Been looking to upgrade my phone for a while, decided on the M9 in the end and at $480 its a good price. Less with cash rewards.
HTC One M9 4G LTE 32GB $481.60 from Kogan eBay

Last edited 14/03/2016 - 01:12 by 1 other user
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^ not true dude, I've had one for months and it runs flawlessly. Anyway this is a great deal and we'll worth the cash, the best thing about this phone to me (apart from aesthetics) is just how fast it is. As others have said the camera and battery aren't the best, but well worth the upgrade at $480 if you can sell your current phone to recoup some $$.
Camera and battery not the best? That's a shame since the battery is the top-most important aspect of a phone for me.
I don't think there's any smartphone in 2015/2016 with very good batterylife though… Maybe the Z3 compact? I know S6 M9 and G4 all have pretty short batterylife, and my iPhone friends are just constantly crying about how bad the batterylife is… Lol
Yeah. I think 2015 in general was a poor year for smartphones. There weren't any outstanding ones worth buying if you owned any devices made in 2014.
My LG G2 is nearly 2 years old and still has amazing battery life. Unless I play games on the device or surf Reddit on LTE networks all day, I usually come home from my 9 hour work day with at least 50% battery life.
I'm going to hang onto it until some company comes with up a phone that's5.2 inches or similar
MM android
3000mah battery
not bulky or phat
takes good photos
SD card removableThe LG G5 and Sammy S7 looks the goods, but price is out of my reach still.
I think it's time for us to make an Ozbargain phone…
btw I reckon the battery should be 4000mah though, my G4's 3000 clearly isn't enough lol, lasting only about 10hrs (though 5.5").I've had my LG G2 for almost two years as well. I spend about 2-3 hours on public transport each day and my phone is always doing something (Reddit/Spotify/OzBargain) and I use it a lot throughout the day. Still end up with a solid 25% when I get home at 8pm. I've had to send it in for warranty once (screen burn on top left of screen. It was replaced but happened again) but apart from that I love it!
I'm due for a new phone but I'll probably buy the G4 once it hits the $350 mark ^_^
The s7 edge looks promising!
What screen brightness is that set on?
How much on screen time?The new update to 6.0 is supposed to fix any battery issues, but I haven't noticed anything better with the new software update.
Auto brightness 50%, sometimes I tweak it depending on the environment but I think 50% averages it out.
Screen on time usually about 2.5 to 3hrs. I feel absolutely no difference after the 6.0 update.@clse945111:
I'm the same.
I tend to set at 50% or wherever my finger gets it closest to.
I probably cane my screen on time more when I'm skiving at work….I did notice after their update, if you have it set to tivl on the auto section, it has gone all up to 100% brightness during day outside.
@Kugz: I'm also using my g2 from 2014 and it's still going strong after so long. I've been researching on comparable phones based on size/specs and I'm eagerly waiting for Huawei p9 to be released in early April. X Play.
3630mah battery, with a non-SUPER-QUAD-HI-DEF 4k SCREEN (just 1080p) and not the newest and fastest processor plus plain android = long battery life.@jtsback: It is better than promising! Its battery is amazing. I used to run down to about 50-60% on my last phone (S6 edge) by the end of the day when I go to bed and plug it in. Now I'm still up above 70% most days.
@albanyson: Hey, no that's fair enough you ask those questions :) I'm not entirely sure, however having read the umpteen reviews out there, I'm quite confident it's possibly the ONLY phone out there with "all-day" battery life. (by all-day, i mean all day, without having to sacrifice anything like internet or screen brightness).
But i've seen screenshots of it with up to 8 hours on screen time! Have a look :D
That's one thing I love about the G4, if you don't care about thickness than a 6000 mah battery easy to fit in it. :) 11.5 hours screen on time. Which is still pretty bad considering. Lol
I agree, especially when travelling or going to the beach for the day etc. That being said I still get a full days use from each charge so that's good enough for me.
Not gonna touch HTC phones again. Horrible experience with m7 and m8.
Actually I think the m7 and m8 were really good phones… (except the camera)
Definitely fastest on the market (still true now even though it's been 3 years since the release of m7)My m7 is a PoS camera has been purple for ages now. Freezes all the time even after being wiped and rest with the newest firmware. The speaker has stopped working and can't take calls. The top cover of the phone where the front facing camera is has fallen off. I could go on…
My M7 has been okay.. Camera isnt purple but it does freeze sometimes. Also recently its started forgetting wifi passwords randomly, if it keeps doing it ill upgrade within a month or two. the freezing wasnt too bad but forgetting wifi passwords is super annoying
Yeah the purple issue was known, free to fix though if you sent it in before the end of warranty (like I did). As for the speakers and falling cover…are you sure you didn't torture the phone?
@shapers: Yeah I just bought an LG G4, and the missus bought the Nexus 5X she said if I didn't like the G4 she'd swap so we will see.
