This was posted 8 years 9 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Ryobi 350W Bandsaw $129 (Normally $299) @ Bunnings Warehouse


Was going to compare the specs of the Aldi Bandsaw that is on sale this weekend, and found that Bunnings had gone ahead and reduced the price of their Ryobi Bandsaw to the same price which means a saving of over 50%! Great deal as this has a more powerful motor as well.

Not sure how long this will last but probably only while Aldi has theirs for sale (this weekend).

I just picked one up at Thomastown, there was one more left.

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Bunnings Warehouse

closed Comments

  • Says $299 on website

    • It'll be the price shown here in store especially if there's an Aldi nearby.

      • +1

        Shows $129 on the website for me as well as being stickered in store - maybe it is VIC only?

        • I'm in NSW, and it shows $129

        • @RichardL: Yea, seems to only be in certain states. NSW stock levels are below.

    • +3

      Mine show up as $129

  • Not any more it doesn't

    Edit: You'cant buy online though.

  • +2

    So can someone break it down and compare both bandsaws? Then tell me why I DONT need one?

    • +24

      who are you kidding, of course you need one!

      • +5

        What's this "need" word everyone keeps talking about

    • +4

      At a glance - same cutting height (80mm), but Ryobi has a 2 year warranty instead of 1 and a 350W motor instead of a 250W one.

      And also a work light! Woohoo

      • I think the ad is wrong for the Aldi, it says 350W on the box.

    • +6

      hmmm enticing as this…….i dont need reindeers and i'd rather keep my fingers

      • +1

        Impressive, now lets see this in action with a Ryobi dropsaw.

      • I was expecting a chopped finger and was sorely disappointed

    • +3

      I dunno about you, but I don't need one 'cos I still have the one I bought from Aldi a year or two ago brand new, never opened, in the box!!! I guess I thought I needed one! :-)

  • +1

    shows $129 for me nsw chatswood

  • +2

    $299 in WA.

    The first Aldis open in June.

    • -1

      Shame on Bunnings!

      • :( But I want one…

        • +1

          Don't stress… most popular 'special buys' stuff from Aldi is on something like an 8-10 month cycle. They've had these bandsaws at least twice before, so it's an odds-on bet that they'll come around again!

          I just wish they'd hurry up with another batch of crystal champagne flutes, we need a new set!

  • +2

    I wonder if the 350w has enough grunt with a metal blade to cut tubing

    • +1

      Plastic yes, metal no

      • What about a couple mil of Aluminium?

        • I guess but isn't that why they made hack saws?

        • Probably should have specified steel

        • @ozy:

          bandsaws are much easier to cut corners and shapes etc. I've used a 3phase metal bandsaw before and it was killer but need one at home

    • It has enough grunt, but the blade will last one cut (if that). For cutting most metals you need a reasonable bimetal blade rather than the carbon steel blade this probably comes with and for ferrous metals you really need a slower blade speed than these saws can give you. You really need cooling as well.

      They will cut aluminium fairly happily though, but your blade may blunt quicker than in wood. Most woodworking tools work OK with aluminium as it's reasonably soft, but don't use your best ones.

  • So what are the uses of a band saw?? Need to explain why I need one.

    • +19

      One of the fastest ways to remove fingers.

      • +6

        The crime channel showed someone use it on a full body. Hopefully that is not the reason he need this for.

        • 350w is not nearly enough for that!

        • +1

          350W will be plenty if you take your time and work slowly (but not enough if you can already hear sirens in the distance).

          The "80mm cutting capacity" is what brings this cunning plan unstuck. I feel comfortable in the knowledge that no-one will cut me up with one of these, 'cos my fat arse won't fit through the saw! :-)

          Either way, don't be taking tips from Roger Rogerson and Glen McNamara!

        • @douglasb: Fat is flexible! Given enough time you could be squeezed through a pretty small gap.

    • +2

      Resawing wood.
      Cutting curves.
      Spending money.
      Getting drunk and losing a finger.

    • for sawing bands

  • -3

    Large table size - 305 x 305mm

    Large ??? It's 1 ft x 1 ft…

    • How big do you need?

      • +11

        how big is a torso?

      • +2

        Most girls are happy with 12"

        • -2

          No if their … only 9".

          True story (not mine).

    • +5

      Large ??? It's 1 ft x 1 ft…

      wait, now you're going to be cutting off toes as well?

    • +2

      Its considered large by the Allied Nations Unified Sizing chart, which is like one of those drill guide things, in that things are measuring by how easy they fit into the hole. This thing would be a very tight squeeze, if it didn't tear it completely.

      • For any honkys who are a bit slow on the uptake, this was an acronym

  • +1

    Can I use this bandsaw to cut meat or fish?

    • +6

      If you ignore hygiene, possibly.

      • Yes of cause!

  • +3

    Save $129 if you don't really have much to cut. Most likely you will use it less than 3 times before buried it somewhere in your garage.

