paypal…..

          there are other aust vendors on eBay selling at $1,699 which I think the code will still work…. might have to get it through them…..

        • @wippy: but this one was allegedly an authorised reseller

        • @YellowKnight: fair enough….

  • -2

    Looks dodge to me, got mine from Apple.

  • I preordered directly from DJI, Drone + extra Battery delivered for about $1850 AUD…. Then promptly cancelled and ordered the combo pack through B&H Photo delivered via re-shipper for about $1800 total.
    The Australia tax on this thing is ridiculous!

    • i don't think its just the tax, there seems to be an adjustment for currency conversion. Theoretically it should be about 1.32x of the US price but its around 1.7x for the DJI and 1.5x for the Karma

    • I did the same, but ordered the Drone only ($749) to avoid import duty….. (Haven't cancelled DJI order yet)

      However - I just ordered this deal here as i worked it out that at $1640 i can claim back $149 when i travel home next month, plus the voucher code gave me another $164 off. That makes my net cost $1327 which is US$1003

      Slightly convoluted way to get it at the US equivalent price but means I don't have to mess with import duties, shipping fee's from MYUS etc.

      So will likely cancel the BH order, but might keep the DJI order open for now as not sure when UAV/rockfusion will get stock to ship

      • -5

        ur from US and U dun buy global hawk? its way much better

        • -1

          I'm sorry - I'm from England, live in Australia, and I obviously don't speak your language?!

      • Dang, I didn't think about the import duty. This is the first time I have bought something of high value online, I wasn't even aware of the tax lol! The reshipper just stated that there were no good taxes for them to re-ship but didn't really consider on our end. haha.

        Oh well, even if they catch it going through and I have to pay the 10 percent GST its still cheaper than buying it here by a few hundred.

        • As you are effectively paying 15% (GST and duties) are you not paying only slightly less than the local price or am i missing something?

        • @uradox: Drone Fly More package at B&H = $1704, ReShipping about $80, GST+Duties = $234 so total is $2018. The Fly More package in Aus is $2199 so importing from USA is still $181 cheaper after reshipping, GST and import taxes.

        • @SkMed:
          Ah I see, I didn't realise the official DJI price was $2199 as I paid $2099 from this seller.
          Makes sense.

        • I think you might pay a handling fee too

          Also you could get lucky and not get hit with import duty. Whilst technically fraud, you may find the seller doesn't declare the actual value on the paperwork and it may get through un-noticed - though this could lead to problems with insurance if package goes missing/is damaged

        • @digitalane: handling fee by who? Also yeah I thought maybe because its going through a re-shipper it may get through unnoticed, will see!

        • @SkMed: Customs!! B**tards import duties (5%), gst (10%) and handling fees! Thats why I don't bother with it anymore for stuff over $1,000

        • @digitalane: Oh man, what do they add for handling charges usually? Yeah does seem like a bit of a screw around. At this point im not wanting to change my order again as I'm sure there will be major delays as im sure pre-orders are going to far outweigh DJI's stock. This drone is pretty much a game changer. I've been waiting 5+ Years to invest for something like this.

        • +1


          Money for nothing sadly! They claim it's for admin!! I read on another forum of it being $40-$50

          I spoke with the guy from UAV - he said he's getting the first stock next week for the early pre orders, and hopefully the eBay orders will ship early Nov if DJI give them the promised stock….

          I'm same as you though - held off on the Phantom 2, 3, 3A and 4 for this!! Against the OzBargain ethos but i'd happily pay a little more to get it first!

    • If you have an ABN and can find a way to claim it for work, you can effectively get it down to around US prices.

      -$209 (EBAY)
      -$209 (GST)

      AUD$1681 = USD$1273

      That's not even taking into account writing the expense off against taxable income (which should bring it down at least another ~30% to around ~$1000) If you can find a Ebay 20% deal, then you come out even better. You people need to start talking to your accountants ;)

      • Where are you seeing the Fly More pack for $2099?

        • I bought one last night from the same seller as this deal. Hopefully once he starts listing again, he'll have it at the same price.

    • I agree. I'll be in the US until October 25, am thinking I will try & pick one up there as it's USD$999 at launch…

  • DJI are releasing the mavic 1080p model soon, will be significantly cheaper, I would wait for that, 4K is very difficult to work with

    • why is it difficult to work with, do you mean interms of computing power?

