• expired

AmEx: Spend $50 Get $20 Back (Up to 3 Times) In-Store 25/8-8/9 + Vogue Fashion Nights (Free Snacks & Drinks) [MEL 26/8, SYD 1/9]


Offer is now open for registration! (Thanks Neil for adding manual link and pointing out the extended promo period). T&C's below:

Vogue Amex Offer
VAEFNO: Spend $50, get $20 back up to 3x
Save to Card, spend $50 or more in one transaction instore at a participating VAEFNO retailer from 25/8/16 to 8/9/16 and receive one $20 credit. Redeem offer once per participating retailer, at up to 3 different retailers. Limited to first 100,000 Cards.


  • Register by saving the offer to your eligible Card from 18/8/16 until 8/9/16.
  • Spend $50 or more on that Card, in one transaction in-store only at participating Vogue American Express Fashion?s Night Out (VAEFNO) retailer locations from 25/8/16 until 8/9/16 to receive a $20 credit.
  • Registered Card Members can redeem the offer at each participating VAEFNO retailer location only once, and at up to a maximum of 3 different participating retailer locations. nightfever has confirmed that it's each location, not each retailer (different locations of the same retailer are fine)
  • The VAEFNO Event is in Sydney CBD and Melbourne CBD only. For a list of participating VAEFNO retailer locations, visit http://amex.com.au/vogue.
  • Please note that Country Road and Trenery stores located at Melbourne Central, Shop 125, 300 Lonsdale Street are treated as a single retailer location for this offer, and only one $20 credit can be redeemed for spend at this location.
  • Participation is limited to the first 100,000 Cards to register.

Received a promo brochure with my latest AMEX statement in the mail. Registrations open 18-Aug-2016. As per promo brochure:

We’ve partnered with Vogue to bring our Card Members an evening of fabulous style at Vogue
American Express Fashion’s Night Out.

  • Special access to the signature American Express Lounge with light snacks, drinks and a Beauty Bar so you can glam up on us
  • Get $20 back when you spend $50 in a single transaction. You can redeem this offer at up to 3 different participating retailer locations - on top of all the other retailer offers on the evening. You can spend between 25/8/16 to 8/9/16, not just on the night.

On the night, Card Members will enjoy exclusive access to the American Express Lounge, and we’ll be offering a special Amex Offer – on top of the retailer’s offers! Stay tuned, registration will open on 18 August 2016.

Manual Offer

Other Vogue VAEFNO deals:

Free Parking + Complimentary Cocktail @ QV Melb on Fri 26/8 from 5pm till Midnight
Free All Day Donut + Free Mama's Buoi Cocktail, Friday Aug 26 from 5PM @ The Strand Melbourne

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +1

    I can tell you DJs in Elizabeth St and Market St will be open until 10 p.m. for this event on the 1st

  • lol went into my app and couldn't find it thinking wtf , put reminder for the 18th on my phone :)

    • FYI you can also click 'Reminder' below the deal. You'll receive reminders on or before the start date via the OzBargain newsletter (if subscribed), site notification & front page notice.

  • +1

    What are the retailers?
    Edit: Is it all of these? that would be epic.


  • Q: Can I offer discounts as incentives to shoppers?

    A: The goal of Fashion's Night Out is to celebrate and support the fashion and retail industries with shopping at full margin. We encourage you to incentivise your customers with the creativity of your event rather than discounting.

    Hmmm… so not a discount night exactly.. maybe freebies?

  • Basically you can buy $50 gift card for $30 at the participating stores in Sydney Westfield?

    • I think so. Including DJs and Myer

  • +2

    The Vogue website http://www.vogue.com.au/ has all the info you need. Click on the Fashion's Night Out promo link and go to Plan My Night.

    You can search by Event type:
    Gift With Purchase
    Fashion Show
    FNO Exclusive
    Special Performance

    Or by Category:

    The Vogue website also has the dates, times, maps and FAQs for the Sydney and Melbourne events.