    • Unless you're a butcher muhahaha

    • Thanks. I needed someone to say that.
      Have a circular saw, drop saw, tile saw and jigsaw. That's enough for DIY, unless its cheap an fits in a drawer. Mmmm … any reciprocating saw bargains?>

      • No table saw?! That's an endless pit you can shovel money into!

        • The tile saw is a wet table saw. Could I put timber blades on that?

      • You're about six weeks too late for a reciprocating saw, sorry. They sold out nation-wide in just a couple of hours!

  • +3

    Good to see Bunnings compete with Aldi

    • +1

      Wait till you see Masters closing down sale.

      • +6

        The point of price matching is not to give consumers the best price but to put the competition out of business…no way they'll be matching Masters closing down sale.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, picked up last one at Parafield Gardens, SA.

    • PM me

      • done

  • I assume you can't use it to cut a 100mm pvc pipe?

    • I can't see why not, those would be hollow so it wouldn't be that thick of actual pvc. hard woods would be much more demanding to cut through.

      • +3

        Unless it has some attachment that helps you ignore the laws of physics, you aren't fitting a 100mm pipe in an 80mm throat.

        note to self: append sex joke.

        • Yep this 80mm throat (ignoring innuendo) is major blocker for me since i can't even cut standard 90 x 45 pine. Guess I'll wait for Aldi to put a table saw on special buys and then bunnings to strong arm ryobi into price matching.

        • My bad, didn't notice that.

        • @allergic2work: What are you doing with 90mm pine cutting on the edge? Just curious.

        • +1


          Yep this 80mm throat (ignoring innuendo) is major blocker for me since i can't even cut standard 90 x 45 pine

          Of course you can - 45mm is still 35mm less than 80mm

          Then again, a bandsaw is not really the kind of device to cut framing timber.

        • @The Araldited Wallet: I was hoping to cut down some framing timber for my deck to finish off a flush transition into the house. The more I've read reviews on this bandsaw, the more I see people call this a modelling saw. But at full price, I would expect it to be more versatile….also what's with the lack of a fence for straight ripping of boards? I mean the Aldi version appears to include it.

    • +1

      But why would you want to? You could use any drop saw that's big enough

      • Don't have a drop saw, probably should get one instead to cut pipes, thanks.

        • Just get the finest tooth blade you can

    • +1

      If you wanna cut 100mm pvc, most plumbers use a decent quality disposable handsaw. $15 bucks. If you want "luxury" you could go the 100mm-125mm angle grinder for about the same price as this, and throw a normal metal cutting disc in it. Makes a stink but cuts clean and you can use the grinder to buzz off the dags before fitting joints.
      And… when you've finished with the pvc cutting you'll have a far more versatile weapon than a bandsaw.

  • +18

    I have uploaded NSW stock.

    • +1

      Thanks for the upload.

      • No worries. Use this as a guide only. Stock numbers may also include the display stock, which is usually not for sale.

    • Thanks! Is Alexandria NSW there? I didn't see it in the list.

      • +1

        Apologies, they have 5 currently.

        • +1

          Hi, did you have qld stock #'s by any chance ?

    • Can you get bunnings to order one in for this price if they are sold out?

      • Nah, you'll have to wait for that specific store to get more allocated stock. If it's still on promotion, then it will still be $129.

        • +1

          What about special offers and pay for it when ordering.
          I've done that with the previous specials….
          I've ordered and paid and then they have ordered it that day, at that price.
          Previous weekend specials and other mark downs etc

        • +1


          You can raincheck an item (which is basically what you are referring to)

      • Yes, go to the special orders desk. I think this deal lasts until the 31st so you better go in tomorrow if you're interested.

  • +4

    Good news, W.A. shows $299. That is a big reason of "I don't need one".

  • +2

    Thanks OP SWMBO just gave me permission to go straight to Bunnings to get one.

  • Thanks OP, bought 2, one left at Sunbury , Vic

    • +10

      Do you cut in stereo ?

      • Hahaha,

        Fathers day gift

      • hahaha

      • He's ambidextrous!

        • +1

          Let's keep this civil please…

        • +1

          He cuts fingers off both hands at the same time! :D

      • cutting edge humour

    • I just went mono from Sunbury, and yes I think it was the last one.

  • +9

    Very amateur woodworker here.
    I Wasn't sure if I would use a bandsaw or not, so I bought the Aldi one a few years back.
    It's ended up the most used cutting device in my manshed. I love it. All fingers are still intact.

    The Aldi one is pretty good for the price and I've already been through a few blades, but it does have its limitations. Small throat size, poor fence alignment and the blade is prone to slipping off… but you get what you pay for. The Ryobi version is basically a sexed up version of the Aldi machine, so be warned.

    Knowing now how much I use it, I should have paid $500 - $600 and gotten an entry level tradie machine instead of the Aldi toy, but that said, I love it and it has been a great tool to learn on for the $149 I paid.

    My tip is to also invest in the $39 Bunnings shop vac (and paper bags) to use as a dust extractor. You wont regret it.

  • +2

    Its a sexed up version be warned?
    I'm not sure if thats a good or a bad thing..

    • Well, we are talking about an electric saw here…

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