    • +1

      At this stage this is a totally unfounded rumour. And if you can't work with 4k, just change the camera settings to 1080p yourself.

      • He's talking about price point. The camera may be significantly cheaper - fingers crossed.

    • that model will likely have a shorter range like the difference between P3S and P3A/P3P

      • Nope leaked documents indicate same drone cheaper camera, they expect $150-$200 cheaper. 4k is difficult to cut crop edit etc… need a really good computer, let's not forget the file size.

        • Cheaper camera. Enough said.

  • what makes this worth the 1.4k?

    whats the diff between this and a $300 one?

    • +7

      Haha, everything. Image quality, portable, long battery life, 7km range, 1080p FPV, live streaming, stabalisation, speed, tracking, auto return, auto land, terrain follow, obstacle avoidance etc.

    • It is also less likely to burst into flames randomly

  • +3

    I rang the guy and had a chat with him - he has sold 200 drones already on his first batch of preorders, and he ordered another 100 from DJI, which presumably he has already all sold. So quite reasonable that he has stopped listing as he has no more to sell at the moment!

    • +1

      That makes sense, though he has stopped listing everything he was selling - most of which were not DJI products. Still a bit strange.

      No chance in hell he is going to get even enough to fill half his pre-orders if what camerahouse told me is accurate. They are only expecting 10-20 initially at most.

      • Yeah, if he has sold that many then some customers may not even get theirs until the end of November. And if that's the case, I'm not sure the $70 or so savings is worth it.

      • That makes sense, though he has stopped listing everything he was selling - most of which were not DJI products. Still a bit strange.

        Big payday and work for the entire month sorted? So they can't commit to supplying other products?
        Probably a one man team in a garage

        • +1

          Seems they're pretty big - wholesale provider to most other retailers of drones in Australia :

        • @digitalane: Which still doesn't explain why all of a sudden the whole store was taken down. You can't blame a guy for being suspicious?

          So what's the next greatest DJI Mavic deal.

        • "Probably a one man team in a garage"

          But probably made more than your entire household income for a year…lol!

        • +1

          In a few days too!

        • @YellowKnight:

          Probably doesn't want to be selling stuff at 10% off even though I'd think eBay would cover the difference. and they'd still get the full amount

        • @butterbuts: That's what I figured too. And a previous comment makes me think he'll repost them after the sale.

  • +1

    Good price i you didn't want another battery, but if you did then this isn't the way to go.

    The Fly More package comes down to $1889.1 with the 10% off and I'd say that's better value if you wanted extra batteries. I'm personally going to go with 2 batteries to start and then get a 3rd i need be later on.

    • +1

      Some places are selling it for retail but with an extra battery already. That seems like better value if you don't need the rest of the gear from the package.

  • I was going to bite the bullet and buy the DJi phantom 3 advanced instead of the Mavic, the only draw back so far is the size and portability on the Mavic. So I decided to wait, either the DJi Phantom's price will drop because of the Mavic or the Mavic's price will drop once the hype ends. No rush from my end.

    To me, in my point of view, 4K is not worth it because:
    - most videos would be watched on a non-4K device when shared on social media, youtube etc to your friends. 99% of them watch using a phone/tablet (non 4k). 0.5% of them on a TV screen (also non 4K) and 0.5% on a monitor screen, also non 4k. And even THEN, it would most probably not be streamed in 4K due to internet speeds/buffering.

    Unless you and your audience/friends are:
    - 4k compatible
    - able to internet stream 4K on a device
    - are able to tell the difference between a 1080p, 2.7K and 4K video (my friends sure can't)
    - going to future proof the videos (to watch it again in 2-3 years once 4K is more mainstream). Also 8K was announce and they have began manufacturing 8K TV's and devices. I even saw articles on 10K…
    - the 4K, 8K, 10K is becoming a sales pitch gimmick, there is so much the average user's eye can see (exactly like a retina vs an IPS display).

    With that in mind, I have time to wait for the dust storm to settle and buy it at black friday sale (next month) or a boxing day sale.

    • +2

      Even if you plan to downscale to 1080p, capturing in 4K offers a few benefits. Firstly, downscaled 4K footage looks better and grades better, with less digital artefacts and noise. Secondly, 4K allows you to reframe the shot and add further post stabilisation (if needed) to a shot without cropping in.

