This was posted 8 years 11 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bethesda Sale: Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (PC) (~ $3.60) + More @ Nuuvem


Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

The Evil Within ~AU $7.93

Fallout 3 ~AU $1.80

Dishonored ~ AU $2.52

Wolfenstein: The New Order AU $11.50

You might need VPN to get the games from nuuvem. Prices on their website are in Brazilian Real

Instructions from previous post

In order to activate:

  • Use TunnelBear or VPN of your choice
  • Set it to Brazil
  • Add game to your account
  • Pay with Paypal
  • Once the Paypal screen appears, turn off your VPN and refresh the pop-up window
  • Enter your details and pay
  • Go to your Nuuvem library and access your code
  • Activate the code on Steam

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Brink - complete is another good priced title - grabbed that and the above earlier..

    • +5

      It's not really good priced considering how bad it is.

    • You were….joking, no?

  • How do you change currency? Fallout 4 is showing as R$129,99 whatever that is!

    • +1

      Use this and you won't want to buy Fallout 4 from there as it's cheaper elsewhere.

      • Ohhh, it's a Brazilian site?! Are these keys entirely legit?

        • +2

          Looking at the previous posts, these should be!

        • +1

          Not that anyone would be if it's cheaper elsewhere, but from memory Fallout 4 is activation locked anyway - meaning if you did get a key from nuuvem you couldn't activate on steam without vpn which I believe is frowned upon?

          Everything else should be fine, I bought dishonored goty last time it was on sale from nuuvem and activated fine.

  • +7

    Bought Dishonored for $2.65 AUD

    • I'm sorry to hear that.

      • +6


        It's a great game. Had tons of fun playing it.

        • Hehe I just said it to be contrary - I really disliked that game and I know most everyone loves it.

  • cant get it to purchase the old blood what vpn services u guys used?>

    • TGLIFETIME50 gets you 50% off of torguard. turns out to be about 10 bucks for 3 months. I've used it for a year and had no worries

    • +3

      Try this

      • i used fly vpn worked good

      • +2

        Second tunnelbear, it worked for me.

      • I third Tunnel Bear

    • +1

      Getflix is cheap. Also good for unblocking netflix and other streaming services.

  • looks like you have to VPN over to Brazil to take advantage of Wolfenstien

  • Thanks OP. Been looking for a cheap copy of Dishonored!

  • So VPN as Brazil, purchase via Paypal and you get a steam key ?

    • Can either use VPN or hola (Chrome extension)
      Some games might not work because of paypal region restrictions.

  • Definitely recommended fallout 3 and dishonored for those prices, great games. I haven't played the others but at that price might pick em up. Thanks OP!

    • +2

      Actually pay the bit extra for the goty versions, well worth it for the dlc. Dishonored is about $6.50 and fallout 3 is $4.35

  • +1

    Just purchased Dishonored GOTY edition for 6.84 AUD via paypal, i have been trying to get a cheap deal for dishonored, can't wait to play it, thanks OP

    • +3

      It is a seriously fantastic game.

      Any game that rewards a stealth/pacifist run in an otherwise very violent game usually gets my praise. I haven't had that much fun exploring alternative hidden routes, observing guard paths, sneaking and knocking people out with the ample methods available, then hiding their bodies since Deus Ex: HR. Alien Isolation also comes to mind more recently.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I bought 3 games.

  • +2

    Might also be worth putting in Wolfenstein: The New Order, as at AUD$11.50 I believe that's the lowest price so far.

    I had fun with this series about 10 years ago, pretty good deal for $1.

  • -3

    Yeah, even for a bargain hunter, some stuff is still too dodgy for me…I'm sure The Old Blood will go down in price somewhere more…reputable…soon lol

    • +9

      Nuuvem is about as reputable as you can get and has been around a long time. In fact the dodgiest thing about Nuuvem is their foreign customers accessing regional pricing through VPNs.

    • +6

      Nuuvem is reputable. Plenty of people have bought there with no issues. Cheap prices are due to it being aimed at the Brazilian market where games are cheaper in general.

    • +3

      Have bought a number of games from nuuvem. They're legit.

      • +1

        It's a little unfortunate that their name sounds less like a gaming site and more like a brand of soap.

  • +1

    Nice one! Been looking for Fallout 3 GOTYE and Fallout New Vegas UE at a good price - can't beat $10 for both. This is the second time Nuuvem have produced Bethesda goodness. For those looking for complete VPN instructions, check out

    • I've used that method in the past with no problems.

      This time around I'm having a problem - turn off the VPN and the PayPal popup window closes itself. Leave the VPN on and PayPal comes up with a regional restriction.

      This is not looking good..

      Has anyone here successfully checked out?

      • Just did then, I'm using torguard though, followed instructions, worked perfectly

        • I've tried multiple browsers, multiple machines and 2 different VPNs.

          Still having the same story.

          I might try Tunnelbear later, they have the first 500mb free so it worth a shot.

        • +1

          I used Tunnelbear. Trick is to let the paypal window open with the VPN on, then turn it off and refresh just the paypal window. Then you can complete the rest of the transaction with the VPN off.

  • Top deal. Grabbed The Old Blood and Dishonored :)

  • Picked up The Old Blood (for some reason my VPN wouldn't connect to the Brazil hub but it worked fine from Chile). If it's even as half as good as The New Order, I'll be a happy camper.