  • +2

    Just registered for the AMEX offer! First 100 000 cards

  • can't work out how to register for bank issued.
    click the link on their page to register through amex connect, but then amex connect just has a link back to their website and sends you round in circles!

  • also not sure if registering for the offer gets you entry to the lounge?

  • Thanks!
    But the terms listed on this page talk about the $20 off deal, but no info about getting access to the lounge. not sure how this works…

    • Lounge access seems to be first come first served when you present your card. In the bottom of the terms and conditions:

      ^ Lounge access and in-lounge benefits will be subject to capacity and availability. Wait times may apply. Eligible Card Members may bring up to 1 guest. American Express Platinum Card Members and American Express Centurion Card Members may bring up to 2 guests. Eligible Card Members must present their Cards as a condition of entry.

      • so you then technically don't need to enrol in this deal
        "We've partnered with Vogue to put on a glamourous evening of fashion, and to bring our Card Members exclusive savings. On top of all the retailer offers on the night, get $20 back when you spend $50 in a single transaction at participating retailer locations*. Register your Card and redeem the offer at up to 3 different participating retailer locations, so you could save up to $60.

        Offer ends 8 September, limited to the first 100,000 Cards.
        Because its just getting cash back if you spend but all we want is getting into the lounge and thought this was registering this for it as opposed to a cash back lol

        • You need to enrol if you want the $20 back. It's like the AMEX Statement Credits; you have to save them to your AMEX so you can get the credir

        • @kerfuffle:

          i understand about the $20 cashback ,thats fine i've registered.

          Just asking specifically about the lounge i guess because thought it would be based on registration online or else everyone with an amex card would just flash their card and rock up?

        • +1

          @prankster: Yeah Lounge you just flash your card and rock up (if you can get in!)

        • +1


          hahaaah this will be interesting to see on the night especially if there is a pokestop in front lol

        • +1

          @prankster: There is indeed a Pokéstop in front! (I think it's called Tank Stream Plaque)

        • +1


          oh snap hahhaaha well im gonna be lining up for my free canapes and fine dining with all of sydney or whoever gets in lol

        • +1

          @prankster: There's also food and drinks at DJs! ;)

        • @kerfuffle:

          but will it be free =p

        • +1

          @prankster: Yeah. It's always free. Unless you get your drinks and food in the Foodhall from a person behind a counter …

  • Registering through the app only gives an error.

    • +1

      Correct, use manual link instead

  • I have an interesting question: In the list of retailers, they have multiple locations for one retailer e.g., Myer, DJ, MJ Bale, The Body Shop.
    Are two different locations counted as different retailers? or because they are same shop, you will get only one discount per card.

    • Pretty sure it's one retailer. i.e. only one DJs transaction would qualify

      • Hmm.. it doesnt specify it under T&C. Also, on the main page it says "participating retailer locations"

        • It mentions locations because not every location belonging to that store in the state is participating i.e. DJs Elizabeth St and Market St are participating but not DJs Miranda

        • +2

          @kerfuffle: Okay, I have messaged AmEx Connect to clarify. Will post update here when they confirm.

        • @tghtarse:

          Registered Card Members can redeem the offer at each participating VAEFNO retailer locations only once and at up to a maximum of 3 different participating retailer locations.

          each location, not each retailer => 3 different locations of the same retailer = 3x $20 credit back :)

        • +1


          so could i buy 3 separate transactions at MYER cbd and get 3x $20 cash back?

          one on each floor for example..

        • @googoogaga:

          no: each floor = same location

        • +2

          @googoogaga: you can fly to Melbourne as a second location (if you're in Sydney)

        • @tghtarse: Did they reply?

        • @kerfuffle: no haven't yet

        • @tghtarse: That's pretty slack of them; it's been over a week …

        • +4


          Hey guys, hope I'm not too late. So I took the risk and shopped at CK emporium Melbourne and CK Melbourne central.

          Got confirmations of cash back from AMEX for both!

          Happy shopping. :)

        • +2

          Can confirm its retailer LOCATIONS.