      Also, if you plan on holding on to this drone for longer than a year or two, I think you'll find 4K will be a lot more prevalent in the near future. Especially with VR becoming a thing with the latest phones.

      But above all, the biggest reason to get the Mavic is its size. Being able to chuck it in a bag, along with the controller and some batteries is a huge deal. I know people with the Phantom 3 and 4, and their biggest issue with them is their ungainly size. It's hard to take them anywhere where you're not going by car. Which is a little limiting IMHO. Plus the controllers are huge. Like almost the size of the Mavic huge.

  • +1

    I just found the Mavic Fly More combo on for 1,627.78 AUD delivered! Promptly ordered and paid using Paypal, however I just had them cancel the order, and refund me, and remove the page. Guessing it was a pricing error, Dang. Well was worth a shot, too bad you cant hold retailers to pricing errors these days :(

  • +7

    Update from the MD from UAV

    They had to pull the eBay listings as eBay wouldn't let them do pre-order more than 25 days out from when they were fulfilling them.

    He said (and i quote) 'you can also tell people that if they are happy with the mid-november pre-order that they can call us direct and we will give them the 10% off they would normally get from eBay. We will re-list on ebay, but as we only get 20-25 days it won’t be until around the 25th of this month.'

    NB I'm not associated with UAV in anyway - I just reached out to him to find out when my order would ship. He says mine is about number 150 in the queue and i ordered yesterday through eBay.

    Hope the info is of some use to all you keen Mavic Pro fans!!

    • +1

      Be nice if it was 15% off if you mention OzBargain, given they aren't paying eBay fees?

      • Try your luck - you never know!

  • I'm so tempted to get one of these. Gotta hide my wallet.

  • Has anyone been able to get the same price as the eBay deal direct? I tried calling them today but there was no answer so I left a message and will try my luck when they come back to me.

    I was hoping that someone had some luck themselves with direct contact. Either way I will advise once I have spoken to them.

    • I've ordered from them directly. But they did mention to me that they were no longer taking direct orders as they have to reserve stock for retailers.

      • Did they do you the same deal as on eBay?

        • They gave 10% off the price they listed on eBay. But obviously I miss out on the potential cashback ( which I could have got if I purchased via eBay.

    • Yeah I messaged them and they said they couldn't do anything as it was an eBay promotion and not his.

      Also, suspicious that all the items for sale disappeared suddenly.

      • Did you message them on eBay or directly through their website?

        • eBay. And they said there was nothing they could do.

        • @YellowKnight: It's against eBay policy to sell items directly (and not via eBay). So that's the only response they could give you via eBay. If you are actually keen on buying a Mavic. Call them. Although keep in mind what I said above.

  • The same company is selling it on a different listing. I smell something fishy.…

    Also, if I'm reading this right a lot of these companies go through EE Hobbies, and if they're all getting their stock from the same place I have a hard time believing they will be able to fill their orders by December.…

    • Its a different company. One's UAV Wholesale, the other's UAV Depot.

      • I think it's the same company. Just different listings? I could be wrong.

        • I don't see any tell-tail signs of the 2 stores being run from the same people. What makes you suspect this?

  • +1

    Was able to get it for $1565 less the 10% discount from UAV Depot (Total $1408.50) so was happy with that as its less than $100 and I get local stock and warranty.
    They have also confirmed it is local stock but the person answering the emails speaks in broken English so they may be situated in Asia with local contacts.

    Either way if I do not get local stock I have a comeback with the seller, but so far they have been great. I offered 4 different amounts and 3 were accepted with each becoming an order once accepted, I even paid for the 2nd cheapest one before they accepted the lower price and they happily refunded me and allowed me to pay the lower rate. (They cancelled the other 2 so I didn't have to worry about any non paying bidder strikes)

    Fingers crossed it all goes well (They are still quoting early November delivery) but I am happy to wait anyway so not too worries if it creeps into December.

    • +1

      How did you manage to get it for $1565? Mind posting the invoice so I can bargain for the same deal? Thanks!

      • I want to know too.

      • You won't need an Invoice, just offer $1565 to UAV Depot and they will accept it. Then apply the 10% off (If it is still current??) and you will be charged $1408.50.

        • Did you try offering anything lower? I wonder whats the lowest they'd accept

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