• expired

Xiaomi Mi4 3GB/64GB FHD US $143.61/~AU $192, TK668 Wireless Mouse/Keyboard/TV Remote US $6.41/~AU8.50 @ Everbuying-New Account


XiaoMi Mi4 International Edition Android 4.4 3G Smartphone 5.0 inch FHD Screen Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 Quad Core 2.5GHz 3GB RAM 64GB ROM Cameras Bluetooth

Coupon Code - MM-Mi4 US$/~AU

To Get Cheapest Amount as described in the Title

  • Make new Account (Which Gives you 100 EB Points which equals to $2)
  • Replace www with m to login to Mobile Site (Which Gives you 2% Off) (ie. http://m.everbuying.net)
  • Verify Email and upload Pic to get 20EB Points.

Items Sub-total USD$ 205.97
Coupon - USD$ 56.98
Mobile Discounts - USD$ 2.98
EB Points saving - USD$2.40
Shipping Sub-total + USD$ 0.00
Shipping Insurance + USD$ 0.00
Wallet - USD$ 0.00
The amount payable: USD$143.61

Main Features:

CPU: Qualcomm Snapdragon 801, quad core, 2.5GHz
GPU: Adreno330
13.0MP back camera and 8.0MP front camera, with flashlight and auto focus
Support Gravity/FM/MP3/MP4/Bluetooth/GPS Function Supported
Note: This phone will only work with GSM+WCDMA networks: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz WCDMA 850/900/1900/2100MHz
Unlocked for Worldwide use. Please ensure local area network is compatible

TK668 3 in 1 2.4GHz Wireless Air Mouse Full QWERTY Keyboard with TV Remote Control Function

No Coupon Code Required US$6.41/~AU$8.5

Main Features:

● 3 in 1 2.4GHz wireless keyboard / mouse / smart TV remote controller
● 2.4GHz wireless with USB receiver, plug and play
● Air mouse with anti-vibration technology, durable to use
● QWERTY keyboard with 6-axis gyroscope, support multiple platforms
● Operating distance up to 10 meters
● The remote control is specially designed for Android devices
● Built-in rechargeable lithium battery, charged by computer or other DC 5V
● LED indicator for connection status

Items Sub-total USD$ 8.99
Mobile Discounts - USD$ 0.18
EB Points saving - USD$2.40
Shipping Sub-total + USD$ 0.00
Shipping Insurance + USD$ 0.00
Wallet - USD$ 0.00
The amount payable: USD$6.41

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closed Comments

  • +8

    if we could get a deal that doesnt involve 50 steps, a bunch of point redemptions, mobile browser workarounds

    …that'd be great

    whatever happened to add to cart and pay

    • +7

      Yes you can skip all the steps and just enter code and its US$148.99 Delivered.

      • +6

        or a better customer experience would be…to just discount the price by $5

      • -4

        I'm pretty sure you're not suppose to waste the customer's time and give them the run around until AFTER you have their money. But this is refreshing. I can just avoid you from the get go.

        • +5

          You do realise that Monty.Melb has no direct affiliation to Everbuying right?
          He's just a guy who negotiates some reduced prices and then posts deals to further reduce that price.

        • -4


          Associated is associated. I make no apologies in this case.

        • +1

          Associated is not a Rep which is what you seem to be correlating.

        • +3


          That's alright, I'll apologise on your behalf:
          Sorry Monty, for being a rude little twat.

        • -3


          Yes because the height of manners is speaking for other people and name calling? Are you high?

        • @syousef:

          Yes because the height of manners is speaking for other people and name calling? Are you high?

          Where did talk of manners come in? You misunderstood the 'Associated' tag, others corrected you and just you got all self righteous.

        • -2


          Apologising sarcastically on my behalf while name calling is unrelated to manners? And you complain about my comprehension and talk about getting self righteous? shakes head.

        • @syousef:

          Apologising sarcastically on my behalf while name calling is unrelated to manners? And you complain about my comprehension and talk about getting self righteous? shakes head.

          Didn't say it wasn't, but it was irrelevant to previous comments so it was strange that it was brought up in the way that you did. Was suggesting others are under the influence of drugs "the height of manners" also?

