Saw the expired ASUS 980 TI on Amazon, think this is not a bad buy, same price but local warranty. Said on website, 100 available, so should be enough stock now, expiring midnight today.
MSI 980 GTX TI Gaming 6GB $599 + Delivery @ Shopping Express

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Nothing. It's still around $100 cheaper than the avg 1070 price but if it dropped about another $50-$100 it would be in a great price range.
SLI if you've got an existing one, maybe….?
Haven't really seen the benchmark differences, mind.
Sad 980TI owner here =/
30sec google result so don't know how objective/accurate this chart is
They perform very similarly for one.
You'll be hard pressed to find a local 1070 below 700. Imported price for 1070 has been 630-650 cheapest from Amazon. But until an EVGA branded one becomes available to import at that price, you'll be sacrificing local warranty, which may be a deal-breaker for some people.
I actually preorder the evga 1070gtx from Amazon UK for around $650, but there is no delivery date.
Great price!
Was it the founder's edition?
NO, Superclock SC Gaming Edtion,…,
still available for preorder, but no delivery time yet.
total cost £341.65, equals to $618 today according to Google conversion.
Got the EVGA FE 1070 delivered for $650 on Newegg ;)
Same ^
same, its almost here, cant wait!! hopefully in the morning
Me too. Installed it last night and it's a beautiful, beast of a card!
Newegg has EVGA gtx 1070 founders edition for $610AUD or so(changes depending on current exchange rate shipping was extra though). I just ordered one for my mini ITX as I read that blowers are better for the silverstone RVZ02 case. Found a buyer of my GTX970 for $300 who is happy to wait for me to get the new card before getting the card off me.
EDIT: Just realised that card is now out of stock on Newegg
I sold my asus gtx980ti matrix and bought the msi 1070 gaming x. The performance is almost the same, maybe only %1-%2 gain for the 1070. There is two main advantage on buying the 1070: 1- You get more vram (6gb vs 8gb) 2- The 1070 run waaaaay cooler than 980ti in 4k(83c at 980ti vs 70c at 1070). The answer here will depends mainly on your budget whether you can afford the 1070 or 980ti.
Damn, this is a good price for anyone who's tossing up between 1070 and 980TI, yet still strongly values budget.
I personally went for the 1070 as I managed to snag the discounted price from shopping express yesterday.
But if I had seen this deal earlier, I might've gone for this.It's very comparable to 1070, handles 1440p like a boss, will easily do any VR game.
Highly recommended at this price.Results from my price searching:
1070 AUS stock - 729-779
1070 US imported - 650 at best
980ti AUS second hand - 640-700
980 US imported - 630-700The 980 uses more power so it runs hotter and will have louder fans.
For anyone who cares about heat and noise, it's worth paying a little more for a 1070 or waiting a little longer for it's price to drop makes sense.
I bought at 1070 this morning, oh well. I heard the newer cards will be better with VR, not that I'm getting into that scene. Are they better because of architecture or just raw power? Or is the better VR performance marketing bs?
1070 can render a stereo/VR image in one pass, as opposed to a 980ti's 2 passes..
Not to hijack the post or take the attention away from this deal, but any sources for a 1070 around the $AUD650 mark?
Well for one the link above that couger posted in the discussion of 1070s for about $650…
Yep, the price does go down from GBP409 to GBP341 once you start the checkout process!
Get EVGA. International warranty.
You must mean international warranty from EVGA itself. Newegg international warranty only covers the first 15 days after delivery.
Personally think these will drop a bit further - wouldn't be surprised if we saw 500-550 locally.
If you're comparing to 1070 prices, they've been coming down in the US. I just ordered one from B&H Photo Video this morning for USD$445 shipped, which works out to ~AUD$600.…Not a flash model by any means, but a blower is exactly what I need for my SFF case.
Bah, I was about to pull the trigger on one and then it said 0 in stock during checkout. Oh well, saved $609.
VR thing,
less power efficiency, more bill overtime.if price is similar, why not get 1070?
PS: since 1080 is like 20% more powerful than 1070. why the hack its almost 200% the price in aus???
TOP DOG TAX … :) GTX 1070 RRP $379US .. GTX 1080 RRP $599US
There are more people who want to buy GTX 1080's then they have stock so prices have jumped way over the RRP
The sad thing is that these cards are not even the ultra high end.. they are just the high end products that will be replaced by Vega 10 Vega 11 and Titan 2 GTX 1080ti . that will be 50% faster
What would be the advantage of buying this over a 1070 which is similarly priced?