Give us the best you have and share them with fellow Aussies for a few laughs.
Personal Favorite: "Yeah-nah" (as one word)
Give us the best you have and share them with fellow Aussies for a few laughs.
Personal Favorite: "Yeah-nah" (as one word)
No it's not.
I've heard infinitely more Kiwi's say Yeah-nah than aussies, where do you live?
I've lived in Canberra and Geelong. When I say it's not a kiwi thing I mean it's not exclusively. It's definitely an Aussie thing. I live in the most faux posh city in the country (I love Cranberry but Cranberrans can have a tendency to act above their reality)and yeah-nah is dropped on the reg.
I can think of friends from Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne in addition that I have definite memories of them dropping it.
My cousin went to school with a girl from Burma called Yeah-Nah. Not sure of the spelling but that's how it's pronounced. Way to integrate!
I reckon the word "aye" is pretty aussie.
I'm a Queenslander and I've noticed quite a few people in Brisbane finish sentences with an aye.
I reckon it's pretty aussie aye
I reckon
Phonetically identical to the extremely Canadian 'eh'.
I'm English but have lived in Melbourne for four years.
I love how Aussies shorten words - arvo, servo etc
And shortening 'the MCG', (which is already shortened) to 'the G'
I used to work in the City of London, was typing a report and an English colleague said "There's a typo". I stared at him for a few seconds thinking he was making fun of Aussie slang, but after a long discussion about the etymology of a typographical error we agreed it sounds Aussie but it's also shortened by the rest of the world.
I think Missy Higgins singing "Scar" is one of the most Australian things I've ever heard.
Nah mate, you can get more Aussie with a Punk/Ska band from Queanbeyan
The band is from Canberra mate, Tim's the only one from Queanbeyan. Besides, they're mostly based in Sydney now. Great cover though
Wow had no idea she was Australian! She has that Alt/Blues rock + Country sound so thought she was American
Show us ya c***, ya c***!
bunch of can'ts
Cheers c**t!
oi ya Trucking can'ts stop swearin
Cats? Is the word cats?
Its a synonym
This guy sounds like he invented his own language
My plugger came off.
double pluggers had a blow out
Ridgy didge
Fair dinkum.
"denny ute muster"
That would be the "Deni Ute Muster". You know, like in Deniliquin.
Cool banana….
Cheers (profanity)C**T
An old boss talking about Australian TV:
"…and Ernie Dingo came on the stage a no grabbed the baby, and she starts screaming, 'A dingo's got my baby…' that was real yumor, ya know?"
Not to mention, "Hit the frog & toad,", "strewth", and "chucking mainies" :D
To paraphrase Paul Hogan, "That's not real humour! This is real humour"!
"frog and toad" is rhyming slang which is Cockney (ie East London)
They forgot sparkie and chippie, and probably lots of others.
Being a first generation Aussie (Irish parentage) I'm always laughing at my husband who is a 'dinky-di Aussie' and his 'windas, pillars (windows, pillows) and 'Eye-talian'.
Sorry to break it to you but he is just a bogan.
Ouch! That hurts!
Are you the husband?
I had to log in just to like this!
You can just go to buggery for linking that…
As per video description, it was a Kiwi ad, but did get shown here:
Eep… Well, learn something new everyday?
Zitgarrrn, or, hows it going?
Haha I was a bit slow so I had to google Zitgarrn and this page is the only result…
How ya goin' mate?
How's the missus treating ya?
Fair suck of the sav is pretty hard to beat.
never heard of it mate.
It must be quiet under your rock… ;)
In the civilised world we simply call it a fair go, or as our former tested PM used to say Fair shake of sauce bottle
@rodripa: Kevin's version was the bastardised version…the traditional Aussie slang is exactly as I have quoted…look it up.
We're not discussing what you think should be said in your imaginary civilised world here, remember that we're discussing the unique Australian lexicon.
@rodripa: We could probably all do with lightening up a bit imho, but Stewballs is (as usual) correct.
Fair shake of the souce bottle.
Have you got a sauce for that quote?
fark me…was gonna say that :P
don't go the raw prawn.
15 years ago I used to play Risk online. I'd play with in a group with this girl from adelaide and we'd speak in colloquialisms to confuse the international players so we could team up.
On warzone?
Yeh-nah is my fave. I constantly do it.
Doesn't it make you feel indecisive?
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.
Bring a plate. My friend thought the host did not have enough plates for the guests so she brought 2 plates until she found out the true meaning.
Thank god this is dying out.
too right. I can't believe its even a thing. Frankly I'd be ashamed to host a BBQ and ask people to bring meat\salads\beer
I'll give you one guess where I got my username from mate.
you gotta risk it to get the biscuit mate.
'You know'. No I don't, that why I asked the farking question!
That why
Predictive text at work, sorry.
It's cool :) I should probably take my own advice and lighten up….haha!
Just one?
anything that Steve Irwin said, but especially crikey
Great Southern Land by Icehouse
Sounds of Then by Gangajang
NT news headlines
Burkes backyard jingle
Carl Barron
Crikey kid you're a Flaming Gallah!!!!
Or you play the guessing game:
How are ya? - not bad.
How much further? - not far.
how did that happen? - you know.
Eagle Rock by Daddy Cool. What a ripper Aussie song.
Although it was the best wiggles song…
The first time I was in London in a hostel I was chatting with a guy from Eastern Europe and told him about that my uncle lived… "out Woop-Woop somewhere". He had a very confused look on his face trying to work out where Woop-Woop was.
Woop-woop is near timbucktoo
Near Kickatinalong
Old mate, he's a dodgy fella.
When travelling I refer to any local male older than myself as 'old mate'. Any female automatically becomes 'old love'.
They don't have to be older, that's the beauty of the phrase
One of the best.
Also good ones are Drongo or Galah
Also - yobbo.
Make a call on the big white telephone
Is that like calling the porcelain gods?