• expired

Get $50 for Opening a Macquarie Platinum Transaction Account and Testing New Banking Experience


Today Personal Bank has launched “Brainsourcing” – their first public campaign advertising their “new world” Personal Banking solutions: New Transaction and Savings Accounts, and new e-banking and m-banking experiences.

Share your feedback and be rewarded!
Get involved and you'll receive $50 and the chance to win a trip to San Francisco, the tech capital of the world. Here's how it works:

1.) Dive into our beta experience: Complete 8 simple banking tasks, in your own time.
2.) Tell us what you think: Share your feedback on each task through a short survey on our mission hub
3.) We'll put your feedback into action: Your comments will go straight to our team to help improve our app.
4.) Reap the rewards: Earn $50 plus win a trip to San Francisco. Complete all 8 missions and you'll receive $50 plus the chance to win an all-expenses-paid trip to San Francisco, the tech capital of the world – valued at $10,000.

Get started by opening a Macquarie Platinum Transaction Account!

You'll get access to our beta environment, and enjoy these great account features (see https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/249337 for details on that):

$0 ATM fees
$0 Account fees
$0 International purchase fees
Earn 1.30%pa or more for balances above $5,000

Terms & Conditions

Brainsourcing terms of use

You are only eligible to participate in the Brainsourcing Campaign if you have never held a transaction account with us prior to 10 October 2016 and you are not an employee of Macquarie Group.
Any terms you accept when you open a transaction account with us will also apply to the Macquarie Mobile Banking Beta App we will supply you for the Brainsourcing Campaign.
The Brainsourcing Campaign is anticipated to run from 10th October 2016 to 2nd December 2016 (Brainsourcing Campaign Period), but may be terminated early or extended at our discretion.
We may provide you with various missions which will detail the tasks you may be required to undertake during the Campaign Period. We may offer you rewards for participating in the Brainsourcing campaign at our discretion. We may change or withdraw an offer at any time. If we determine that you are participating in a manner that we consider inappropriate, we may decline to credit your account or reverse a credit already paid.
You understand that your participation in the Brainsourcing Campaign is subject to the Macquarie Group Privacy Policy available at www.macquarie.com.

Terms and conditions for your $50 reward

To be eligible for the $50 bonus credit into your transaction account, you must:

(1) successfully open a transaction account with us and agree to the Brainsourcing Terms of Use by 2 December 2016, and

(2) successfully complete all missions we give you by the end of the Brainsourcing Campaign Period.

This offer applies for the first 5000 customers who meet all these eligibility criteria.


The 8 Missions:

1. Sign up to a bank account
Now that you've applied for and opened a transaction account, log in to Macquarie Online.

2. Mobile set up
Download the Macquarie Mobile Banking beta app and log in.

3. Activate card and payments
Activate your card and set your pin. Transfer money into your Macquarie bank account and schedule a payment.

4. Managing finances
Set a budget for 3 different goals and review your existing spend graphs.

5. Card usage & savings accounts
Withdraw money from an ATM. After withdrawing money, lock and unlock your debit card. Open a savings account within our platform.

6. Receipt uploads, search and categorising transactions
Upload a receipt to a transaction, ask 3 questions using search the way you speak and categorise three transactions.

7. Communications
Review and think about the emails and notifications you have received from Macquarie to date.

8. Program Feedback
Congratulations, this is your final mission! Complete this final survey and we will deposit $50 into your account (if you complete all mission feedback forms).

Related Stores

Macquarie Bank
Macquarie Bank

closed Comments

  • so is this a competition?

    • +1

      I wouldn't say so - the deal is to get $50 for opening an account and completing the 8 missions. the chance for winning a trip is just the icing on the cake

      • +2

        In that case its more like a job or an internship,

        Step 1/
        complete work

        get money (maybe)

        not sure if bargain or not, has Macquarie stop employing testers ?

    • +16

      Finding the bargain

      • +1


    • according to the website "8 simple banking tasks" - I have yet to sign up myself (I just work for Macquarie, but am not directly involved in this product)

      • last i heard core banking was … now 2 years behind schedule and they were scaling back some products cough mortgages from deployment on the platform.

        • What's core banking?

        • +8

          @csingh: its almost like hard core banking….but not hard enough…

        • not agile enough

      • T&C:
        You are only eligible to participate in the Brainsourcing Campaign if you have never held a transaction account with us prior to 10 October 2016 and you are not an employee of Macquarie Group.

        So you just work for Macquarie and not an employee of Macquarie Group????

        • +1

          He's probably an employee of an offshore entity the investment bank formally known as Macquarie or just '$'

          Wonders if they apply the same rules for competition eligibility as for tax eligibility.

    • +1

      I wouldn't be surprised if the first mission would be calling your HR department and informing them of a change in your banking details!

      • +12

        Mission #1:
        Call your HR department and informing them of a change in your banking details.