          The apology on your behalf seemed necessary enough. If you're going to talk about manners, at least acknowledge you've gotten Rep and Associated confused.

        • +2


          Actually that was about something else. I was being a rude twat to Monty in another thread so I wanted apologize, here seemed as good a place as any. I made it italic so people wouldn't confuse the two statements. God be with you yousef

        • -2


          Didn't say it wasn't, but it was irrelevant to previous comments so it was strange that it was brought up in the way that you did. Was suggesting others are under the influence of drugs "the height of manners" also?

          At that point I had been described as "a rude little twat". Do you always find the person who threw the second punch and blame them?

          Associated does not mean "has nothing to do with". If you're going to be helping to arrange a deal you have to take some responsibility for it too.

        • +2


          The bloke negotiated a $50 coupon code and you're bitching about the $5 hacks he added to the post to further reduce the price.
          The Association generated the Coupon Code, the hacks are a bonus.
          If you don't want the inconvenience to save the extra $5, then no one is forcing you to.. the coupon will work whether you use the extra hacks or not!

        • @scubacoles: my post had nothing to do with Monty specifically. It was more to do with the sellers. Given that hes associated, he could probably communicate to the chinese sellers that whilst these gimmicks are popular overseas, theyre not here.

          But then again, i chose not to say that directly to Monty.

          In any case, his response was rather unnecessary and defensive as if he is rep instead of an associate of the seller

        • @furythree:
          The sellers are offering loyalty points and a slight discount for using their mobile site (presumably to encourage people to get hooked buying stuff on their phones?), neither are unpopular gimmicks here (especially the loyalty points!).

        • -1


          The bloke negotiated a $50 coupon code and you're bitching about the $5 hacks he added to the post to further reduce the price.

          I'm "bitching" about a $5 code that wastes a fair amount of time. If your time is worth nothing to you that's your issue, but the more of these deals that exist and the more people put up with this the more of this we'll see. These kinds of gimmicks are no bargain.

          The Association generated the Coupon Code, the hacks are a bonus. If you don't want the inconvenience to save the extra $5, then no one is forcing you to.. the coupon will work whether you use the extra hacks or not!

          The title included all the discounts so I commented on the deal as a whole and on the lack of respect the company has for their customer's time.

        • @syousef:
          So once again, you're confusing the company (Everybuying) with the OP (monty.melb) when there is no logical reason to do so.

          The company offers loyalty points for signup and for buying stuff. Hardly wasting anyone's time
          and they offer a mobile site so you don't have to load their full site on your mobile device… again, not wasting anyone's time!

          monty.melb posted a deal with a coupon and a guide on how to hack the above system to get a small extra discount. You've wasted more time defending your stance than you'd have spent taking advatage of the hacks, so I question your claim that your rime is not worth the $5 hack since we now have evidence that you're happy to waste time for free!

        • -1


          You're the one repeating yourself. I'm done.

        • @syousef:

          At that point I had been described as "a rude little twat". Do you always find the person who threw the second punch and blame them?

          How about you just don't do anything that leads to people 'throwing punches' then? Retaliation is silly. Report the comment if you thought it was a personal attack and leave it there.

        • -1


          How about you just don't do anything that leads to people 'throwing punches' then? Retaliation is silly. Report the comment if you thought it was a personal attack and leave it there.

          Look up victim blaming.

          Are you done yet?

        • @syousef:

          Look up victim blaming.

          Are you done yet?

          Look up the difference between a Rep and someone Associated to a deal.

          Are you done yet?

        • -2


          Seriously get a life dude. Stop trolling.

        • -1


          Just like last time, when other people have made multiple valid points you just choose to ignore it. Not sure who's the troll if you aren't actually reading what others are saying and going off on your own tangents.

          Also, keep negging my comments if it makes you feel any better. More than happy to help.

        • -2


          What tangent did I go off on exactly? Seriously? Dude I made one comment you didn't like that attacked the deal and according to you confused "rep" with "affiliated" and all you've done since is put me down and defend anyone else putting me down.

