Jimmy Lumpkin » user profile

Member Since 04/07/2013
Last Seen 10 hours 40 min

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LOL too good. You nailed it champion.
07/01/2023 - 23:42
So pointless that Linus literally made the same comparison in his 4070 Ti review here at 18:29: https://youtu.be/jKmmugnOEME Maybe you know…
07/01/2023 - 16:56
It just shows up, do not have to claim. The expiry on the store cash is pretty quick.
15/12/2022 - 00:26
Yes you upgraded. By spending 5x the amount on the KEFs you are meant to notice.
18/11/2020 - 01:17
Not sure if you've experienced 144Hz before but I don't see that on the Dell and it makes a pretty big difference IMO (in gaming at least).
09/11/2019 - 11:14
At least qualify these 4 brands by saying, "I'd buy X for X times the amount of money". If you're looking at spending $3,500 on a YS640 you…
25/10/2019 - 20:19
It might make a difference if: 1. You sit with your face 2 inches away from the screen with the keyboard on a 90 degree angle with doubled…
10/09/2019 - 00:20
Nuuvem is about as reputable as you can get and has been around a long time. In fact the dodgiest thing about Nuuvem is their foreign…
24/03/2016 - 16:42
It's not in AUD or deliverable to Australia.
28/12/2015 - 21:04
In my experience, not so far. Everything I've looked at from Newegg has been right around the same price or a lot higher than what I can…
20/12/2015 - 17:33
[@sqeeksqeek](/comment/3278142/redir): Shipping has value to everyone who wants the bottle (provided no pickup) a cushion doesn't. Just…
09/12/2015 - 12:26
[@kaneissik](/comment/3235604/redir): The quote I used is directly from Valve employee vitaliy. It's a fallacy because "ideas based on…
27/11/2015 - 05:38
Let's be real here. Since Bloodhound you get 1 weapon skin when you rank up for the first time each week and a limited amount of cases (I…
27/11/2015 - 05:19
I simplified the process to someone who doesn't know what deranking means... Never mentioned ELO, don't know why you bring it up. We don't…
27/11/2015 - 04:50
I don't know how much you play but there are still plenty of hackers. You can easily buy a level 3 account for a few keys.
27/11/2015 - 01:56
CSGO has a competitive mode where you achieve a rank based on your wins and losses. Going forward you then play others of similar ranks.…
27/11/2015 - 01:52
It doesn't come with a steam key immediately. You have to wait 14 days and then you can go through the recover process to obtain a steam…
18/09/2015 - 21:06
That's ok it's not your fault. Thanks for the help.
14/09/2015 - 14:16
I'm on Chrome as well. Just tried clearing the cache but still doesn't work. So I tried Firefox. Same result. Oh well hopefully it's still…
14/09/2015 - 13:57
Did you add to cart? As soon as I added it was the normal price (for the WPC). Maybe my browser is broken. On the front page all the prices…
14/09/2015 - 13:41
Seems that the deal is over, all the prices are the usual ones.
14/09/2015 - 13:18
Sades headsets are all over ebay. This price is about $10 cheaper than what I could quickly find on there for the same model. I've searched…
24/10/2014 - 02:27
$137, $5999, $4.80. Glad to help.
13/07/2014 - 11:15
Wow I just bought MW2, Blops and Blops 2 for only just over $200. What a bargain!
02/05/2014 - 10:18
It's neither a luxury good nor has an inelastic price curve. You can even see limited evidence (small sample size) of the price elasticity…
27/02/2014 - 00:18
I played this the last time it had a free weekend (around last August). It was one of the worst games I've played in long time. At the time…
24/02/2014 - 19:51
For $2.49 I can't afford to NOT get NS2.
03/12/2013 - 14:03
It's a great album.
17/11/2013 - 00:39
It took several hours to arrive. No reason to neg this.
05/11/2013 - 08:54