- 40,000 bonus Qantas or Altitude points on a new Altitude Platinum credit card (1k spend in 90 days)
- Offer ends 6 July 2016.
- 0.00% p.a. for 14 months on balance transfers requested at card application. Rate then switches to standard variable purchase rate
- $0 annual fee in the first year for existing Westpac customers who apply via westpac.com.au and click on the Westpac customers 'Apply now’ button. New cards only. Offer ends 6 July 2016. See 'Things you should know' section below for this promotion's terms and conditions.
Switches, upgrades, customers accessing employee benefits or packaged cards are ineligible for this offer.
If you choose Altitude Rewards:
2 Altitude Points - Altitude Platinum American Express® Card
1 Altitude Point - Altitude Platinum Visa Card
For each statement cycle a points cap of 7,500 Altitude Points applies when using either or both cards. Bonus points do not count towards the points cap.If you choose Altitude Qantas:
1 Qantas Point - Altitude Platinum American Express® Card
0.5 Qantas Points - Altitude Platinum Visa Card
For each statement cycle a points cap of 3,750 Qantas Points applies when using either or both cards. Bonus points do not count towards the points cap.Complimentary insurance cover.
- Up to 45 days interest free on purchases when you pay the closing balance (including any promotional balance transfer amount) in full by the due date shown on your statement
- Minimum card limit $6,000
- Recommended income to apply $30,000.
40,000 Reward Points on Westpac Altitude Platinum Credit Card ($150 Fee / $0 if Westpac Cust)

Last edited 05/05/2016 - 10:05 by 1 other user
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Oh Platinum don't mean what it used to these days lel.
For example I'm rollin' with a Platinum Debit Mastercard from Commonwealth Bank right now that they gave me for just being me.
Platinum card isn't the highest tier, Westpac altitude black is the highest tier card you can get.
I think minimum income is around $75K and minimum limit is $15K, however if you have a home loan you can get it as part of the package.
Centrelink income is something 17K - 22K a year, minimum limit is around $5K, so on a ratio basis on after tax income, it's about the same :P
It's all about the interchange fees dawg! Banks earn more from a 'higher level' card - that's why they're keen to migrate everyone to platinum/black etc. I just got a coles 'prepaid reloadable' mastercard that is 'platinum'!
Shame it's expired now.
Back to $10?
Don't know what world you live in where someone on centrelink makes $30k. Newstart is more like $13k. Even sole parenting (for the few people still eligible) or DSP would struggle to get that much.
Since when do they "make" $30k? That indicates they have earned the centrelink payments. In my opinion, Centrelink payments are government handouts given to those who are between jobs or are unable to work.
Platinum simply means the fee paid by the merchant to the card issuer is larger.
I reported my actual income which is exactly $30,000 and got denied of this. I have no credit history as a new immigrant, but the Internet forums say that having worked 3 months is about OK to apply for a card (and can be accepted despite being a casual worker). I guess I've got about the lowest qualification of all applicants, so I serve as a test, result is that they don't just grant it to anyone who can earn $30,000. (P.S. they didn't ask for a payslip)
Pretty good!
$150 annual fee
Not for existing members (open a Westpac eSaver account online before applying, this account has no fees)
Well OP needs to state if they are targeting this deal to existing customers. If not the annual fee should then be included in the title.
done. Although, I would not say targeted as you can become a westpac customer by opening an bank account.
@dw121212: Can you also add that existing Westpac credit card holders can't get the deal either please (as per other comments here)?
That's pretty good if true.
OP, can you verify & update?Note that this is a renewal of a deal that expired last month: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/230735
We know, it says that in title. Since most people are not Westpac members, its $150 annual fee.
Last year when they had the Westpac Altitude card deal, it had the exact same wording but it applied to new customers too who had no account whatsoever. You didn't even need to open a bank account.
The explanation given to me over the phone by one of the assistant's was something like, "when you sign up for the card, you become an existing customer and you qualify for the bonus points" - I found it very odd, but she was right. I got my points, first year annual fee waived, and I had no existing account and I only opened a Westpac Black credit card account. That is all.
edit: I believe other Ozbargainers reported the same, however there was some discussion as whether it had to be done in-branch or online. I was able to do it online, and I believe some other Ozbargainers were too.
How does one sign up without opening an account?
no fees
It's a device to encourage you to leave more money with the bank.
What if I'm a Bank SA (somewhat associated with WestPac) Cardholder?
just my experience with the deal last time
i opened an e-saver then once i could login i applied for the credit card and have no issues with the minimum salary but still got declined.
i asked the missus to do the same and she also got declined and she has no mortgage repayments so had much more disposable income
my gut feel is they wanted us to pay the $150 so has anyone actually opened an e-saver and got this to work?
