• expired

COD Black Ops 3 $40, LEGO Dimensions $68, Bose QC25 $319, GTA V $40, The Division $40, AC Syndicate Gold $40 @ MS Store

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  • +1

    Xbox One S with 4k? Where was the hype for this in the last few months? Every news story has been on about a PS4.5 or PS5… And I bought an elite for $600 which can't handle 4k content (thinking that XB1 would be updated later with slimline consoles and such) welp. Was hoping DOOM might be randomly among the discounts but wasn't, hope others found some good deals.

    • +2

      Xbox knows not to reveal all their cards. Now PS needs a good rebuttal and seeing as no new hardware was announced, it looks like they want back to the drawing board to make revisions to the neo.

      One S will be a great 4K media player with HDR gaming for an amazing price. But for the hardcore gamers who need 4K gaming, I'd expect them to wait for the Scorpio which comes out next year.

      Plus, the One, One S and Scorpio will be one family. You'll only see big graphical performances if you actually have a 4K TV.

      • No company in the history of console gaming has successfully supported more then one console at a time (excluding the companies with both a lounge room console and a portable). Over the last 20-30 years companies have said so many times - no gamer will be left behind. Inevitably this does not happen. Companies want to fully utilise the latest and greatest equipment. Xbox one owners will be left behind. Then the S owners as the Scorpio is released.

        • +1

          let's see if they keep their word :P However I have no doubt that in a few years time when 4K tvs are more affordable, and a lot of us can actually utilise the power of the upcoming consoles, that we should start seeing exclusives to the newer consoles (which should be more affordable and upgrade worthy by then).

        • +5

          The S is literally a smaller version of the Xbox One.
          The original console owners won't be "left behind", mate.

        • +3

          I disagree. Both Sony and Microsoft have supported their older machines for years after being replaced.

          Developers don't just want to utilise the latest and greatest, they want to develop for platforms which have large install bases so that they can sell as many copies as possible. This is why games continued to be developed on Xbox 360 and PS3 long after the current gen started.

        • @theguyrules:

          But they will once the Scorpio launches. At the minute they say there'll be no Scorpio exclusives yet we can see from the Xbox one they like to change their message.
          Scorpio has been announced early in reaction to Sony's domination this generation combined with rumours of the Neo, in other words MS are determined not to be left behind again next generation.

        • +1

          @bloobat: "yet we can see from the Xbox one they like to change their message." Worst logic. They changed it because everyone wanted it to be changed, it's called listening to your audience.

        • @aja12: the games coming out on the PS3 are few and far between

        • @RI4V4N: They changed it because they were getting slaughtered by the media as well as in sales. I do feel bad for them because had Phil Spencer been head of Xbox around the planning and launch of the One they would obviously have given Sony some stiff competition but there's no denying they really dropped the ball this generation.
          Clearly once Scorpio launches the focus will shift to that system, maybe not immediately but it is inevitable eventually. If you bought a Scorpio would you not be disappointed when you found out it was being limited in scope due to requirements of games to support the older Xbox One?

        • +1

          @theguyrules: my mistake. It meant to read "X box one owners will be left behind and the S owners as the Scorpio is released"

          I should have read my comment after posting. I had written the comment a different way then went back and changed it before posting. Reading it now it's poorly written.

          My Apologies.

        • @flashi007: What on earth do you expect - PS4 was released two and a half years ago! Developers won't support the PS3 forever. PS3 is nearly 10 years old, so that fact that ANY games are still being released on it is a bonus.

        • @aja12: I think what he was saying was support only tends to last a year or two while people make the switch over to the new platform. This won't happen with the Scorpio as A.) It'll be far to expensive for the average consumer B.) Those who can afford it will see that the hardware is being limited by the older Xbox One and instead opt for a PC.

        • @bloobat: No, he initially said, "No company in the history of console gaming has successfully supported more then one console at a time". This just isn't true.

        • @aja12: I meant what bloobat said - the support lasts a year max. And that's mostly just the games already in development that end up being finished. I guess it's fair enough given each console cycle is about 6-7 years. When a new console gets released - it's curtains for the previous generation after 12 months. That's fine. People buy up lots of old console and play the games that are on sale or buy second hand. The idea that a company will support two consoles though simply doesn't occur.

        • @bloobat: uh sales? They changed it before it came out and from all accounts Sony was going to do the same thing till Microsoft got the backlash.

        • Xbox is owned by MS and has been supporting both PC and xbox for many years now. I think that this will work much the same. I'm sure they'll just add an option to games to use 4k or not (which I think has been done in the passed with 1080p), and that'll be the only different.

          Scorpio will be a bit different, and think will have its own set of games, but we will see I guess

      • I am a PlayStation gamer and I agree Microsoft stole the show this E3. Sony was almost non existent with announcement of VR something we knew for a year.

        Also Xbox said they will have the highest end specs while sony said neo will be mid range

        • Yep I watched all 3 from start to finish and I have to say Xbox was way more exciting, Sony was good but didn't really show how its VR Will work from what I remember or mention their next console and lets just not mention how shit Nintendos e3 was!!!

