• expired

Coles 16/3: Sirena Tuna $1.99, Dr Oetker Pizza $3.75, Luv-A-Duck $11.50, Kettle Chips $2.10, Telstra $30 Starter Kits $15


In my opinion, the best tasting tuna bar none. Starts Wed March 16. Enjoy :)

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closed Comments

  • +11

    Damn you Dr Oetker, it's like you want me to be fat

    • Do not defy the Dr.

      • +4

        Dr pepper is good friend with oetker.

        The best doctors in town…

        • lol

    • +2

      He is a Doctor afterall

    • Planning to give Dr Oetker a crack this Wednesday. I've heard spinach is the best. What other flavours to people recommend?

      • +1

        i always grab a spinach and a prosciutto

        • I read that as prostutto

        • ah crap, just over cooked mine for 2mins and base got a bit stiff. still good though,

      • +1

        Hawaiian is good

      • +1

        BBQ Chicken is best by far IMO.

      • we buy the pepperoni
        and throw some chopped mushrooms on top

      • Everyone is wrong, mushroom one is best!

        • +1

          Everyone excluding me since I concur.

      • Al funghi, if you love mushroom like I do.

    • $3.75 at woolies right now.
      (sirena tuna is $2 as well)

      • $2 for 95g not the 185g tins

        • +1

          Oops sorry bout that.

        • @PVA: Thats ok senpai.

    • Doctors make you fat?, alright then

  • +13

    Serena uses the best tuna, but other brands such as John west and green seas have stopped fishing it as it is not sustainable. A part of the marine food chain. John west chunk style oil is my choice alternative . http://www.worldwildlife.org/species/yellowfin-tuna

    • -8

      Why are you spreading corporate propaganda?

    • Serena uses the best mercury-infested tuna

      FTFY :)

  • +2

    Ah love Sirena tuna! Thanks!

  • +4

    YAY! Half price Luv-a-Duck

    • +2

      This was exactly what i was going to write so I'll just say 'ditto' !!

      • +1

        I luv luv-a-duck. Always fills up my freezer :)

    • +39

      I'll tell you what. Instead of being so pushy, why don't you look for a catalogue and do it yourself? I happen to be at a kids birthday party and I don't have time to type up an essay using a mobile phone just for you. Sorry for being so blunt, but seems some people want everything done for them!

        • +32

          garbage posts

          That's one thing I can't be accused of. Enjoy the rest of your night. We eagerly await your first post in 3 years with bated breath :)

        • +3


          The catalogue post from today, is a garbage post…

          This comment from someone who has one forum post…wait..I think your mum's calling you for dinner.😄

        • +12

          @bennoc: Dude you really need to learn when to quit bro. Seriously you're making an ass of yourself.

        • +8

          @bennoc: Instead of expecting someone else to do something for you all the time, how about you show some initiative instead? Put your money where your mouth is.

        • +12

          @bennoc: You do now, and it's not a good one.

        • +14

          @bennoc: This post is not a Garbage post at all. Thanks to the quick summary of this post i am grabbing myself 3 Telstra starter kits which will serve me well and i will think of Tightarse each time i am swiping right on tinder. Thanks TA.

        • +1


          Sounds like you deranked in CSGO and looking somewhere to vent, calm down sir.

          Now to stock up on tuna…..

        • -2

          Read my earlier comment, I don't have access to the catalogue, so I can't, but trust me if I were going to do it, I would do it properly.

        • +6

          No, you actually take pride in not doing something. Thats a pretty strong sign of a poor character. I hope for your sake one day your able to put aside your need to be superior, and instead focus on accomplishing your own goals. Whatever they may be

        • +10

          What is wrong with you???

          I don't even know where to start… You truly are a miserable, and ungrateful person.

          Anything you're given is free, and more than you had before. Yet you bring nothing to this site, but useless criticism & a terrible attitude.

          I see no point in your being here, and genuinely hope to never read your rubbish again.

        • -6

          My goals for the 13/03/2016 are to find out what the half price specials are for Wednesday, so far I'm having no luck.

        • +4

          @tightarse: TA, don't worry about this ungrateful guy, you've been delivered the catalogue early and are letting the community know of the important specials (Dr Oetker freezer reign anyone?), thanks for all you do.

        • +4

          @bennoc: this guy should have his account deleted, there comes a point where second chances are not worth it

        • +6

          Interesting… does not contribute but openly and pointlessly criticises a contribution.
          Easy way to fix your annoyance and ours… don't come here.