Getting declined for a credit card is a big deal - it might be on your credit report. HAve you had a look recently?I am interested in what you are as well, opening e-saver, and then applying for the card so that I get free points.
Opening e-Saver and applying for CC worked fine for me to avoid the annual fee. I opened up account and signed up for credit card in the last 6 weeks or so (as part of the previous identical deal)
no but prior to westpac i only had a normal amex and the anz black and then after westpac declined i got the amex discovery and my wife did too so my gut feel is westpac didnt like the "free" method of applying
Well, there is a term in the "Things you should know" section of Westpac eSaver.
- To hold a Westpac eSaver, customers must hold a Westpac transaction or savings account in the same name. Fees may apply on the other account.
How about Westpac Reward Saver?
Did you try this out? From what I can tell the Reward saver is 100% free.
@yht: So if I've understood the T&Cs correctly, I could open the account, make no deposits (so no withdrawal fee) and that would qualify me for the CC?
@ilikeradiohead: Reward Saver and Esaver is two different account. You should open Esaver account. And in order to open the account, you will need yo open Choice account, which may have a monthly fee unless you deposit some minimum amount monthly or have Westpac home loan.
do you need a choice account to open an esaver?
Can you apply online directly for the esaver without opening another account?
i had the previous cc from westpac and since closed it. however i can still access my online login, however there are no active accounts or cc. am i still considered an 'existing customer' to apply for this fee-free in first year?
Same here…would like to know that info also.
JakeI suspect so but you would really need to check.
After all, the login is your CIS key where C stands for 'customer.'Just applied see how we go.
can u get this card if u already have altitudes rewards card?
I want to know about this too. I think you can though. I cancelled the cards years ago but have the Black Altitude rewards.
Hi I held the altitude black cod and applied and was excepted for the platinum card as well. Also worth noting that once you have received the Qantas points, you can call up and request to transfer to altitude rewards, if you prefer to have discretion as to which airline points to credit to.
You can also request a Priority Pass, even if you've already received the Qantas lounge passes in the same year. :D
After swapping over from Qantas to Altitude Rewards, do I just go on the link through Westpac to Priority Pass and enrol using my CC details?
I went in and it says application failed (forgot what reason), tried again and it says the credit card account has already been registered. Haven't received any email or notification.
How long before the card actually arrives or email?
Should I ring them up? Would they know if I have obtained Qantas lounge passes?
@lilkid28: Just call them and see. From what I can tell, there's nothing in Westpac's system to say you've already had one, so can't have the other.
Hmm doesn't have the "customers who have held a card in the last 12 months are ineligible", or "existing customers excluded" clause?
test it and let me know :P
"Existing Westpac, St George, Bank of Melbourne and BankSA customers currently holding a credit card or have closed a credit card within the previous twelve months from card activation are not eligible for this offer."
Ah I see it (in "Things you should know").
Maybe add to the description OP?
That rules me out. I have Westpac, St George& BOM credit card… :(
Bureau of Meteorology credit card?! Do you get free hail and wind??
Only for existing customers :|.
for existing westpac customers who don't have an existing westpac CC.
Well that rules out a lot of peopleSo what if you set up a Westpac debit account first?
Unless they have a 'must have been a customer as of xx/xx' clause can't see why not…
done! that's my workaround
Yeah that rules out most of the westpac customers I guess, me included
If I got this right, it pretty much gives us 4 scenarios
1) Existing Credit Card - NO Free AF | NO 40k bonus
2) Cancelled CC within past 12 mths & no longer a customer - NO Free AF | NO 40k bonus
3) No recent CC and still existing customer - YES Free AF | YES 40k bonus
4) Completely "NEW" applicants - NO Free AF / YES 40k bonus
I am in scenario 1… sadly.
You forgot option 5 get a friend to apply for the CC and transfer the points over to you =)
shh… That is what my wife is for :)
Yeah not looking to incur excessive debt
Getting a friend to use their credit rating to apply and transfer QFF points is not really a scenario but really good if you have such a good friend.
BTW I believe Altitude Reward points are non-transferable. Make sure you(r friend) opt for Altitude Qantas.That's like asking a friend to apply $200 cash for free then give it to you. Just exactly why would the friend do that instead of keeping that $200 cash for his/her own? Not to mention damaging his/her credit rating along the way.
But if they're shopping around for a credit card already then won't be a hassle for them
But why would they give up the points when they could have just keep it for themselves?
Because they have a family and would would cost them a lot more points to redeem the flightsCan't they just redeem the points as cash/gift cards etc?
