signup -> email activation -> my account -> redeem promo codes :)
note: yearly quota of 2 free access codes per child
signup -> email activation -> my account -> redeem promo codes :)
note: yearly quota of 2 free access codes per child
Yes, the 'mysterious' terms & conditions that only appeared after it was posted on OzBargain…
thanks for posting this !
As a primary teacher, I am not a huge fan of Reading Eggs. If you want something really focused on building vocabulary, I recommend Learn That Word -
I have seen grade level jumps of 2 - 3 years in vocabulary and spelling using the program five times a week with 25 words per day (with students from grade one).
Or if you just have starting readers, Learn with Homer -
And Reflex Math - is the best program I have seen for boosting automaticity in math facts. In roughly 100 days you can get a student from the counting on fingers stage to mastering addition and subtraction, or multiplication and division.
None are free and each to their own, but I believe that those three apps could replace the majority of the rubbish I see on iPads and computers in the classroom. Reading together with your child every day is the best freebie. Time to dismount from my high horse.
Thanks for pointing out those other resources! And thanks to OP for finding. We read to both our kids every night, but its nice to have something in addition. Especially when our youngest (3) needs some more attention doing puzzles and drawing it can be handy to just give our eldest (5) an ipad for half an hour to stop her from meddling… š
Thanks for sharing
I agree with Daabido and I'm a recently retired Reading Recoevery teacher. Reading Eggs had different reading levels to our systems and I was shocked to see a Reading Eggs classroom graph showing students I knew to be 12 months behind the class (non readers, inventing text) placed in the middle range of the class. Reading Eggs has some catchy songs the kids enjoyed, but really does nothing educationally wise. Listen to Daabido and read to and with your child as well as talk. Less computer and less computer games.
I don't think Reading Eggs does does nothing educationally - it has it's merits - it helped my daughter to start reading. We've always read a lot to her but it helped her started recognising the sounds and putting them together. Dr Seuss books did the rest.
It was a great program for her as she enjoyed all the songs and playing the games - I was happy that it had a bit more educational value that the usual crappy games she wanted to play. We didn't use it with the intention of her learning to read, that was just a bonus, it was just to give her an attractive alternative to the mindless games she desperately wanted to play.
recommend Learn That Word
I recommend parents read to their kids every night from the time they are born.
We pay for our libraries through oil rates, use them…
100%. My mum and dad did that for me and it has gifted me with a strong vocab and ability to communicate. Maths, on the other hand, not so much ;-)
Maths, on the other hand, not so much
+1 for you.
When I've been helping out at my kids primary school over the years, the kids struggling with both English and Maths are nearly always those with parents that are quick to whinge about the teachers and the school but do very little themselves about helping their kids.
Have to agree with you there jv. I'm single father of 2 young girls and the eldest really struggles at school. Teachers and I believe she may have unconfirmed dyslexia and/or other learning issues. Her mum is always the fastest to blame the school/teachers and threatens to put her into another school. She has already switched schools once before. They have poor attendance rates, doesn't read to them at all, doesn't help her with homework and even when I paid 1 year of Reading Eggs she couldn't even be bother turning on the pc.
hope things get better for you.
i will never understand why people neglect giving their time to their kids. It is THE most important thing you can give them…
@jv: it is hard trying to understand the big D. Haveing it picked up when I was in late 20/30 it answered the questions of why such a bad speller, why left and right directions were wrong, and why I did not think in rational steps. Was a issue, only at school always had the cuts for miss spelling no matter what help given by mother, I would spell the same word 3 different way in essays, before P C's, I would hear words different to what was said or ment. Did it stop me, no increased vocab to replace words stuck on, had wife to type uni work, achieved post graduate levels and employment CFP ect. The best offer I could make is if there is a word, idea stuck on find 2 to replace, learn visualisation ( found this later on thanks to an abc radio broadcast on work need to lookup correct dr/professor for you) have accepting friends who knew if I said find pub on left well you can guess. Would I change no , and some great leaders were hired with D. As is some such writers. And I am not Polly -Anna.
thanks for sharing - there seems to be only a google app for learn that word, no ios app?
I can't seem to find Learn that Word on the Google Playstore. Can you please share the link?
I would like to thank you Daabido for your post.
thanks for sharing
reading eggs is the greatest waste of time. just read to your kids
what do you mean! read to your kids and go through the phonetics for about 12 iterations per word,per read through? the game manages to reenforce through a video game model and I think is a great companion to having an adult read with the kid or with starting school
The primary school that my son attends offers free (it's probably built into the fees) access to Reading Eggs and Mathletics. I find that Reading Eggs is a chore. There appears to be no way of just skipping the grinding associated with the games that are well below his level and to start him at a level that is appropriate for him. At least the Reading Eggs user interface is better than the confusing mess that Mathletics presents on screen.
Both sites suffer from being way too resource intensive for what they need. Our kid has a small Atom N270 based laptop with 2GB RAM and 802.11n WiFi. Reading Eggs animations can't be played without pausing all the time and screen redraws are painful. It's probably poor Flash programming.
Because of the poor user interface in Mathletics, he needs more or less constant help. At least with Reading Eggs, I can sit him down with the computer and leave him alone for 20-30 minutes while I cook dinner for the family. He seems to enjoy Reading Eggs almost as much as Mario Kart.
Would I choose to pay for Reading Eggs? No way! However, having free access for a number of weeks is a great way to decide if Reading Eggs is appropriate for your kids.
I've signed up for a few 'free trials' of Reading Eggs for my daughter. Each time I start a new one I get her to do the placement test again (which is the default option with new accounts). For existing accounts you can choose to 'Redo placement test or adjust level' from the student's dashboard. From here you can either pick the level you think is most suitable, or just get them to do the placement test and it picks the most appropriate level based on their result. Hope this helps…
Thanks. It does help. I'll get him to have a go at the placement test.
Hmmm. I looked just about everywhere, but can not find this option anywhere. Maybe this is something that is only available from a "parent/teacher" account, rather than to the student. We only have a student login given out by the school.
Maybe. I have a normal parent account. When I sign in to the website and select my daughter from the 'My Children' menu I see this screen:
The part about redoing the placement test is in the lower right corner. I guess if you don't see that then maybe it's different for school accounts…
Yep, school accounts are different. You only get a login for the child and that login only allows them to participate in the activities.
Oh well, I hope that my son does not run out of patience on the simple stuff.
Thanks OP. Registered.
subscription magically expired suddenly now asking to subscribe ???
Yeah its expired
thanks to OzBargain…. :S