        Mission #2:
        Close your other bank accounts

        Mission #3:
        Refinance all your homeloans with Macquarie

        Mission #4:
        Close all your credit cards and get Macquarie credit card

        Mission #5:
        Start your investment with Macquarie managed funds

        Mission #6:
        Transfer your SMSF to Macquarie

        Mission #7:
        Put Macquarie University as your first preference in HSC

        Mission #8:
        Throw away all dictionaries except Macquarie dictionary

        • +2

          Mission #9: Borrow money from Macquarie Bank to buy Macquarie bank shares.

  • +5

    I think they better clarify the 8 tasks.. task number 8 could be deposit $100K for all we know

    • +7

      Shouldn't be hard for Macquarie Bank customers lol

  • This offer applies for the first 5000 customers who meet all these eligibility criteria.

    Bad luck if you end up being the 5001st person to complete all 8 tasks I guess.

    On the bright side, the app looks great.

    • +1

      or 5002nd, 5003rd….

  • +3

    Not a bad deal, could be an easy $50. But having to stay aware and complete the 8 "missions" & surveys over the next 8 weeks is quite a lot of effort for such a low reward.

  • +1

    Pays more here and only 1 task:

    • Why not do both !

  • The $0 International purchase fees - is that like the 28 degrees mastercard? I can't seem to find more info on the macquarie site…

    • probably not - depends on the exchange rate they offer

      • +1

        I called up and after being put through to 5 different people, they can confirm that the card uses the MasterCard rate. This would be the exact same as 28 Degree. Of course the only way of truly knowing is if someone has both cards and does a little comparison.

    • I saw that & thought MacBank & $0 fee, pigsarse!

  • +4

    I signed up, here is a screenshot of the 8 steps (I completed the first two in 5 min, just sign-ups and extremely short questions)


    It doesn't appear to specify how much you have to deposit for step 3.

    • This is helpful, thanks.

      The mission requiring an ATM withdrawal looks like a hassle - does this Macquarie account refund all ATM fees like ING?

      • +1

        From the site:

        "Which ATMs can I use for free?

        To avoid unnecessary transaction fees when using ATMs, you should use ATMs that are part of the Macquarie Bank home network. ATM transactions are free and unlimited when you use an ATM on the home network, which includes any Westpac, St.George or BankSA branded ATMs.

        If you need to use an ATM which is not part of the home network, Macquarie Bank does not charge for this. You may, however, be charged directly by the ATM owner at the time of the transaction."

  • +1

    OP, Does this have $4k per month min deposit like the normal Macquarie Platinum Transaction Account?
    Or not required for this trial?

    EDIT: Also, can you comment on the exchange rate if you have used previously? Are they inflated?

    • For the exchange rate. I called up and after being put through to 5 different people, they can confirm that the card uses the MasterCard rate. This is the best on market I believe, same as 28 Degree and usually better than Citi.

      • Great! Thanks for confirming.

  • +1

    Is it true that it takes 3 business days for a payment transfer from a macquarie home loan offset account to a macquarie platinum transaction account?

    Also, is it true that macquarie takes down their online bank and mobile app almost every weekend impacting the ability to make payments/view balances of certain account?

    Finally, is it true that your customer service centre is based out of the Philippines with hardly adequate resources with very limited product knowledge? To further elaborate, I've heard that customers have to answer 11 security type questions just to be identified…

    • +3

      You sound like a jilted lover who has fallen out of love with Macquarie.

  • Actually pretty fun.

    I unfortunately made two accounts, now I have two of their products on the one ID LOL ooops

  • +2

    Do we need to walk at all for the 8 missions?
    I have enough walk with Pokemon Go already.

  • I'm not sure whether it is worth the effort.

  • Do we actually need to open the platinum transaction account lol? I aint got that much cash to deposit a month after all the stuff ozbargain gets me to buy.

  • +2

    Found the 8 missions. Here they are:

    1. Sign up to a bank account
    Now that you've applied for and opened a transaction account, log in to Macquarie Online.

    2. Mobile set up
    Download the Macquarie Mobile Banking beta app and log in.

    3. Activate card and payments
    Activate your card and set your pin. Transfer money into your Macquarie bank account and schedule a payment.

    4. Managing finances
    Set a budget for 3 different goals and review your existing spend graphs.

    5. Card usage & savings accounts
    Withdraw money from an ATM. After withdrawing money, lock and unlock your debit card. Open a savings account within our platform.

    6. Receipt uploads, search and categorising transactions
    Upload a receipt to a transaction, ask 3 questions using search the way you speak and categorise three transactions.

    7. Communications
    Review and think about the emails and notifications you have received from Macquarie to date.

    8. Program Feedback
    Congratulations, this is your final mission! Complete this final survey and we will deposit $50 into your account (if you complete all mission feedback forms).

    • Someone else posted it before you

      • This will benefit those who read from bottom of the page.

        • I'll take that, but surely people at least read the OP? It's in the OP too.

  • I opened an account just last month, am I still eligible for this?

    • Yes - Ineligible

      • +1

        Don't you mean "No"? lol.

  • +1

    so you need two accounts
    looks like a lot of hassle

  • I will stay away from this.. thanks OP

  • This account is actually a pretty damn good account, even without the $50 bonus. Was previously posted here.

