24 x 440ml cans
Origin Ireland
$51 with voucher (voucher is $10 off $50+ spend)
24 x 440ml cans
Origin Ireland
$51 with voucher (voucher is $10 off $50+ spend)
It's acquired.. Very very low carbonation and mediocre flavour. It is quite popular though
it's smooth and creamy liquidy magic.
Can't top export for creamy goodness!
I agree, it's an acquired taste. Taste's a bit thin and watery for mine, but it's the missus' favourite.
If you're ever at Surfers Paradise, visit one of the 6 irish bars here, all of them sell it on tap it's bloody beautiful. Much better than drinking it out of a can.
FAR better than Guinness in my opinion
This is the lowest price I've seen. Better on tap but it's the next best thing if you crave for KK. Very smooth.
DM price match?
Any Guinness deals?!
Any idea how to redeem this online via a PC browser?
yeah I'm also interested.
Tried to add to cart SA and says sold out :(
Hows the taste? Good ?