So Kogan call their TV as Dick Smith TV now.
4K Ultra HD resolution
HDMI 2.0 Input
LED technology
Built-in Personal Video Recorder
USB Input
Electronic Programme Guide
So Kogan call their TV as Dick Smith TV now.
4K Ultra HD resolution
HDMI 2.0 Input
LED technology
Built-in Personal Video Recorder
USB Input
Electronic Programme Guide
The description says it's 4k @ 60Hz. But yea… You never really know until someone actually buys and tests it.
Showcasing state-of-the-art HDMI 2.0 technology, you’ll enjoy breathtaking 4K resolution at 60Hz frame rates
To play protected UHD/4K material, need HDCP 2.2.
everything actually
but act like an ignorant ass mate
@shawncro 222: this persons comment was completely irrelevant to what he replied to. Who said anything about playing protected content. Muppet.
Kogan bought at least the online aspect of DS. Could still be a DS TV, its not like DS made them anyway.
Can you see Kogan rebadging other brands with a Dick Smith logo? I wouldn't put it past him myself.
Compared with the "Kogan" version… the specifications are the same, so they must be the exact same set.
Strangely enough the Kogan is advertised to be half an inch bigger?
Strangely enough the Kogan is advertised to be half an inch bigger?
Dick is half an inch shorter.
Perhaps Dick purchased a truckload before going bust, and now it's finally arrived.. with logo and all.
That's what happened.. Dick had containers of TV's heading over, but were withheld when they went bust.
Kogan may have done a deal, paid for stock at a low cost, and getting it shipped over.
Well since they own the brand I don't why they can't or shouldn't. It's not like the Dick Smith branded tv's were any better.
The one I have is pretty good! Better than my Samsung in a few areas.
Very good point, I was still seeing it as being dodgy practice but you're right, they bought the brand so it's their right.
Is this a smart TV?
There isn't anything indicating that it is so I would say it's not.
It's IQ is less than 85. I don't think that is smart
I suspect you might be better off with Aldi's Bauhn branded 4K TV.
How come?
probably because the nearest aldis is 5 mins away and they give you your money back
Kogan? eh good luck
still $300 vs $444? That's almost 50% more. Is it 50% better?
What's the cost to send it back if I'm not happy?
I think we are not sure with the Dick Smith brand, is it the same warranty terms as Kogan? Are they under the same company operation?
At least the Aldi one comes with 100% more warrantee lol
I'd still go with this one over the Aldis. $144 in my pocket is worth having to deal with Ruslan.
Imagine all the enelopps you can buy.
You'd take a 50% loss to buy the certainty that you can easily return it in the unlikely event it's faulty?
I'd rather save $144 and buy a new TV if it fails which it's unlikely to.
From ALDI it's instant you "GOT" it.
From Kogan: Presale. Leaves warehouse on 7 Jun.
When you call up on 10 Jun, they will tell you "Oh ! you didn't get that ? want a refund ?"
USB Media Playback Yes - Max resolution 720p
this looks like junk with a 4K badge on it
lol …. may be the CPU is not powerful enough, not even 1080p. I think you need a very powerful CPU to do 4k video playback.
Yeah but come on. Its not a smart tv. Why would anyone really want to play media with the built in crap?
I don't want a smart tv spring on me
more like why does everyone expect every TV to have built in smart software. majority of the time the software works crap. get a cheap 4k tv and pair it with a roku, chromecast, apple tv etc to do the smart work.
I might buy one to put in my kitchen if it comes with a 60 day satisfaction guarantee + free return if I'm not happy otherwise no deals.
That must be one big ass kitchen you've got there… if you can fit a 42" tv in it.
Yes mate, 6M sq. :)
Sure that's not your garage? You'll be getting lots of k's on the fitbit while cooking dinner!
curious where in your kitchen will you put the tv. mounting it on the wall?
about Samsung panels 4k
and these tv's use Innolux above
thanks DU99, very interesting read indeed
Did it say Innolux earlier? I thought it did, but it says CMO now. Now I'm doubting myself.
Could this be from that container load of tv's that went the court case to decide who paid for them ?
That's exactly what I was thinking.
No, that would be local stock with gst.
These don't appear to have been built yet. Kogan will send the order to the factory when he has enough buyers.
If lucky , they leave HK in a month.
TV shipped from HK? Oh my… I looked at some stuff and was wondering if it was shipped locally or from HK. I assumed HK as the prices were a little too low for local stock. Thanks for the update.
what's the downside of usin thi TV as a computer gaming monitor? sorry for the noob question.
No display port. No hdmi 2.0 on your PC. But whats the point in 4K for gaming? Oh yeah, brag points.
What's the point in 1080p though, might as well use 640x480, it all looks the same as 4K.
my computer has a hdmi output. Would it be enough?
4K has already been the standard for high-end gaming for at least 2 years now. It looks far superior to 1080p, much in the same way that upscaled 900p console gaming running at 30fps looks like a stuttering dumpster fire compared to low-mid end PC gaming's 1080p at 60fps.
High input lag, these cheap tv's usually have between 50ms-100ms input lag, which isn't nice for gaming in general, but especially you will be at a disadvantage in any competitive game, eg; online shooters, you will get pwned at CSS.
High input lag, these cheap tv's usually have between 50ms-100ms input lag, which isn't nice for gaming in general, but especially you will be at a disadvantage in any competitive game, eg; online shooters, you will get pwned at CSS.
Unless you're a bit slow in which case the lag will match you perfectly.
Wont make any difference if your just gaming with a console then, at least.
Yes it does - makes controls really frustrating! There are games where you need instant reactions and twitchy direction changes, and unfortunately high input lag TVs and monitors ruin your ability to do so, no matter if you're playing by yourself or with others.