    It's almost a replacement for the Citibank Plus, 28 Degrees, ING Direct (since they got rid of 2% cashback) MEBank all rolled into one.

    It's probably lacking two things:

    • Free withdrawals from ATMs overseas (Citibank) - costs $5
    • Free international money transfers (Citibank)

    Otherwise, it covers the following:

    • No fees international on international transaction (28 Degrees & Citibank)
    • No monthly account fees (28 Degrees, Citibank Plus, ING Direct, MEBank)
    • Fee free ATM access all over Australia (no qualifying criteria to be entitled to this benefit just like MEBank - ING requires a $1k deposit in month prior)
    • Interest earned on transaction account (not many transaction accounts pay interest - although imo a negligible benefit)
    • Platinum Account features (28 Degrees)
  • +1

    It's not clear what they mean by "fee-free access to any ATM in Australia"

    Does it mean they don't charge you for using off-network ATMs or do they actually refund the ATM operator fee?

    If it's the former then all banks pretty much charge nothing for using foreign ATMs plus it's potentially misleading advertising as you will still get slugged with the ATM operator fee for using off-network ATMs

    • The proper website says free access to any ATM in Australia - http://www.macquarie.com/au/personal/bank-accounts/transacti…

    • +2

      just contacted them n got confirmed that the ATM fee will be refunded instantly like ING. They said it's a promotion tho even there's no end date. I think it's actually better than ING since there's no minimum deposit requirement….

      • I think it's actually better than ING since there's no minimum deposit requirement…

        Agreed! This means the only other bank to offer no strings attached fee-free access to ANY ATM in Australia is ME Bank but their rebate usually takes a few days to come through.

        Let's see if they do a 'bait and switch' and end this so called "promotion" once they get the market share they are aiming for.

        • ME bank is a disaster to me. It took 2 weeks for them to open my account after ID verification. I joined when there's 5% cashback on Paypass but they always pay less than they should (I actually calculated the amount of cashback before calling them up for correction). My partner has the same issue too. They refuse to correct it after I brought up the same issue a few times claiming that the previous correction was made under "good faith". Terrible. I doubt if they'll actually refund the correct ATM fee.

        • +1

          @citygal: If you are certain that you didn't get paid the correct 5% rebate as advertised, you should have taken the matter up with the FIO (Financial Industry Ombudsman) and the ACCC, this is what I would have done as that is classified as misleading advertising.

          It is up to us as consumers to hold businesses (and especially the financial industry!) into account and be EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE in doing so.

          That's the only way they learn. Speak softly but carry a very big stick ;)

        • @ginmi: Yeah I know that. Just don't want to bother too much for a few dollars every cycle they rebate you. Thanks for your advice anyway! :)

    • I'm thinking so. It seems to use Mastecard's exchange rate as well. Would be a good mix to use both for purchases on this, and cash ATM's with Citi.

      I haven't played with the app yet, but the online is very very user friendly.

  • OK. I'm gonna do this as a bit of a "side project" for $50 and it will cover most of the cost of my new $59 alcatel pop5.

    Hopefully they won't reach the 5000 eligible customers before I finish it otherwise I will be pretty peeved…now must wait 5 days for the card to arrive in the mail…

  • -1

    This is "cheap beta testers" in disguise.
    $50 for cheap beta testers.
    Nice plot, Macquarie!

  • thanks, applied.

  • Would this make a good cash management account?

    What are the transfer limits?

  • Anyone know how to complete step 4?
    I set up budgets/expenditures but am not sure how to create 3 savings goals and review existing spend graphs?

    • you have to wait about a week before you can see this section.

  • can someone confirm you dont have to make any minimum monthly deposit to avoid account fees?

    • Zero account keeping fees. Read the sign-up info for clarification.

      Update: All steps completed. Just waiting for my $50 now.

  • done on 28/10…

  • anyone receive their $50 yet?

    • The staff told me that the $50 will be deposited in December after the promotion finishes.

      • anyone got the 50 yet

  • ref 8. Program Feedback
    Congratulations, this is your final mission! Complete this final survey and we will deposit $50 into your account (if you complete all mission feedback forms). how do you do this? do you just need to click on the feedback tab once and rate the stars not leave any comments? or you need to leave comments and repeat it 8 times?

    • +1

      no if u open via this link other yes via website

  • Didn't work on Chrome.

    Used IE to apply. Worked.

  • so does the account need to be the platinum account to get the beta testing and 50? seems 4000 is minimum deposit to qualify for the platinum?

  • so its the 7th now, wheres my money ?

  • Same… not received 08/12.

    • received 23rd…

  • +3

    I emailed and was told the payment would be made prior to 23 December. The competition is drawn on 16 December with the winner to be notified by email or phone.

    • My bad, competition draw on 14 December.

  • who won

  • +3

    My $50 was deposited a few hours ago.

    • same!

      • same who won the trip

  • +1

    what if you opened the account via the promo link but didn't complete all the tasks will the account remain fee free or will you be charged a monthly fee if you dont deposit 4k per month?

    • is it free without 4k deposit via the link?

  • received my $50.

  • Got my $50 too, easiest ever I made!

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