Edit: It seems like these points worth a little over $200 gift cards based on comments below.
Then you are probably a 'friend' to them, but to you, they are not exactly your 'friend' is it? They are just some people that you 'use'.
And you won't be a friend to them as soon as they find out what you did.
If you can't get the 40k bonus you can always take advantage of the balance transfer. I'm not sure yet if it's possible to take advantage both the 40k bonus and 0% balance transfer without being hit with interest.
How much is 40,000 points worth? Also how do I benefit from this 0% balance transfer? I have a home loan, I know some people on ozbargain have some how put this money in their home loan
40,000 points worth?
See every other cc points bargain, depends how you use it.
Also how do I benefit from this 0% balance transfer? I have a home loan, I know some people on ozbargain have some how put this money in their home loan
that's the way.
Citibank CC's sometimes have 0% cheque to self option.
Don't think any other banks do this.
I have about 40K worth of Citbank cheque to self sitting on my home loan that I'm transferring around different balance transfers until I can't anymore then I'll pay it off.
Cost to me 0$ savings per month in interest are decent :).
So I need a city bank credit card first, then ask them to send me a check of my whole credit limit, then I transfer the city bank cc balance onto this new wespact cc? Also which card you should not touch after this process to avoid paying interested? Thanks
How often are these 0% cheque and how would we know?
I received one and have not received another offer since :( it has been over 1 year. Citibank are good thou to do balance transfer to and get a cheque with no questions asked :)
@massari: You don't need an offer: you need to call to cancel,tell them you were offered x months at another bank. Worked for me (18 months 0% cheque).
I will give that a shot. I have tried every few months to call them and ask if they can give me the offer and all the time they say no :( How long ago did you do it last?
@massari: Did it maybe 10 months ago. I called to cancel,then told them it was to open a card with Westpac (offering 15 months at the time). Just don't call asking for a BT - you're fishing for one.
@wildstone: Just pull out when they get past the questioning - tell them you have to cancel a direct debit first or something.
I tried this yesterday with no luck :( I accused them of not giving me any offers because I havnt paid any interest or fees over the last 3 years. I would cancel the card but its still a good backup card :)
I will try again in a few weeks haha
@massari: Interesting - so they were happy to cancel with no sweeteners to stay open? They may have (finally) gotten wise.
Agree, hard to cancel the card when you get 2 free priority pass visits each year.
Yes they were. I also like Citibank as I can do balance transfers to Citibank & they will give me a cheque no questions asks compared to other cards i.e American express where I had to complain to the ombudsman so they give me my money back!
I guess I will try my luck in a few weeks anyway see what happens…
40k points in gift cards is ~$266 in WISH gift cards.
And don't come here telling me flights are more worthwhile because that's not my point.
Flights are better value, ACTUALLY flight upgrades are even better ;).
Not if they are business class flights, they are better value than upgrades :)
Which bonus 40k points are better to get the maximum value from Gift cards (like WISH cards)? QFF or Altitude Rewards?
I'm also interested in how to take advantage of the 0% balance transfer.
Do I just make a cash payment to myself on my current credit card, then use westpac to transfer the balance?I read the answers below but I dont have a citibank card, so I don't think they apply to me.
To clarify: I have no outstanding amount on one of my current credit cards, but it has a 10k limit and I'd like to take advantage of the BT.
You can just do a Balance transfer to one of your other CC that have a $0 balance then transfer the positive balance to your normal account once it's gone thru and enjoy 0% interest.
E.g. Apply for this card with a 12k limit say, request a balance transfer of 10k to other banks CC that you currently have a $0 balance on.
Westpac will simply direct debit 10k onto your other card which has a $0 balance effectively placing it in a 10k positive balance. Depending on your bank you can then simply transfer the 10k positive balance to a normal account.
This is what I've done before , and its worked fine. I think once i did get stung a cash advance type fee for transferring my positive balance for some weird reason, but a quick phone call had it reversed once I explained I was transferring a positive balance.Hope this makes sense
Thanks for this! Exactly the kind of help I wanted =)
Hopefully it goes through, cheers!
But then any purchase against the card will get stung by interest ?
@yht: quite possible, I would like know also.
On a 10k balance transfer + 1k purchases, you will need find out from westpac if a repayment of 1k by the due date pays down the balance transfer or the purchases. It's risky and wesptac don't seem to know as I've been told two different things.
Does anyone know?
@dw121212: Pretty sure it legally has to. But if you don't pay it on the same day or the next, interest will very quickly start to accrue.
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So someone on Centrelink can now get a Platinum card ?