@clse945111: Yeah the weird thing was it only started happening 6 months or so in. But wasn't happening all the time so I thought the problem would go away. (Silly me) And yeah have not tortured it at all, always had a solid case on it etc. I have had it for nearly 3 years so time to get a new one anyway I think.
I currently have a G4 as well. Very good camera which the 5x can't offer, but I really wish the G4 had a fingerprint scanner.@shapers: Kogan hasn't sent it yet! But went into JB the screen is huge didn't realise how big it was. I actually liked the build quality more on the 5X only issue is no removable battery or sd card slot. That's the one she bought for $447 I think it was.
@clse945111: I think the fingerprint scanner is a thing I can live without, but if I had a phone with it, I wouldn't be able to go back. Go I am sticking with the no scanner lifestyle. ;)
Actually I'm waiting to see what the M10 will look/be like, gotta make sure I buy the one I want the most you know ;)
The M8 kicked ass
Mine is rocking along after 18 months. No problems, battery life is pretty good, far better than my old S3 :)
The phone is nice to use, but please DO forget about repair after warranty expired. Multiple shops quoted my friend over $350 to replace a cracked digitizer on M9. Not worth it.
Was once a fan of HTC but after the M9, never again. Sold it after 3 months for a Galaxy S6 and haven't looked back.
cant do it… i have yet to use a phone with a better Ui than the HTC Sense, the Galaxy is a great phone and if HTC sold sense UI to sammy id be getting that phone lol .. i'll stick with them lots of updates later and my M9 is fine for now lol .. :)
II had the M7 and currently happy with the M8, but fancy an upgrade. I hear the general opinion is that the M9 isn't worth the upgrade?
Depending on what you want.
In my opinion, not really. The S810 CPU isn't particularly good.Not upgradable memory or removable battery that M8 has.
I'd hold onto the M8 for a while yet if you can
I'll probably get negged for this, but I'm just giving my experience.
Recently got the chance to try the M9 coming from my Xperia Z2 but had quite a few issues with it. Firstly, it never managed to last me through a day and gets very hot when using mobile data, giving me maybe 2 hours of screen on time as opposed to the 5+ from my Z2. Also, I did side by side tests with my Z2, and it was slower opening apps and multitasking (not significantly slower), even with the SD810 which was quite disappointing (this was when both devices were cold, so no throttling from the 810).
The screen was OK, but a bit washed out and 'cool' for my liking, but YMMV-this is personal preference. The main thing I liked about it was the signal strength I got over 3G/4G, giving significantly better coverage than any other phone I've had. Camera was alright I guess, but not an upgrade over the Z2. This was with the latest update (5.1.1 I think).
Definitely not worth the upgrade from the M8 in my opinion- the M8 is still a great phone.
i have the M9 .. upgrade from M7 .. i'm ok with the phone but i wouldn't recommend it to anyone even at this price (maybe $100 less). It's a haphazardly put together phone, whoever did the RnD must have been fired then hired just so they can fire him again.. in the market last year most phones avoided the 810 as they saw the issue's that is was causing, and i think the M9's major issue's (aside from the camera) are to do with that cpu … nearly all of the phones after the LG G flex 2 (also 810 but throttled) and the M9 went to the 808 which is not as powerful but more stable.
I feel for HTC they felt the pinch of the bigger boys releasing phones every year and totally stuffed it, would have been happier if they gave last year a miss threw out a bunch of mid level stuff and went for a big release this year … my M7 was working fine and is still working fine so i had no issues with waiting 12 more months
Terrible camera, bought 2nd hand from gumtree used it for 1 month and had to sell it again. When I say terrible, I meant really really bad, my M7 perform better than M9 camera.
Yep I agree with that, I think my M7 actually took better pics than a 20 mega pixel camera, could of just been the settings or something though.
at this price, isnt it better off getting a g4? or even 5x
M9 is a smooth fast phone, I've personally tried it myself. but I would prefer the G4 or 5X for sure. some reasonable prices coming out recently.
stay away from snapdragon 810
Stick with my lovely iphone 6plus with 0 complain :) and the market price still high if i want to sell it,
Still Remembered when i helped friend to sell his S5….. What a pain…
Just my 2cents…
HTC makes good phones, had the M7 for a few years and now the m8. Overall they're both good but the m8 heats up a little when gaming and multitasking but not as much as my G4.
I hear this phone has major overheating issues
Winter is coming..
free bbq in your pocket.
You should probably get a doctor check that over
it gets hot, never over heats … gives a new meaning to hot pants.. ;) hahaha
m9 is a good phone if you don't use the camera often .
Trust me , i have had an m7, two m8 and now an m9.
If they (profanity) up the m10, i will never buy a htc again.
ohh man doubles as hand warmer in winter