FREE: 3 Months Foxtel from Telstra Platinum HD + $2 SIM (+ 5000 Flybuys Points for Targeted Flybuys Members]

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for those who are yet to sign up for free :)

*flybuys 5,000 BONUS POINTS offer only available by clicking the 'Buy Now' button in the email received and purchasing online until 30/04/2016. One allocation of 5,000 BONUS POINTS permitted per flybuys household account.

New Telstra Customers: If you are not an existing Telstra customer we will send you a $2 Pre-Paid SIM at no cost to you so that you are eligible for Foxtel from Telstra.

Foxtel from Telstra 3 Months Free Platinum HD Offer: Only available to customers who have not had a Foxtel service within the last 3 months. Ongoing subscription charges apply after 3 months unless you cancel earlier. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Offer only includes standard installation.

You may cancel this Agreement: a) at any time by giving us 35 days notice (and we may ask for written confirmation)

This Critical Information Summary (CIS) states that our standard 12 month term applies and that an early cancellation fee may apply if you cancel your Foxtel from Telstra service before your contract has ended. For customers who take up our no contract offer, your service is a month by month subscription and early termination charges do not apply. Free standard installation, $0 iQ2 and 3 Months Free Platinum HD are not reflected in this document, but are confirmed your Order Confirmation email.

Free Presto until 31 Jan 2017 for Foxtel from Telstra (Platinum HD) Subscribers
Telstra - 1000GB Home Broadband Bundle - $99/Month - 24 Month Contract

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  • looks good

  • Having not had telstra as a mobile provider and never having had foxtel before (and in case you're wondering, it's cosy under this rock), can this offer be taken up for use ONLY on a mobile device? I don't intend to get another internet/fixed line connection to use this offer.

    • can this offer be taken up for use ONLY on a mobile device?

      Foxtel Go( is not unmetered on telstra mobiles :(

      Mobile Foxtel from Telstra( can be paid using credit included with telstra sim starter kits :)

      I don't intend to get another internet/fixed line connection to use this offer.

      why not if free?

  • +1

    so does that means it cost $0 if cancel before that 3 months ends?

    • yes :)

      • +1

        thanks, doing it now, also getting 5000 flybuys = $25 bucks, why not :)

  • Does this include free installation?

    • +1

      Free standard installation, $0 iQ2 and 3 Months Free Platinum HD

  • Is there any downside at all to getting a 3 month trial and cancelling?

    • nope

      • I assume that someone needs to be at home during installation probably during office hours? And the same when you cancel?

        But I don't really know.

        • Does a technician visit when you cancel to take box away?

        • I didn't know they take your box away if you cancel.

        • @leTintin:
          I had to post mine back in a post bag that Foxtel sent to me. This was a couple of years ago, so it may have changed since.

        • They can arrange for a technician visit on Saturdays.

          When you decide to cancel, you can send the iQ2 box via Auspost at no cost.

          You will receive a reply paid letter to take to Australia Post to return all equipment at no charge.
          Explained here(

    • +1

      I think one of the downside is that you will have an extra socket installed somewhere in the property and a hole need to be drilled into your property for the cable to be installed. If you are just getting it for the sake of getting it then just be aware that your residential property is being 'tampered'.

      • +1

        If you have cable net then no additional installation is required, otherwise they will have to install dish outside your house and then get wire in somehow.

        • +1

          Foxtel will always use HFC (cable) where available, regardless of whether you actually have "cable net" or not. Many houses will have ADSL2+ internet even if HFC internet / foxtel is available to them.

          One thing I am not sure is whether or not the NBN will change any of this!

      • Are those modern apartments Foxtel ready? Which means no drilling etc are needed?

      • …or an upside as I was going to pay for someone to put in a new TV socket in the bedroom! Crap job in a brick veneer. After the trial I'll just rerig the wiring in the roof to a Uhf antenna for basic TV.

  • Tried signing up for this as an international, but I have no Australian passport or Australian license. Any way to get around this?

    • +2

      1) Find Australian partner
      2) Sign up to all sorts of local freebies
      3) Profit.

      But in all seriousness, do they not have any way to verify your identity using a foreign passport? Maybe you could call up and ask?

      • Haha that's the plan :D any takers?

        Yeah I'll try ringing them up and see how I go

    • You might have to go to a Telstra store, a passport plus a birth certificate will do the trick.

      • +12

        Can I take your chopper?

        • +3

          Hmm I'm showing Malcolm Turnbull around today… Maybe this weekend?

