These are basically mystery bags.
They say that it has a minimum value of $53.98 (for a $39 bag)
and a MAX value of $402.99 (for a $99 bag).
The list of items are shown, so no absolutely nasty surprises like expired soup! haha
These are basically mystery bags.
They say that it has a minimum value of $53.98 (for a $39 bag)
and a MAX value of $402.99 (for a $99 bag).
The list of items are shown, so no absolutely nasty surprises like expired soup! haha
Imagine getting a $39 bag with 2 usb cables at $7 and $7.99 each with a $24 torchlight. Major face palm.
how can you tell what's in there, good or not?
Not a bargain. Just an ad.
Just an ad - you cant call this a bargain if you dont know the products you are actually going to get!
9289 use to be in front page of OzB but not anymore.
LOL this is totally FAIL marketing!
Can't see the bargain in this deal.
There's some over priced junk there