          Went CK emporium and CK Melbourne central today and got Amex cash back confirmation for both. :)

    • There is also this exception:
      Please note that Country Road and Trenery stores located at Melbourne Central, Shop 125, 300 Lonsdale Street are treated as a single retailer location for this offer, and only one $20 credit can be redeemed for spend at this location.

      • You can stack with CR Spend & Save offer which lasts until 21/08:


        If you have multiple amexes can buy a gift card with each, then use gift cards together to get Spend & Save discount

        • +1

          How can you stack when the AMEX offer starts 25/8?

        • @kerfuffle: My bad. I thought Amex rebate offer had started as soon as you enroll :(

          You can always buy gift cards with Amex rebate next week, then wait for next Spend & Save offer. I have done several times previously, & gotten both savings. You have to be happy to hold gift cards until next CR promo though.

          EDIT: Have also done this with DJs gift cards. Buy during Amex promo, & hold until next DJs Clearance to stack the discounts. Best when they get to the "40% off already reduced fashion" level offer.

  • Dam so you can't do split payments to get discounts? There goes my cheap Bose purchase then.

    • +2

      Why not? If you have four or eight cards, surely it would work?

      • This.

      • Thought you're only allowed one transaction per retailer.

        • +3

          Yes, one transaction per retailer per card. But if you have ten cards you can split payment and swipe ten times.

  • Would buying giftcards this time qualify? Specifically, Myer or David Jones?

    • It should. I was gonna buy one Gift Card from Myer and one Gift Card from DJs. Will try and see if DJs works (I work for them so no loss if it doesn't work) when the offer period is open and report back.

      • Fancy giving Ozbargainers a discount on the Bose QC35 :)

        • Breach of my staff discount so sorry, no and we haven't sold any electronics since Dick Smith left in January …

    • +1

      This is no different to other offers, all AmEx see is merchant name and amount. I dont think they can see what you have purchased.

    • I am planning to buy Coles + Myer gift card from Myer and then doing Opal recharge at 40% discount at Coles (NSW). Any reason why it wouldn't work?

      • Only selected Coles do Opal recharges?

      • They could pull Coles Group + Myer cards from the city stores & only sell Myer cards to prevent this. Would not have posted personally.

        • The offer period is quite long, I don't think they would do that personally.

  • Would this work for supplementary cards too?

    • It should check it in your Amex app.

      • I've registered for the supp card, but just wasn't sure if it would be subject to main card only like the mid-year amex deal.

  • +1

    should add that the spend period is: 25/8/16 to 8/9/16

    So, you don't have to shop only on, Friday night… :) it could be Friday lunch time. :)

  • includes OPSM (MEL 4, SYD 2) :)

  • silly me…

    • +1

      I thought the offer starts on 25/8/2016.

      • Yeah I fked up :(

        • That is ok go again.

        • @fkwong: Hmm…
          Are you going to buy a gift card? Maybe I'll wait for confirmation that it actually works first.

        • @talismansa: yes I'm going to buy GC.

  • +5

    I'm going to get a $50 DJs Gift Card from Market St and a $50 Gift Card from Elizabeth St when the offer goes live to see whether it's each location or each retailer (no loss as I work for them so will use the Gift Cards eventually)

    • +1

      Thanks Kerfuffle. Will await your confirmation.

    • +1

      thanks :)

    • It should count as two individual locations coz AMEX lists DJ twice in Sydney.There is only one location listed in Melbourne.

      • When you buy using a third party credit card i.e. not a DJs AMEX, it shows up as David Jones Sydney. I'm not sure about other AMEXes but my DJs one can distinguish between Elizabeth St and Market St.

        • There's a possibility Amex themselves can clearly identify the merchant ID and terminal ID to determine whether it's Market St or Elizabeth St whereas the banks just care about the merchant ID (David Jones Sydney). No idea how the credit gets triggered - based on merch ID, combination of merch and terminal ID or if each site has its own merch ID. If they do then happy days, it should work.

