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Radix Cyclone™ technology.
Lightweight adjustable wand.
Dual mode floor too| Detachable handle / hose.
Detachable handle / hose.
Same price on their website
Free Shipping on this item.
Radix Cyclone™ technology.
Lightweight adjustable wand.
Dual mode floor too| Detachable handle / hose.
Detachable handle / hose.
Same price on their website
$398 pick up from HN if anyone is close to one.…
you can bargain with gerry
Actually its a DC37, not a DC29 like this deal (I didn't notice when I posted)
Howver you can get the DC37 for $318 pick up or plus $20 delivery useing the CLICK20 code here:
No idea if the DC37 is better or the same as the DC29 but it looks newer by the model number.
Dc37 is in fact newer and better than the DC29.
The vacuum I had of theirs blew a hell of a lot of dust around and gave me a dust mite allergy fit, meanwhile someone managed to snap a bit of plastic off it. Bag vacuums may not look as fancy, but if your intent is to actually remove dust thoroughly, they're the way to go.
Dyson is all style over substance. Take their ubiquitous hand dryers as an example. Look micky shmick but they're basically aerating your hands with a festoon of bacteria.
YES! Could not agree more!
Both Dyson and Miele remove dust if you are judging a company as a whole from one experience from an older generation technology, that really isn't a great judgement of such. Both are not perfect, but you can't hate over one bad experience.
As oppose to what, the poor excuse of dryers that really doesn't dry at all your hands? I know the Dyson dryers are not perfect, but at least actual dry 'festoon of bacteria' hands are better than still wet 'festoon of bacteria' hands.
The way they are designed with a covered bottom is fundamentally flawed and will naturally collect bacteria compared to alternatives. Honestly I avoid them whenever possible.…
From what I have seen Dyson vacuums continue to be built with the same flimsy plastic.
I agree it is flawed but at the same time, everything will naturally collect bacteria.
Whether you use it after using the toilet or not, the whole toilet room is already covered in bacteria due to its nature of use, unless it was constantly cleaned like every 30 minutes, no matter what air dryer there is, you are entering the room already filled with bacteria. I am sure whether it's Dyson or a different company, there will be something to combat that certain situation.
Can you help me understand?
The resulting viral coating was in the realm of the amount of virus shed in the feces of people infected with severe stomach bugs, such as norovirus and rotavirus, and the amount of viral particles that might stick to dirty paws, the authors argue.
So, what I gather from this, is: the resultant viral concentration on the hands is a combination of someone with a stomach bug defecating on their hands, AND, the amount of viruses naturally found on hands from coming into contact with the world around us?
And then they put these hands in a dryer? All the while with gloves on?
How is this at all realistic or relevant?
And who would place their unwashed hands in a dryer anyway? If you don't wash them, you don't need to dry them.
Genuinely curious as to what all this means.
This show ain't no good. The target bigw range is not the actual current range.
The following are actual deals with the click20 code
The bigw target range Dysons are antique models I feel for anyone who has been swindled by buying one.
Though, many people have had issues with the newer models. Maybe the old range is not that bad?
FYI, the DC29 is a superseded barrel model (3 generations old) that was resurrected for exclusive sale by Target and Big W. It is no longer available on the Dyson AU website:…
The DC37C Origin is better value as it is newer (2 gens old) and was recently on sale for ~$319:
The previous model was the DC54 series (2013).
The current full-size barrel model is the Dyson Cinetic Big Ball series (2016) which is an updated version of the DC54:
this deal sucks.
has been $397 before