Went to fill up petrol at Safeway Huntingdale (North Rd near Monash Uni) and inside was advertised 24pk 500ml cans of Mother for $49.99.
Not a bad price for those Mother fans out there, also get another 4c a litre off if you fill up at the same time.
Mother 24pk 500ml Slab $49.99

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Fail at maths??
$2.08 per can…
sorry misread, thought it was 20 cans
Remember, they are also 500ml cans so its good value, wish they had kept the original taste, loved it..
you must have been the only one who did like it… hence the need to change it.
lol as per Radars post, the original mother was horrendous.
Yep discusting!!! I remember they were like 50 cents or something. I bought it (first time) and had it during exams. Tasted crap but kept me awawke :D
Arnt these 3$ in the shops full price? So roughly 33% discount for buying bulk…
@massari: Yeah roughly, but IGA (at least the one near my school) has them like $2 for individual cans every other week so for a pack of 24 would have thought they could go lower. I think the cheapest I've seen was like 1.60each but that was at one of those discount food shops for business owners, so $2 retail is cool.
It's OK kingmalgoo… You weren't alone. I too liked the original Mother.
The reason most people didn't like it was because of the fact that it wasn't as bad for them as the other energy drinks. :P
include the price in the heading please, it makes it easier for everyone.
its a shame im cutting down on energy drinks cause theyre too sugary
but i agree, i liked the original taste as well. the medicinal flavour was most stimulatingtry monster's low carb
i guess this deal is ok if you dont go into 7-11 all that often. Or petrol stations in general.
Most of the time they have a special on the 500ml cans, 2 for $5 for the mothers or 2 for $6 for the 500ml V's
Quite nice, i wouldn't bother with a bulk pack of mother since it just tastes too sugary.
agree, not much incentive for me to buy in bulk when the discount is hmmmmm 'petite'..
Isn't it always $8 for a pack of 4 at the reject shop?
correct. Cheaper to buy 4 than 24, and besides Woolies and Coles have 4 for $7.49/$7.99 every second week
My Aldi has the 4 pack for $5.99
Costco has it for $44 per 24 all the time… On of the few almost bargains there…
lol costco.
I get these for free wondering around Sydney, and I still refuse to drink them.
Real wholesale price is $42 a slab, and $33 when Coca-Cola Amatil had a promotion on during last December
In wa they have them for $15 at BP. Well I know currimbine definetly has them at that price as I saw it today
What the heck is Mother? 24 mums for $50? I'll take 20 dozens please..they can wash my house, cook for me, take care of me and do my laundry for me!!! Bargain…^^
Once ur done having the mother u will be doing all the work urself. :P
it's an energy drink.
Mod-Davo, why'd they make negative comments anonymous? Some of those above are somewhat inexplicable.
because people kept flaming those who negged them, whether or not it was justified.
EDIT: duplicate comment with dodgy net, thanks neil who cleaned it up :)
In WA it's $2 on special at IGA, $3.x normal, so it isn't that great. But I guess it's a petrol station afterall.
Here in Adelaide, local BP service stations are selling the 24pk for $30.00.
is the old flavour available anywhere, or ever will be again? does anyone know?
good first post, but $2.50 for a can in a bulk purchase isn't that cheap