This is an EXTRA 10% off the already discounted prices.
The guy at Masters told me about this about 1 hr ago. Got home and saw the email.
This is an EXTRA 10% off the already discounted prices.
The guy at Masters told me about this about 1 hr ago. Got home and saw the email.
Super sale and only 10% off… Wow super
10% on top of all other discounts is quite significant.
you mean like how they jacked up the prices before their current 10% off sale?
Price jacking? You do know they're closing down right? Why would they increase prices lol?
What he is trying to say is that they already have 10% and 20% off storewide.
They may take away those discounts for the next 2 days. Or maybe they wont
We will know tomorrow
I'm pretty sure it is 10% off the already discounted prices. E.g. An extra 10% off the already 50% off on screws. They would be absolute retards to put the price back to normal and then take 10% off
@tightarse: Err yes, I along with most others realised their original 10%+ store wide "we're closing down" sale, was after they jacked up their prices from usual pricing to RRP they discounted by 10%. some items. I noticed plants, timber, screws, taps cost even more with the 10% off then the week before. So sceptical I am.
Some items will cost more than the week before because they were running catalogue specials up until GA Australia took over their markdowns. Yes, at this point, there are some things that might have been cheaper at some point in the past — if the stock is moving at 40% they're not just going to throw it out for 80% off. It's a tiny minority of stuff that was actually cheaper the previous week… because of the catalogue (which they no longer do).
@tightarse: They had terrible discounts when they announced the closing down sale. I went, very few bargains and most was 10% off. They claimed upto 30% off, but I couldnt find anything with that discount.
@pais: sorry but that's not true. I visted the Northland (Melb) every week or so to buy stuff & like most blokes spend an hour or so wandering around looking at prices of things.
Most of the garden section increased by 30% then had a 10% discount. The timber, pine sleepers increased by 20-30%, then had a 10% discuont. Tools, screws, outdoor furnature, heatbeads, etc not catalogue specials, but stuff I'd kept an eye on for 2yrs, had suddenly increased in price the week they "closing down sale" was announced.
it's the same BS that happened with the DSE closing sale. They've got professional managers in to sell their stock & maximise their profit - good luck to them. But people should be aware that it's not all it's cracked up to be.
I've flicked through a July and an August catalogue and both have had specific garden products that were reduced 20% or more (no doubt these were plastered all over the garden section) which you might have noticed. These prices going up 20% at the completion of their sale date is completely unsurprising. Picking random products from these catalogues and verifying that their price correlates with the markdown schedule that has been posted here by employees seems to jive pretty well (i.e. no random mark up).
Are you positive you're not just basing this off 'the vibe' of it? If the case is that prices were increased by 30% to be reduced by 10%, you should be able to go through older catalogues and verify this with their current website prices without too much effort.
@Tuba: Yep I went across the road to Bunnings and actually got items there cheaper with regular pricing.
"Why would they increase prices lol?"
…. but the fact is that they have… and the question is why?
It is typical woolworths procedure to increase prices then have fake discount specials.
I had a look through a store on Saturday and agree that the "discounting" isn't anything to get excited about. There were a lot of people walking around but like me, not buying a lot. "10% off a $900 rug", "Potting mix was $6.90 now $5.09" zzzzzzzzzzzz
@tightarse: They have been doing exactly that though. What their reasoning is remains a mystery.
We went in a few times last week to check on items we've had an interest in. All of them had seen a price increase, meaning the 20% or 30% off brought them to a total higher than they'd been beforehand. Westinghouse stainless steel rangehoods for example, they had been $150ish for a number of years. As soon as the current discounts kicked in, they were bumped up to $190ish. Even with the 20% off they're dearer than they had been. We saw this repeated in any number pf product lines.
@tightarse: it doesn't make sense, but my wife and I visited yesterday with a long list of items that I had been price tracking before the closure announcement. Almost everything was supposedly 'on sale', but the discount was within a dollar or two of their pre-closing down non-sale price.
Eg furniture safety straps that I had purchased at full price for 9.95 pre sale were now 14.95 less 30%. The same with plastic crates that I bought for half price from big w at about $12 recently were marked as normally $53 at masters. Normally, I suspect that the ACCC would go after them, but by the time that they get around to prosecuting them, they'll be shut and there'll be nothing the ACCC can do.
Actually it’s a very simple answer. Masters were having large discount clear-outs before announcing going out of business, for example 40% off lighting etc. They then sold all their stock (about $700M wholesale worth) to someone else for around $500M (can’t remember the name now). That other company is now dictating the prices and put everything back up to RRP minus 10%. They will try to get as much profit as possible and slowly increase the discount through to the closing date around xmas. So we are only just now starting to see discounts that are as good as/better than pre closedown days.
Great deal for the company that bought the stock, even if they sell at wholesale prices they make $200M from it and whatever they can get at the higher price is a bonus.
You are right, I am a bit suspicious about their close down sales. Been there a few days ago and most of their items are not cheaper than Bunnings and some stuff that KMart carry is cheaper over there. I spent a long time walking down all the aisles but could not find anything worth the price displayed. Maybe I will have to do another visit to see if I can find anything worth it.
