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Babylove Jumbo for $15 Coupon


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  • +3

    IF you dont want to get registered to the 'toys r us', you can download from here: http://www.toysrus.com.au/static/uploads/NappyDealCoupon.pdf

  • How do Babyloves compare to Huggies and Pampers???

    Still need to stock up for the bubs :)


  • Well, Babylove is quiet similar to Snugglers which is another nappy brand, all i can say is that pampers are quiet thin and it not suitable for babies who wees and poos alot, huggies are more rough and thick and quiet easy to get nappy rash. while babylove and snugglers are between.

    • Thanks for the info!

      What is the RRP on babylove Jumbos?


      • In toys r us its $33 rrp per box, last week i bought it for $16.50

  • Pretty good voucher as I've saved around 60 bux for four boxes of nappies.

  • wow, that's a really good price, even better than $16.50 last week at Toys R Us.
    And also last week they didn't have the newborn on sale, I see that this time around they do!

  • Just bought 3 packs of nappies, the coupon really saved me alot. Thanks.

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