  • Is either of the Wolfenstein games region locked via Paypal because I try to buy them and they fail due to region restrictions every time through TunnelBear and FlyVPN on Brazil and Argentina servers

    • Did you turn your VPN off when the Paypal window popped up?

  • No luck with PIA Private Internet Access.

    • +1

      I used PIA and it worked for me. Purchase went through, got the email from Nuuvem, and have activated on Steam with no problems.

      Followed instructions here

      Note that after disconnecting VPN (Step 6) I hit F5 (on the PC) to refresh the Paypal page.

      Hope it works for you!

  • TunnelBear worked fine for me. Thanks for the instructions too. :)

  • +1

    Thanks for the deal and the instructions! Initially had trouble checking out with Paypal until I saw you had to deactivate the VPN once more at that stage. Worked perfectly then.

    Picked up Dishonored + Wolfenstein for under A$7 total. Nice!

  • hmmm no luck for me with torguard.
    seems like if i deactivate vpn during paypal it then goes back to nuuvem, pops up a "wait 40s for confirmation" screen and says not available in your region.
    if i dont deactivcate during paypal it does the same thing, payment seems to work but confirmation pop up says unavailable in your region even though vpn is still set to brazil.
    anyone have any ideas ?
    not a huge deal as can get the keys elsewhere for slightly more, but i dont understand why it doesnt work :?

  • +1

    ^ I've done everything as should, and I'm getting the same.

    I tried tunnelbear VPN on/off in many different stages. Always denies me.

    Even leaving it on the whole time, the site (not paypal, as such) denies me.

    I'm not sure how it's ever going to work, since the Paypal/Nuuvem handshake takes place over several windows, pages, prompts.

    • Me too :(

      Same issue for me every time. Close the VPN connection and straight away the PayPal windows closes. Leave the VPN connection on and the transaction doesn't go through, then I get sent an email from Nuuvem saying that the transaction did not work and to try again.

      I Never had a problem in the past getting games from Nuuvem using any of the VPNs I tried.

      Now - problem.

      • Frustrating the crap out of me. Still trying different timing/s. Like trying a secret hack/move on an old video game :D

        Same every time:

        Operation cancelled. At least one product in your cart is not available for purchase in your region.

        • Do you get sent that email also?

          I haven't tried purchasing the games individually as I have quite a few in my cart. I might give that a go. Maybe it's possible that there's a specific game or two that is causing this issue, as others have been able to check out fine.

        • @c0balt: Yeah, emails each time. Not a bad idea.
          I was trying for:
          Dishonored GOTY
          Act of War: Direct Action
          Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
          Dead Island Franchise Pack

        • @Utopian:

          Dishonored GOTY
          Act of War: Direct Action
          Act of War: High Treason
          Quake 3 Arena
          Wolfenstein: The New Order
          Doom 3 BFG
          Roller Coaster Tycoon Delux
          Roller Coaster Tycoon 2

          I'll add the Dead Island Francise Pack (good find btw).

          Going to try now individually.

        • @c0balt:

          Yeah it could be one or more of those games being the culprit. AFAIK certain publishers on Nuuvem do not want their games to be sold via VPN, so they check your PayPal nationality or something along those lines, hence you get denied every time. This started happening in the second half of 2015.

          So best to try buying the games individually.

    • May be get one of fellow ozbargainers to buy it for you?

  • Nice, it worked :) This didn't work for GTA V, I guess they were cracking down hard on that back then.

    Thanks for the post :)

  • +2

    Done a ton of searching the net, and these problems don't seem to be new.
    People all seem to point at PayPal region being the decider. Sounds smart/obvious… but even more confusing why it still works for some.

    • Did you try this

      turn off your VPN and refresh the pop-up window

      • +1

        Yeah. After the first few times, i started from scratch, step by step making sure i was doing everything exact.

        I could always try other people's paypal etc, but without citibank plus I'll be getting the shaft. And I've already spent almost an hour of my precious gaming time :D

        (Married, father, home owner, casual employee, full time student. Gamed 3hrs since Feb. And with 200+ unplayed steam games… I probably shouldn't even be here LOL.)

    • AFAIK the PayPal region/nationality check at Nuuvem is done on a game-by-game basis, and is demanded by the publisher. That's why some games will work and others will give you the error.

  • Remember to refresh the Paypal page after switching off the VPN!

    Hit F5 on the PC to refresh the Paypal page.

  • Can Anyone Confirm that the games they bought are working and can be redeemed on steam?
    I tried redeeming Dead Island Franchise Pack and it doesn't work.
    I can confirm that Fallout New Vegas (GOTY) does work.

    • You have to read it properly. If it says it is cannot activate outside of brazil, means the keys are region locked.

      Just checked dead island franchise yes it is restricted to brasil only.


      Este game não pode ser ativado fora do Brasil

  • Thanks OP, got Dishonored GOTY and Old Blood, but failed when trying to get New Order and Battlestations Pacific using two diff VPN
    Suspected its the payment method that unveiled the location

  • Counter on the site has ticked down to 00:00 but deal is still on.
    Very frustrating in that Paypal disallowed me from logging in while I'm VPN'ed to another country.
    It will simply say "wrong login/password". My PP login works perfectly fine from Oz but no go from "overseas".

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