          Are you really that sad that you need to go about taking over the entire damn thread with an abusive tantrum? You told me I should report the comment and move on. Yet how many responses have I had from you now? (Do as I say, not as I do, huh?) What new points have you made? NONE. Now you're dragging previous threads into it because you've run out of material? And you accuse me of going off on tangents? What on earth is wrong with you? Did you fail comprehension that you can't understand the irony? Do you honestly not realize you're being a bully and a troll? Or is this how you get your kicks? Do you not have any hobbies or interests to put your time into that you need to go digging through Ozbargain for old discussions?

          I'm SO VERY glad I don't know you in person. You sound like a lot of work. The hilarious thing is I'm certain you think you're making me look bad or making me feel bad as if the ramblings of an incoherent logically inconsistent bully are going to hurt my feelings. Go on. Abuse me again. It's hilarious.

        • +1

          [@syousef] @IceCreamBandit:

          Gents i think its fair to say i have a clear view and opinion on this. When i made the original post, i still believe people are entitled to the opposite view and i personally believe its valid to have points based loyalty discounts

          I was merely venting my frustration with every single deal slapping the "btw you can get it even cheaper if you create another fake email and sign up to a new account". To me thats no longer a real bargain anymore, more like a loophole like the 5% price match at office works. Loopholes arent really bargains

          but that is not to say that they are still valid deals ppl save money with.

          I was just venting my opinion and i respect the others. It doesnt change that i wish everybuying would just do a decent flat out single couple discount of say $25 instead of $20+$5 with additonal steps and conditions though

        • @furythree:

          btw you can get it even cheaper if you create another fake email and sign up to a new account

          But I think that's what someone further down is trying to say.. i.e. You see it as a "loophole" because this is designed for new customers, which you are not (you already have an account). Otherwise it's not a really a loophole.

        • I kinda agree with what your saying.. the steps involved are tedious but at the end of the day, if it was 20 steps to save a $ what's the problem?
          Now to get back the 20 minutes I wasted reading this pointless mess.

    • +1

      There is no free lunch.
      Some additional steps and you can save $5.

    • +5

      Make new Account , Replace www with m , Verify Email and upload Pic

      Crikey, that is hard work. /s

      • +1

        not everyone's time is as worthless as yours it seems to be spent jumping through hoops

    • +1

      In addition to what the guys above me have said, I would like to respectfully remind you that no one is entitled to any deal and that includes you..

      • +9

        Geez. The ozbargain whiteknights are out in full force tonight

        These additional steps are just gimmicks. If youre going to give a $5 discount. just give a $5 discount

        Why make a customer jump through hoops?

        has nothing to do with being entitled. Do you think its a good customer experience?

        Supporting this just reinforced this type of behaviour

        And i have chosen to vote with my wallet and not bought, so whats you're point besides stating the obvious?

        • Gimmicks? I don't know how you define "gimmick" but I don't think it's a gimmick.

          I have also voted with my wallet (well I'm not in the market anyway so I guess it doesn't really count) and not bought.

          I don't think it's a good customer experience, so I agree with you on that point.

          However, as to why they make us jump through so many hoops? I'm not really sure. I haven't really thought about it to be honest.

          But lets break it down then (this is pure speculation on my end):

          • Make a new account to get a discount - I would liken this to rewarding new customers as opposed to loyal customers (i.e. banks giving 50k bonus Qantas points to new customers)
          • Discount for using mobile website - I actually can't think of why this would be the case. Trying to encourage use of the mobile website and maybe it's cheaper for them for you to load the mobile pages??
          • Verify email & upload pic - this sounds like how you sometimes get rewarding with a freebie/discount. Not sure why either though.

          In summary, look, I understand the jumping through hoops is/can be annoying, but it's not exactly an uncommon practice and it's not even something that gets questioned often. In fact, most people around me who I tell about Ozbargain often get put off by the deals because of the "effort" involved (which to me and I suppose many others is insignificant). They don't say stuff like "whatever happened to add to cart and pay?" - they are the ones that simply do it without questioning it.

          So… yea I don't really understand your point either.

        • There's no hoops other than the uploading the pic if you are a genuine new customer, clearly these are not intended for existing customers so yes there are hoops for existing customers to pretend to be new customers. They clearly don't want these things abused by everyone and are offering onuses to get new users/harvest email addresses….