Doubt this TV supports 4:4:4 chroma sampling as a general monitor would. Here are some good examples of the difference between 4:4:4 and 4:2:2/4:2:0 which this TV most likely supports at 4K to give you an idea.
Should be fine for gaming and media consumption, but if you're using it for anything text based, I'd stay away.
I still find it a bit odd that they have relaunched the DSE website with out having to accept the old giftcards. I understand its now owned by kogan, but it's still annoying that I have a useless gift card with branding identical to this online store.
kKogan offered a gift card exchange previously, do they still offer it?
I still find it a bit odd that they have relaunched the DSE website with out having to accept the old giftcards. I understand its now owned by kogan, but it's still annoying that I have a useless gift card with branding identical to this online store.
What is the correlation between the website and your useless giftcard? The website is an asset that was sold to raise money to repay creditors and staff. Using your logic Bob who purchased DSE shopping bags to use at his stall at the markets selling vegetables should be accepting the old giftcards.
Instead of complaining about your giftcard why not spare a thought for all the staff who no longer have jobs and all the OzBargainers who will never experience the joy of owning more Eneloops then they can ever use. These are the real victims in this.
You're thinking too logically. The average user who visits the dick smith website would have no idea that its a repackaged kogan site. Any goodwill remaining is still with the dick smith brand and is slowly lost with every useless giftcard being found.
Mav, don't you ever get bored with your toxic posts?
He just said it was "annoying" and "odd". Perfectly reasonable statements. He said he understands it's now Kogan - didn't need your input on that one either.
Also, you've got so much wrong there. They didn't need to sell the website to pay staff - they were already covered. He didn't use the logic you claim he did. You raise totally irrelevant issues, like staff without jobs. You bang on about eneloops. He just said "annoying" and "odd". That's it bro. There's very little logic in what you say.
Mav, mate, if you really feel the need to post, why not be constructive instead of sitting there on your self-appointed little mini-throne and passing judgment on the ethics, intelligence and morality of everyone on here?
It's just boring Mav.
You're boring me man.
Turn & burn.
make a good monitior
Handles 4k@60Hz fine. I have one hooked up to my PC.
Yours is a Kogan? Old Dicks? What makes you think you have the same model? No model code given.
Old dicks. The old one didn't even mention being 60hz capable but I took a gamble and turns out it does. This one actually claims to have 60Hz support so I'm fairly certain it will.
So you have a PC with hdmi 2.0? I thought that was unusual.
don't buy because it's cheap. It's cheap because of inferior parts used. U get what u pay for.
Yeah people should just not buying anything at all unless it's the best.
That's why I own nothing.
Russell Koglan has done it again
Aka Russell Richard Koglan
Nope. The article said they would be gone in 6 weeks before the DS closing date.
60hz refresh rate means you would not want to be watching sport or anything with fast motion or you would get flickering. 100hz would be the minimum for me. Also replay recordings at max resolution of only 720p means poor quality playback of anything you recorded. Also, it is my understanding that no one is broadcasting in 4K at the moment so unless you can get your hands on a 4K video the 4K label is only good for watching in an electrical sale shop with the relevant DVD loaded.
Australian TV is only broadcast at 50fps interlaced though….
Netflix has 4K content aside from anyone else.
Whether Turnbulls 12Mbit Internet Fairyland can handle comes down to luck I guess. I happened to be lucky and have a 100Mbit cable connection so I'm OK.
Does Netflix have any 3d content?
More overpriced Kogan junk.
Lol. Classic Orpheus nonsense
I've had this tv for quite some time now and am surprised by its performance. a couple of dead pixels on arrival.
I run a Nvidia Shield from the states which pumps out 4k 60ps full time. not as crisp as other 4k panels but for the price.
Exactly … I mean 300 bucks c'mon.
A food establishment would definitely appreciate TV's like these. They could display high res menus.
It states the highest quality display is only 1080p in the display section of the specifications. But then in the "TV" section is states it is 4k.
Maybe I'm reading into this wrong but that seems pretty dodgy to me.
+1 Just read up the specs, It boasts about 4k but in the specs it can only receive 1080p connection for TV tuning (not that only gives 4k) and VGA.
The only thing you'd be able to run 4K resolution off is a HDMI 2.0 compatible output/graphics card
1080p connection for TV tuning
TV stations only broadcast upto 1080p anyway.
I thought they only broadcast up to 1080i?
Should be able to run 4k@30Hz on HDMI 1.4 graphics cards. Good enough for Hulu/Netflix.
Should also be able to run a 4K 60Hz signal off any laptop with mini displayport 1.2 with an active adaptor to hdmi2. They're like $30USD off Amazon
Kogan must have just bought a heap of Dick Smith TVs off the old Dick Smith but hasn't got to their warehouse yet.
so whats the verdict buy or not?
No. Spend more and get quality product and forget 4K unless you have the tech to receive it (Hulu/Netflix). Oh, and don't expect 4K on your normal TV channels. They don't broadcast more than 1080p no matter what TV you buy. The great 4K pics you see at the TV shop are not normal TV but specially provided 4K dvd's for display purposes.
I will never buy another Kogan tv, just my 2 cents. The tearing was terrible. With Kogan I think it really is a case of 'you pay for what you get', unlike snapping a bargain in a Sony sale etc.
Tearing? TVs don't make content tear. Tearing occurs when the connected device doesn't render the frame in time.
Presale. Leaves warehouse on 7 Jun
Smells like Ruslan shenanigans.
If its a true 4k 60hz model then yeah, for $300 what can you get thats better.