    • +1

      Thanks kerfuffle :)

  • +1

    In an interesting predicament now. I have a (yes, that's right, another) $50 spend and get $20 credit offer for the DJs Sydney CBD and Bourke St Mall stores saved to my DJs AMEX now as well! (Didn't post it as a deal as it's only for DJs AMEX cardholders). Not sure how this is going to work. Do I get $40 back when I spend $50 or do I have to buy three $50 gift cards at work now? 🤔

    • +1

      I reckon, it will apply twice. :)

      During shop small in November last year, I think … I had a specific-deal for House (online) and shop small, and I got two credits for the one transaction. :)

      • +1

        That would be great if this happens! One of our Amex's is DJs. Offer is in our account also.

    • do terms and conditions state that an offer can't be used in conjunction with another or that a transaction can only be applicable to one offer?

      they don't, so $50 spend = $40 credit back :)

      • The David Jones Offer is available instore only at Bourke St (Melbourne), Elizabeth St and Market St (Sydney) store locations.
        Excludes purchases made at other David Jones store locations.
        Offer is only available to David Jones American Express Cardmembers and excludes David Jones Storecards.
        Excludes online purchases and Gift Card purchases.
        Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $50 or more on that Card, in one or more transactions, instore at David Jones Bourke Street, Elizabeth Street or Market Street by 2/9/16 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 6,000 Cards to save the offer.
        Offer is limited to one credit per registered Card. Only spend on the Card number you register counts towards the Offer.
        Credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
        Credit should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend but may take up to 90 days from offer end date.
        Credit will not be applied to your Account if it has been suspended or cancelled.
        Credit may be reversed if your qualifying purchase is refunded or cancelled

        • you might like to post as a new deal before someone spends at david jones without activating the dj specific offer? :)

        • @tonester: I was going to but stopped when I saw it was only for people with a DJs AMEX

        • +1

          @kerfuffle: there's probably a few of those, hopefully more than centurions :)

    • +1

      You will very likely get both credits. My friend had two woolworths offers saved, one being a welcome one for new cardholder. When the qualifying amount was spent, both credits were given. It is a nice bonus :-)

      • Ooh!

      • Only got one credit

        • I see. Looks like not a general rule, dependent on store involved. Ah well … Thanks for info.

        • +1

          @bluesky: Might have to get more DJs Gift Cards now since I haven't even used the Vogue offer yet!

        • +1

          @kerfuffle: Why not, if you can make use of the gift cards, good opportunity to stock up!

        • +1

          @bluesky: Definitely can make good use of them. I work for DJs so discounted Gift Cards + staff discount = winning :P

    • +1

      From the Vogue American Express offer page (https://www.americanexpress.com/au/content/vogue-offer-sydne…)

      • Offer Terms and conditions
        Register by saving the offer to your eligible Card from 18 August 2016 until 8 September 2016.
        Spend $50 or more on that Card, in one transaction in-store only at participating Vogue American Express Fashion’s Night Out (VAEFNO) retailer locations from 25 August 2016 until 8 September 2016 to receive a $20 credit.
        Registered Card Members can redeem the offer at each participating VAEFNO retailer locations only once and at up to a maximum of 3 different participating retailer locations.
        David Jones American Express Cards, David Jones Store Cards, Corporate Cards, Business Travel Cards, Government Cards and Business Cards affiliated with a wholesale partner are excluded from this offer.

      So it looks like they've given you DJs AMEX holders a separate offer just for DJs.

      • +2

        Well I managed to enrol in the Vogue offer with my DJs AMEX. Plus I wanted to use the offer across the road at Myer … Boo! Will buy a Myer Gift Card regardless to see …

        • so have you tried to buy the Giftcard from DJs yet?

        • @bluedufflecoat: No, I've been working; haven't had time yet.

        • +1

          I've got the Dj's spend $40 and get $20 back for a new Amex Platinum Edge Card, but that is online only, so won't work with this deal as this deal is Store only.

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