NEW LG Google Nexus 5x H791 Unlocked 16GB Android 12.3 MP Smartphone
Postage: US $29.06 (approx. AU $37.72) International Priority Shipping to Australia
NEW LG Google Nexus 5x H791 Unlocked 16GB Android 12.3 MP Smartphone
Postage: US $29.06 (approx. AU $37.72) International Priority Shipping to Australia
Historically lowest price $314 + $0 shipping at Eglobal
Now its $314 + $25 economy shipping
Even plus $25 shipping as it is currently is still cheaper than buying this deal
No deal, cheaper elsewhere whilst still getting a grey import (which I'd never recommend)
Cheaper at eglobal
Cheaper @ eglobal
Bought cheaper earlier from eglobal.
AU $347.00 delivered from qd_au @ebay with Australian warranty. qd_au gets excellent reviews.
add about postage charges(i.e US $29.06 (approx. AU $37.72) ) in description