Ok went there today, saw their Dyson DC45 dropped to $424 when I bought the same thing at Myer for around $300 on special and Harvey Norman and Good Guys are selling the same thing for $298. You must check prices from other shops before falling for their closing down sales. No wonder they are closing, most of their items are over priced any way and they think people are stupid.
No wonder they are closing, most of their items are over priced any way and they think people are stupid.
This isn't masters doing the pricing and sales though. They dont care if you think it is expensive or not, the have another month or 2 to clear the stock. They will just lower prices every so often until stuff sells. They dont care if they are the cheapest, they dont care about checking what the competitors do.
Wow super
So super that even superman might take a few hours off to sus out the bargains
Fixings are already 50% off, good if you're looking for cheap screws.
how about shelving's. Need some for the garage
I see what you did. Nailed it ;)
They've gone nuts!
Bustin all kindZ of nuts with these cheap screws!
Gonna do my nut and then bolt.
Bugger. Just spent 500!
Hurts to see I could have saved another 62 bucks (calc on before discount price)
WA has holiday tomorrow too
But you got what you needed rather than running the risk of no stock when the price came down to what you wanted to pay.
Tomorrow's carnage may be worth the premium
I feel better already!
all the Bosch power tools are gone!
Do you guys know if they still take gift cards?
Just used my egift card today. Works fine.
Thanks mate.
Ditto. They work fine.
E-gift cards for another 5% off!!
so at the moment decking timber is 25% off…however this isn't too different from the occasional sale you would normally get. tomorrow is 35% off that timber would you say?
32.5% to be exact.😊
If it's currently 25%, then it will be 35% Monday and Tuesday.
No. It doesn't work like that. It is 32.5%
It will be 10% off the already discounted price. So if a $100 item is currently 25% off ($25) an extra 10% off the total purchase is on the $75 ($7.50) not 10% of $100. Just so there are no nasty surprises at the checkout.
I stand corrected. Thanks all.
$100 - 10% = $90
$90 - 10% = $81
$100- $81 = 19%
$100 - 25% - $75
$75 - 10% = $67.50
$100 - $67.50 = 32.5% off
Rather then say its x% off ticketed/last week/existing prices, they're trying to trick customers with "extra 10% off". If they put their prices up, then it may not be cheaper…..dodgey, dodgey, dodgey.
15% off storewide + 10% = 25% off everything
Some otherthings have a higher start percentage off but most stuff is at the 15%
On the other end, they are still receiving and restocking shelves,
So no rush
15% off then 10% off is not 25% off, it is 23.5% off.
Well the ad says ' an extra 10% off the TOTAL purchase price '
So that is the impression I get
15 + 10 that is how I read it
I'm sure we can argue this for hours and if they answered their phones, I would just ring, but
I will just go in tomorrow and if it's bulldust I will walk out, just like I did today when I didn't see anything I wanted at a good price
Lady worked there told me all phone lines have been cut
Maths isn't always addition/subtraction.
$100 - 15% ($15) = $85
$85 - 10% ($8.50) = $76.50
= 23.50%
assuming the 15% off is included.
I'm fairly sure that would breach many safety policies. Also would likely mean their security would be down - so maybe do your "shopping" when the store closes?
I'm fairly sure that would breach many safety policies.
Like what?
Also would likely mean their security would be down - so maybe do your "shopping" when the store closes?
What year are you from? Most security systems don't use phone lines and even if they do they have a backup wireless system.
It depends on how the discount is applied… stacked or sequential.
Will they give another 5% off with trade card?
You have to times it by the square root of pie first to get a trade discount
…..and it's in a black hole
Trade card was long gone.
I used the trade card yesterday. They didn't have an issue with it.
I think they've canned their trade discount
I don't think so…. used it 5-7 times since the bankrupt sale.
Yes, combine with trade card 5% + egift card 5% + this 10% discount = 20% off on top of what's already discounted.
Unbelievable… just spent big today :(
Any word on plant clearance? Everything was just 10% off last time. Even 18% (or whatever) is ordinary.
Email from 23/9 said 'All plants a minimum of 15% off'. Not sure if that has changed since then/instore.
Support your local nursery. Masters and Bunnings charge $300+ for established fruit trees, my local in Canberra 'River Road Nursery' charges $38 on select weekends. I couldn't get the 4m tall pear trees in my trailer, went home with 2m+ trees instead.
My local nurseries in the foothills of the dandenong ranges don't have cheap established fruit trees.
Was waiting for weber to go on discounts and realized other stores had better discounts before maters sold off most of them on 10-15% off.
Can we still use wish gifcards?
Yes you can
Nope, only jpegcards.
This will just piss people off. So if you shop Wednesday, you pay 10% more, and for those just did their shopping this weekend, would be a little peaved. Really Masters, you can't even do a closing down sale right.
They are not doing these sales to win favor with customers. That ship is well sailed. They now need to clear their stock, preferably with the most margin. They are doing a closing down sale spot on. You don't curse Coles when that tin of tuna y oi u bought yesterday for $1,28 is $.90 today.