        • +1


          Get to the Choppaaaa!!!

    • +1

      I think a proof of age card works like a drivers licence.

  • Is the flybuys a targeted offer? I do find alot of offers from flybuys are targeted & tied to the membership number e.g. coles reloadable mastercard

    flybuys 5,000 BONUS POINTS offer only available by clicking the 'Buy Now' button in the email received and purchasing online until 30/04/2016. One allocation of 5,000 BONUS POINTS permitted per flybuys household account.

    Can you Copy and paste the T&C of the offer from the email you recieved


    • i havent get the email.. i am member of flybuys since more than 5 years ago…

    • yes 5000pts is targeted/tracked but all my cards have received email :)

    • The link with the offer takes you to a generic URL, therefore available to all?

      • Flybuy offers are linked to flybuys account number. SO if the offer is not linked to your account, you may not get the bonus points.

        It does state in OP

        flybuys 5,000 BONUS POINTS offer only available by clicking the 'Buy Now' button in the email received and purchasing online until 30/04/2016

        which likely means the offer was linked to the OP's membership number.

        • I asked the OP to post the T&C in the email but he hasn't yet

          that's because there's not much else to add :)

  • is it only telstra mobile, or telstra home phone as well ?

  • any one know if you have to give notice of cancellation or can i cancel the day before the 3 months up? i know some companies like TPG make you give a months notice

    • -1

      You can cancel the day of when 3 months is up. It also goes on when you are first connected, not when you signup.

      • Is that confirmed? In the original Telstra thread somebody posted the T&Cs saying you have to give 35 days notice…

  • Terms and Conditions
    flybuys 5,000 BONUS POINTS offer only available by clicking the 'Buy Now' button in this email and purchasing online until 30/04/2016. One allocation of 5,000 BONUS POINTS permitted per flybuys household account. Points awarded after savings and discounts and will be applied up to 4 weeks post installation. Standard flybuys terms and conditions apply and are available at

    Things you need to know:
    Foxtel from Telstra: Service not available in all areas or homes. Non-standard installation fees apply. You need an eligible Telstra Home Phone, Post-Paid mobile or home broadband service on a Single Bill or active Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile or Mobile Broadband service.
    Foxtel from Telstra 3 Months Free Platinum HD Offer: Only available to customers who have not had a Foxtel service within the last 3 months. Ongoing subscription charges apply after 3 months unless you cancel earlier. Not available in conjunction with any other offer.
    Third Party Trade Marks: Foxtel marks are used under licence by Foxtel Management Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

    • that means you have to click Buy Now button within the email to get 5000 flybuys, otherwise you can just jump to Telstra main site

      • Does the link have a tracking code attached to it that then gets redirected to…

        • I assume they have tracking code in the redirect link, all you have to do is clicking the Buy Now button within email, if not receive email from FlyBuys, just subscribe via Telstra site without that 5000 flybuys

      • So it's targeted then?

        • deal is targeted for Telstra users ($2 sim comes as free as a result) to get the 3 months free subscription, and 5000 flybuys targeted by FlyBuys

    • the main point is you need to have a service (post/pre paid) with Telstra to be eligible with this 3 months free of charge promotion hence they will send you a $2 perpaid sim card if you have no service with them, I reckon it is better to grab a sim first and activate then proceed to make the process simpler, perhaps?

  • I'm naive. So a technician is actually going to your house to install? This is a strange freebie from them since there's obviously going to be people cancelling before due date.

    • to be safe, enjoy the first two months then request for a cancellation, I don;t think they can't send people out for 30 days in advanced, but for past experience from friend who had Foxtel, all she had to do is disconnecting them and send the iQ box back to Telstra via Post without cost

  • Im renting at the moment (small 3 story brick apartment block). How bad is the tampering? The landlord is pretty cool, although done through an agency I dont think theyd mind either.

    Any advice?

    • Not too bad and in actual fact why not even tell the landlord. Installations can cost when signing up with Foxtel and quitting after 3 months, so it's a bit of a bonus for the next tenant.

    • -1

      Depends if its being serviced by satellite or cable.

      Just ask your real estate agent, most owners dont have a problem with having the dish/cable installed, since its no cost to them and adds a nice upsell point.

    • +1

      if you have cable net then no additional installation is required, if not then they will have to fix dish outside your house and get wire in.