          I jump through hoops every time I do an online order with Coles to create a new email address to get free delivery for my "first" order, it sucks and is a waste of time but none of these companies give a crap about offering incentives to existing users so they bring this on themselves when half of their user base is fictitious/duplicate users and its relatively easy to be a "new" customer

          I think these deals in particular just seem extra annoying because of the relatively low dollar savings for each step and the multitude of similar offers from similar places that require less effort…but if you want "the" lowest this is how its done I guess

          EDIT: Given Monty has the associated tag and one would imagine companies dont usually tailor incentives for new users and then actively go and promote existing users to create fake accounts to take advantage of the incentives I can only imagine all they really want is more users to make themselves more attractive to be bought out by claiming to have a much larger customer base than they actually do?

        • You've probably wasted more time trying to defend your stance on the matter…

        • At least just make an exclusive OZB code to cut the crap. Easy.

        • Vpn via Russia gives another discount.

    • hear ye! hear ye! has a (EB) point

  • +1

    Why get this outdated phone while you can get a newer Mi 4C for similar price.

    • Link?

        • which xiaomi 4g phone would you recommend that is the cheapest? screen size and storage not too important. and has the global android thingy

        • Thanks. I think some of the appeal is the 3Gb RAM and 64Gb ROM, which is important with no SD card slot. I have seen stories saying the Mi 4c will get 64Gb, but I haven't seen any real world pricing yet.

    • sd card

  • Will the remote work on Windows or is it Android only?

  • I own the remote and it's crap. Very inaccurate and you just end up waving your arm around like a fairy. Bought a Logitech k400 plus instead.

    • Not negating your comment, the wireless pointer could be better, but the keyboard was great - won't be as good as a full-sized, but far more convenient than keeping a large keyboatd at-hand, and may suit others. I paid $12 a few months back and don't regret it

      • Yeah, the keyboard does works great, but as a whole it doesn't do what it should. I had to plug in a separate mouse to my TV PC which only has two slots leaving no room for a HDD.

  • I believe xioami3 now has an international model that supports band 28 for those that want a better 4 g experience.

    • That would be the Redmi Note 3 Special Edition.

      • I believe it is only selling in Taiwan and no online store is having stock.

        • You're correct. I've been trying to get hold of one since its release 2 weeks ago. Anybody on OzB travel to Taiwan much? :-)

  • +1

    Is this even worth considering?
    A 3G only phone for almost $200
    You can get the 16GB version of the XRN3P for a bit less or the 32GB version for ~$25 more.
    4G, fingerprint scanner, and faster CPU/GPU.

    • Would you happen to have a link? Is that the redmi3 you are talking about?

      • I think XRN3P stands for Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro.

    • I'd question the faster CPU/GPU statement..
      They're probably pretty similar, if not the 801 slightly faster.

  • need another xiaomi 10000mah power bank

  • +1

    Everytime I buy something, the order gets automatically refunded, never have I ever experienced that issue with any stores either local or international. Paid with paypal. What's wrong with everbuying?

    Order # EEP1607240018374964

    • Hello there,

      I am sorry you are experiencing difficulties to us pay by PayPal. Our payment system that is handled by a third party, has rejected this payment due to a potential dispute or chargeback risk. Therefore this order has been automatically cancelled and refunded.

      If you wish to place an order with us, you are welcome to pay western union or a bank transfer.

      We are sorry for this inconvenience. Hope you can understand.


      • +1

        I never used a charge back. So I don't know what your third party is doing, western union/bank transfer is a big No No.

        Ps: I use paypal to avoid international transaction fee.

  • My Xiaomi 5,000 mAh Ultra Thin Power Bank has still not been delivered. It was shipped on 17 June.
    Order number is EEP1606160211289183.

    • +2

      Hello ranagade,

      My colleague from customer service department will send you mail to deal with this issue. Pls check your mailbox later.

      Thanks for your understanding.


    • Its coming by boat… Hold on

      And good luck.

  • What do you guys think of this phone compared to a $305 LG G3?

    • Considering the Lg g4 was 380, maybe get that.

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