You don't curse Coles when that tin of tuna y oi u bought yesterday for $1,28 is $.90 today.
He probably does.
yesss now i can complete my spanner set
not going to bother unless i actually need something. I would only go when it hits 40% +
60% off sounds like a start for cheap Chinese made rubbish
ihad a chat with one of the staffers a few weeks ago and he said that new discounts will occur every monday.
so if u shop on sundays be prepared to be disapointed next day when pruces sre cheaper.
however certain lines of stock are selling out so its a gamble.
plenty of bosch at my local melb store.
as with dick smith u can can see piles of ordinary stuff in piles that few people want that will likely be there in the last weeks at huge discounts.
quality items on decent discounts are disapearing.
amusingly they have asign saying 'dont open boxes'
of course u definitely should to make sure the box contains all contents. good luck trying to return incomplete items when they close down.
I notice increase in % going up on thursday…
be good to know where I can get some bosch stuff in melbourne east.
I'd be opening the box. Pretty sure all sales are final (at least that's what my last receipt stated).
I'd be opening the box. Pretty sure all sales are final (at least that's what my last receipt stated).
If the receipt said to jump off a bridge would you? The ACL still applies which includes refunds for faulty items.
No, but common sense would tell you that it will be easier to not purchase an item that is missing half the accessories from the box than try and argue that it was missing in the first place at a store that is closing down.
I've always done it and not just at Masters. If the box isn't the sealed type, I've always opened it (after I've decided to purchase) to ensure that the contents are all there.
amusingly they have asign saying 'dont open boxes'
of course u definitely should to make sure the box contains all contents. good luck trying to return incomplete items when they close down.
Why don't you do what a reasonable person would do and open the box either when you get back to the car or your home instead of being an inconsiderate …. and opening up boxes which others will not buy.
If you're the sort of person that purchases stuff and leaves it in the box for six months well to bad.
if you're buying safety shoes, you definitely need to open the the box and try them on first. even before this whole "no refunds for change of mind" thing, and i don't think you can get away with calling a pair of shoes that don't fit "faulty."
obviously with a shoebox, they haven't sealed it shut, otherwise i'd ask a staff member for permission first
Security lights were 40% off months ago. Even with the discounted price + 10% off tommorrow, it's still more than what I paid 6 months ago. I think Masters need a 50% off everything to really "clear" stock. I'm sad Masters is closing down :( I actually enjoy shopping there.
Very aggressive tactics. I just wish we had Masters in South Brisbane.
You mean a closing down store is using very aggressive tactics? nothing wrong in that
I wasn't aware of that, bummer… no competition to "lowest prices are just the beginning".
The 10% off is not reflected on their website - only at checkout in store.
Shame, as I'm monitoring prices of things I've bought in the past to try claim via credit card price protection.
Easier with screenshots.
You've been warned guys. The discounts are not genuine. They jacked the prices up by over 30% before announcing the sale and 'discount'.
To all those 'they've jacked the prices up' comments, there may be some lines that went up, but from everything I have bought recently (before the sale) and gone back to get more of (since the sale), not one of the prices has been jacked up, they are all the same price (and then discounted with the closing sale). I still price check to bunnings or elsewhere to check it is good.
On a side note, was talking to a staff member we know, and the stories of some customers is disgusting. The reason they now have security guards is not so much from theft (as I would have thought) but from the aggressive attitude of customers. Apart from getting verbally abusive, there have been instances of hitting staff when they refuse to discount items further. Just because they are shutting down doesn't mean they should just give away all the stock for nothing.
Masters had setup their own pricing on SKU's away from RRP, called margin management. The company that is handling the sale worked off the RRP and then discounted.
If the prices went up, then they went back to normal sell price, which would have been on the price file they sent to the liquidator
The reason they now have security guards
That's what I noticed recently too. Prior the closing the down announcement, I've been a regular shopper and there's never been a security guard. Right after the announcement, I thought that it's weird that they employed a security guard.
I presumed it would be mainly for theft, due to people presuming staff would no longer care, but apparently that it is at least in part, due to the behaviour and attitudes of some shoppers… a sad reflection on society.
Super as usual just my luck lol. I was in there yesterday and spent $250. Bought heavily discounted paints for my new home
now you can buy an outdoor setting or BBQ or bathroom fittings for the new home!
In true ozbargain spirit. Woke up at 6:30 this morning. Drove 30min to Knox city to buy the Bosch mower as it was listed in stock on their crap website. Of course sold out. Then drove another 20min to dandy south and found 2 on the shelf. $659 rrp down to $478 and paid with gift card for another 5% off. Sun is shining. Glorious!
What a man does to look after his garden. Respect
So anyone who's been in a store today,
Is the extra 10% stacked, so storewide it's 15% + 10% or is it
10% after they calculate the discount percentage??
It's ok to be confused
works out to be 23.5%. 10% off final discount price not off original.
Yep went in store and worked it out
Still too expensive for me
Now we're talking.