      • +9

        I hope you know we all appreciate the effort you put in. Most of us won't ever say more than the occasional thanks and the regular up-vote but your dedication to this community is extremely valuable. You've personally cost me hundreds!

        • +4

          *saved me hundreds

    • +8

      You were happy with 4 items being listed here, but now you have an issue with it? How things change in 3 weeks apparently!


      • -3

        Yeah I was critical of it, as in my post, but read the post below mine, I figured I better upvote it because it was pointed out to me that it was the right thing to do, kinda like how, every child is a winner these days, no matter how useless they are.

        • +3

          How 'useless they are'? Seriously?

        • +3

          Yeah I was critical of it, as in my post, but read the post below mine, I figured I better upvote it because it was pointed out to me that it was the right thing to do, kinda like how, every child is a winner these days, no matter how useless they are.

          It would seem you were one of those children as you don't appear to know where the full stop button is, or where it should be placed, or maybe both!

          Maybe do everyone a favour and step away from your keyboard, unless you like making a fool of yourself, in which case you can keep going :)

        • @moogi27:

          Ask the other 20 or so pages that are sad they don't get any exposure.

        • -3


          I don't care, my original point was that this post didn't offer what I've been waiting for all day, which is the half price specials for Coles this Wednesday, and I was more pissed off by the response and reason why it was done so half arsed. If I'm making a fool of myself I'm cool with that, maybe Tightarse will think twice next Sunday if he decides to do this crap again and put in a 5% effort.

        • +6

          There's always someone who comes along that reinforces the notion that sterilisation in some families, is a good thing.

        • +5


          No one would be influenced to not post because your comments. Influenced to show you up for the arrogant person you are, yes, but not to keep posting deals.

          Oh and if you don't appreciate this site and what people do for it, I'll gladly show you the door :)

        • -2

          If you want to stick your tongue in Tightarse, go for it, but the fact is the original post was done to a level of about 5%. If I went to work tomorrow and did my job 5%, I wouldn't have a job, and neither should I.

          If you are going to do something, you do it properly. In this case, if you are going to post the specials for a catalogue, you post all (or in OzBargain standard the 50% off ones) or you don't bother and wait for the other regular poster who does it properly. Simple.

        • +3

          @bennoc: You know how you were talking about "someone just wanting to get their post count up"?

          You're now saying you're just angry because it didn't have what you wanted. So what's the problem? Do you have a problem with the action, or do you have a problem with the impact that it had on you?

          It seems to be the latter, and if that's the case, then you're just having a rant because it didn't live up to your expectations which were clearly too high to begin with. As I mentioned below, this stuff isn't supposed to be available until 5pm Monday anyway and if it weren't for Ozbargain, you would've known 0 of the items on special starting Wednesday as opposed to 5 now after reading this post.

        • @illumination:

          If my expectations are too high for wanting more than 5 specials from an entire catalogue, then shoot me.

        • +3


          Ok, well then the question becomes, what is his job??
          When was it ever, or why was it his or anyone else's job on this site to supply you or anyone else here with the content that you or anyone else of us here want?

          Also, what's stopping him from posting this up now, going through the catalogue later and adding to this or posting a new post with some other good stuff from the catalogue later?

          That's what I don't get. As I said, as individuals on this site we generally have little incentive to post stuff to begin with. Obviously if someone is trying to sell their own product/app, there is clearly an incentive but that's when we have to declare ourselves as associated/store reps. And even then, if what is being posted is crap, it gets negged. With that being said, if this was someone posting their own service/business and you called it a crap post, then fair enough, it does indeed seem to be lacking some detail. But think of the context. We're talking about a tin of tuna, some toiletry cleaning item (I think?), Telstra SIM starter kits, and a bag of chips. How much do we bloody need to elaborate on this?

          Just to be clear, I am not specifically defending OP. I don't care who the OP is or who they might be and I don't care who you are. I'm just trying to be as impartial as possible.

          So yes. Your expectations are too high but I can't shoot you so I won't. But I will happily continue to discuss with you.

        • +1

          I'll fix that for ya.

          You are not a winner.

        • +7

          Here's a hint Champ:
          Tightarse and Ozbargain in general doesn't owe you a damn thing.

        • @starionx:
          Amen brother to that !!

        • +2

          @bennoc: Hey mate, all this agitation over a "Coles" catalogue- might be time to put a sock in it and turn the lights off on your way out!