        • @TRENT86: Are you guys joking? Literally every publication that covers gaming has been saying Sony had the best conference, while MS did have a great conference and I loved the look of Horizon 3 you have to hand it to Sony as 'best' conference of E3. The combination of a live orchestra, constant deluge of videos with hardly any PR talk in between and fact that they announced so many massive games was awesome and I expect to see other companies try and echo their presentation format next year.
          Edit: worth noting aswell that this was without the new Red Dead Redemption announcement which had to be pulled from the end of Sony's conference last minute due to the Orlando shootings (hence why the Day's Gone game-play was used to finish)

        • +2

          @bloobat: Yes because publications are the ultimate authority on what everybody's opinion has to be. Many thought Sony's was best, many (including me) though Microsoft's was better.

          It's called an opinion. You have yours. I have mine.

        • @Benno123: Yes I can respect people have different opinions but in cases such as this it is very hard to argue the other way simply because to a vast majority there is one clear winner. If you own all consoles and are a fan of games it is clear which conference had the most games and best format.

          I'm not saying MS had a bad conference, far from it, I'm saying it's not really necessary to try and pick a 'winner' anyway but for those that insist on it Sony are the common pick.

          Also i was more replying to Bargaingeek who was clearly just posting a fanboy comment by stating 'Sony was almost non existent' and blatantly making stuff up with regards Neo etc

        • -1

          Sony definitely stole the show, who cares about new hardware from Microsoft when Sony dropped trailers for so many blockbuster games. If you want impressive hardware buy a pc, I'm personally more interested in the games.

        • @Agret: Sony dropped a bunch of trailers for games that are absolutely no where near close to release. nothing impressive about seeing holiday 2017 titles (at the earliest)

        • +1

          @XCOM v2: that is literally the point of E3, to show off new products… Also your wrong anyway, TLG is October, Cod November and Horizon February.

        • @bloobat: cod is multi. Horizon is set, likely to be delayed, but set. And that speaks for itself as that's all you've named. It was a wishful thinking conference. Other conferences spoke to actual games which will be released within 8 months

        • @bloobat: Yeah but E3 isn't about the show, its about the announcements and the PR, thats the whole point of it all :P

          I still can't beleive they got an orchestra in though, that really did suprise me haha

    • +1

      So FYI, the S model is not 4K,it merely a smaller xbox one. Project Scorpio is the 4K model due end of 2017.

      • +1

        S model is 4k video, so kind of right :P

        • Sorry, yes. I was mistaken

  • +5

    Is it just me or is that a crazy price for Lego Dimensions? Like the other end of the crazy scale that is its RRP

  • +2

    Battlefront is $30 :O

    • +1

      extrememly good price i bought it when it was last on sale for $29

  • +2

    The Xbox One bundle for $329 is probably worth a mention as well - https://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msaus/en_AU/pdp/Xbox-On…

    Sure, it's $30 more than the Big W bundle, but with Halo 5 plus pick pretty much any Xbox One game (along with the pick one from four download card) it probably works out better value for some people.

    • +1

      Free delivery too! (And probably plenty of stock in comparison)

  • If i buy the qc25 will i be able to claim TRS? Flying out first week of August.

  • Just got devision from target delivered just a few days ago too, 49 it cost, not sealed and no silly stickers on it wonder if they take it back or exchange as this is $10 less.

    • Would always be a bit cautious with no stickers on the side

    • id never buy a game that wasnt sealed how do you know if it wasnt returned , i tried buying destiny ttk few days ago and everywhere i went they were giving me copies with no seal and cases from off the shelf i waited and eventually found one sealed.

  • +5

    Its a good price for lego dimensions, however it should have never been rrp$169 in the first place.

    • +1

      Yeah I think maybe around $110 would have been a better starting price

  • +2

    Great price for Lego Dimensions. Ordered.

    • Me too. Ordered for my sister. I got the XB360 version from BigW for $100. Can't see that anywhere else cheaper.

  • thank you OP! was waiting for the division to be at $39 again

  • +1

    I was tempted with COD but apparently the PS4 version is much better so decided against. Hopefully will get the next gen PS4 when it launches.

    • +1

      there is no difference lol

  • +1

    Both bose/beats are on the list for 20% off which helps with a wider range to buy from



    • +1

      Those beats prices are ridiculous to begin with though

      • Heh people are stupid enough to pay for some designs and labels that's on them :)

  • Lego dimensions is now out of stock.

    • Back in stock at Sunday 6PM.

  • Check your emails too if you have Flybuys. Got an email for 5x FlyBuys points when purchasing through certain eShops and the Microsoft store is one of them.

  • Please excuse me if I'm wrong, but has the "LEGO Dimensions XB1 $68 Delivered" expired/ changed prices or is there a code required to change the price down to $68?

    • Expired. EB games have it for $98 atm which I think is best available atm.

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