If you have an autistic kid you will probably be familiar with Proloquo2Go and all the other AAC (augmented and alternative communication) apps that traditionally cost $250 and up.
Last year most of the major players discounted their wares by 50% for Autism Awareness Week. Speak for Yourself has said that they will discount for 2, 3 and 4 April this year.
This is welcome news for me as I was just about to buy it as my child's speech pathologist uses it. Saves me $150 AUD or thereabouts. UPDATED: Proloquo2Go will also be discounting by 50% for 2, 3 and 4 April:- http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=4901d93f301cfabb0cf41992… Thanks to sal_chi_cha.
Bear in mind that both these discounts will be taking effect, US time.
If you know parents of an autistic child please let them know. The apps go on special every now and then but its convenient when they all do it at the same time.
FYI, this is the link to the Itunes store. The deal is not active as of yet. https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/speak-for-yourself/id4825081…
Is there an Android version?