  • +6

    Just had a Web chat.. Hope this will help all fellow ozbargainers..

    you: In a worst case scenario, if I were to cancel then are there any charges within 3 months like some like of minimum notice period and if yes then what will be that. Secondly how would the downgrade work.. What will be minimum cost of the package which I can downgrade it to.. Again any notice period for the same if yes then how much…

    Penny: Thank you. Have a good set of questions, let me answer that.
    Penny: Once 3 months free offer has ended on the account, here are the options you can consider:

    You can continue with the package however, you'll be charge original Platinum package fee which is $134/month with a minimum contract of 12 months.

    You can also change the package from Platinum to any lower channel packages which suit your choice. You can mix and match the channel packages that you would like to get.

    You can also choose to discontinue the service after the free 3 months has ended without any exit fees. However, you will need to call ***** and say 'disconnect' to request that since we don't process cancellation of service here at the online shop.

    If you decided to change your package or discontinue the service, I highly recommend that you advise us ahead of time a week or two before the free 3 months ends you will need to return the Foxtel iQ2 box. A return satchel including on the instructions on how to return it will be provided once you request cancellation of the Foxtel service.

  • +6

    Just in time for GoT

  • -1

    So how will you earn the flybuys point? I cannot see where to put your flybuys detail

    • +1

      You need to check your own emails to see if you have received a FlyBuys promotion for this deal. You can only get the bonus points by clicking through from the email.

    • +1

      If you get the email offer the link is tracked and connected to your flybuys account

      • So that means when you click through the email you can track to Cash Rewards, etc?

        • +1

          $0 payment = $0 cashback :)

  • $134/month lol

    I know that's the premium package. But, value vs Netflix.. lol. Foxtel is so screwed if sport gets offered elsewhere, they are guaranteed to go bust.

    • Well Sport can be had for around $60 a month, and it ain't going anywhere soon.

      • +2

        Unless that sport is the EPL…

  • Since I'm forgetful I decided not to take the offer :/ Too much of a hassle. Everything's on the internet. I don't want to Foxtel and chill.

  • God damn my stupid installation date is this Friday I think. Shouldda waited for the flu buys.

    • You can cancel the order and buy again through the link mentioned in the post

  • +2

    Looks like you might need to give notice a bit earlier:


    When you can cancel this Agreement
    06.01 You may cancel this Agreement:
    a) at any time by giving us 35 days
    notice (and we may ask for written

    • That is from their service agreement one signs, I guess?

      Could one cancel a week before the 3 months end, then get charged for just the one month (August, Rio Olympics).

      Thereby subscribing 4 months and get Olympic access for $134?

    • thanks - deal updated :)

  • Tempted,but for some reason it says that my place isn't available. :/

  • Any advantage (usage) for that cable after I cancel it ?

      • Can you use internet through the foxtel port?

        • If you have cable internet, yes.
          I am considering doing this since they'll likely install the RG6 cable through to my TV. They only installed one to my study when I had cable internet installed. Study is on one side of the house whereas TV is nicely in the middle.
          After trial ends, I'll put my modem there :)

  • will this work for an existing Foxtel customer cancelling my foxtel subsciption, and becoming a Foxtel by Telstra customer?

    I did get the flybuys email also.

    And I ALSO GOT A $189 quibble rebate for joining foxtel thru them about 7 or 8 months ago

    • Foxtel from Telstra 3 Months Free Platinum HD Offer: Only available to customers who have not had a Foxtel service within the last 3 months.

      • so technically my brother who is in my flybuys family hasnt had a foxtel connection, so ill cancel my sub and order a new foxtel from telstra sub in his name and job done?

        • I would suggest it would go off of an address not a name…

        • worth trying - nothing to lose, $25 to gain? :)

  • No option for a self install?

    • Install is free anyway.

      • True, I suppose if there are any issues they can be fixed on the spot.

  • Typical foxtel from Telstra not available in my area

  • Just signed up going through the process with iQ2. Then the order confirmation lists iQ3 for $200 upfront. WTF!!!

    • Did you end up resolving this?

      • Nope talked to online chat and they said my order was "incomplete" and I need to call their Foxtel team to resolve. Even though I have documented evidence (screenshots) of everything I have done. No information I have left out of their online form.

        Telstra are infamous for stuffing up orders :(

        • Every time they have stuffed up my order, I got something for free :) Maybe iQ3 for you.

        • @xsacha:

          I called and they said iQ3 and multiroom had been put on the order, and would be at cost. Dunno if i should have asked them to change it now that you mentioned :S (didn't wanna get a bill).

  • hmm seems to be targeted.. i haven't got the flybuys email :(

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