Hey, it's my first post.
Brooks Brother is doing 50% off for selected styles. Went in store to the Martin place store and there are a lot of sizes and styles available
Hey, it's my first post.
Brooks Brother is doing 50% off for selected styles. Went in store to the Martin place store and there are a lot of sizes and styles available
What if the store is wide?
Their website is horrible, following the links it mostly shows normal priced items and can't even search by sale items.
Definitely missleading with the word "Storewide" in title.
how is quality compared to CT or TM?
Cheapest is $65 (basic designs) same with $75, both only have 2 options each. Will be sticking with CT and TM
If it's 50% off selected styles, doesn't that mean it's not 'Storewide' then?