    • +5

      I don't understand what the issue is with supposed "half arsed" posts. A "half-arsed" post, even if negged, I feel is better than no post. At least we are given the opportunity to neg it, view it, scrutinise it.

      The alternative, as you yourself have pointed out is to simply not post at all. The outcome of that is we wouldn't have had any idea about these items unless someone else came around and posted it.

      From a personal point of view, 2/5 of the items are actually pretty useful (Telstra starter kits + Sirena tuna).
      From a general point of view, I'd imagine there'd be plenty who'd love that half price pizza + half price Kettle chips.
      And it seems everyone loves the luv-a-duck thing.. which I have never even heard of.

      That's pretty good quality if you ask me.

      Bloody ridiculous rant.

      • -2

        I agree that 2/5 of the items are useful, and I'll be buying those. What I'm annoyed about is the other half price specials I might like more that I have to wait until 5pm tomorrow to find out about, because someone was more interested in getting a post in, rather than detailing the specials from the catalogue they have access to properly.

        • +4

          2/5 from an individual is a pretty damn good hit rate for a "catalogue" post.

          I don't know why that annoys you. It's only supposed to be available at 5pm tomorrow anyway, so you would've had to have waited until 5pm if it wasn't for this post. This info being available to us is just a bonus.

          Even if it was a case of him "wanting to get a post in", I don't know why that bothers you either. It's like a mortgage broker getting commission. Are you expecting him to do his work for free, or are you gonna blame him for wanting to help you out "just because he earns a commission"?

          Who are you to him? Why should he do the work for free? He's not your best mate..

          It's supposed to be a win-win, and this is really no different. If he wants pos votes from posting deals than so be it. If it's crap, it'll get negs.

          Also.. if it weren't for pos votes, there is actually hardly any incentive for any of us here to post anything at all for that matter. Have you ever thought of that? Why should we even post or share anything with you and everyone else on this forum? Let the OP of whatever deal enjoy their moment of pos confetti.

        • Why does Coles release an online version after a hard copy? Seems counterintuitive…

  • +3

    the best tasting tuna bar

    Not as good as a Mars bar

  • Yes. My supply of Serena tuna is nearly finished.

    Can I use the Telstra starter packs as top up credit for my current Telstra phone?

    • +1

      Kind of. You activate it and send over credit. You can only send a max of $10 per day and each transfer costs $0.25. So that means from the $30, you can only really transfer $29.

      • Does it reset the 28 day expiry date?

        • No I think it adds 14 days though?
          See more info here and here.

      • +2

        @illumination Remember, you can't transfer bonuses, only recharge credit, so it's not a proper recharge as such.

    • -2

      Yes. My supply of Serena tuna is nearly finished.

      Here you go…

      Not sure what it has to do with Sirena though…

    • limit of 6 cans it says

  • Cheers TA, was going to get some duck tomorrow, but looks like I'll wait now thanks to your post. Haven't seen luv a duck on special in ages.

  • +3

    Duck yeah!

    • I see what you did there.

      A duck wit would miss it

  • +1

    The best frozen pizza is the Dr Oetker's "Papa Giuseppi's Bakehouse Crust Bbq Chicken pizza 460g". Current price is $7.99 and the last 1/2 price sale was down to $3.49 a year ago.

    • Yes BBQ Chicken is amazing! Especially when cooked on a BBQ, gives it a nice smoky flavour

      • But you can get freshly made pizza for $5. Why buy frozen unless it's for emergencies or you don't live near a cheap pizza place.

        • +3

          I'd rather buy it during the weekly shop and cook it at home rather than driving to the pizza place at night. Also IMO the frozen ones are better than the cheap $5 pizzas

        • +1


          Can understand if you aren't close to a pizzeria. But freshly made pizza vs frozen. No competition for me.

        • @tightwad:

          Fresh pizza has twice the fat and calories though.

        • @sirlothie:
          How do you figure?

        • +1


          That's related to the taste, too. Healthy sometimes means tasteless.

  • Damn you TA, ruining my night by posting next catalogue's 1/2 price deals.
    Gotta wait until tomorrow to find out what everything else will cost on Wednesday.

    How inconsiderate, of you!

  • Can't see Luv-A-Duck advert anywhere.

    • because catalogues aren't out yet!

  • +1

    Bring back the $5 telstra kits which I am using to pay for my VPN and dropbox pro

    • ?

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