Seems to be the best price available, $148 at officeworks, $179 at JB, previous cheapest I could find was $132
Original CTECHIE eBay 20% off deal post
Fitbit Aria Scale $118.40 @ The Good Guys eBay

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I own one of that me is very useful online tracking progress.but..if you test your body percentage three times in one minute will come out three different values..that s weird!
I personally think it is still bit expensive to pay for a bathroom scale with additional wifi feature. Any thought?
Body fat % is a cool feature
Those are on ~$30 scales from Kmart these days.
How can a scale measure body fat even reasonable accurate?
Keeps me accountable. Weight syncs to MFP and the FitBit app.
Mines white. I think it's pretty.
Does anyone know how does it compare with Xiaomi scale that cost around $55-$60 delivered.
I have the Xiaomi scale, picked it up for about $33 in Malaysia. Quite happy with it. The weight seems pretty consistent as long as you stand in the same place every time (which I reckon is why it didn't work for the guy in that video).
Haven't used the Fitbit Aria scale, but biggest difference I can see is that the Xiaomi scale doesn't do body fat percentage, just weight.
I would like to know where to buy Xiaomi one cheap online
Isnt xiaomi bluetooth? You will need a phone.
Good price. My tainita weighing scale is still fine though.
The Good Guys actually reduced their price from $172 on Wednesday morning ago to $148 on Wednesday afternoon. Good on them!
Its very clunky and not usable
You're supposed to stand on it.
Thanks for the tip. Settingup is a problem. Wi-Fi based not bluetooth. It often makes mistakes in recognising family members
If the two people have similar weight, it shows an ? And you a few seconds to tap it and it will show the second person.
Whats the accuracy of the BF % readings?
Actually really good, I have had these scales for a bit over a year now.
Had a 7 point caliper body fat percentage calculated at 22.7%
Then I went straight to the scales 22.7%Since then I haven't bothered getting caliper tests done, seems accurate enough to me.
you need to do it the other way around, the scale saw what you got on the calipers
Usually electronic scales are bad with acuracy. Unless their technology is innovative, this is likely another gimmick.
You just saved me $118.40 cheers lol
Usually electronic scales are bad with acuracy.
What is that based on?
Can vary depending on amount of water in your body
Just weigh yourself every morning after having a wee.
Can you explain this as it makes no sense to me
ITveteran was talking about scales, i.e. weight measurement. Electronic scales can be extremely accurate, and brand-name digital bathroom scales would be too. Analytical balances are all electronic.
@magnafunk: It's a bit confusing as the first post was referring to scales i.e. weight, while the other poster was talking about the body fat measurement, i.e. bioelectrical impedance analysis.
The summmary is, fat measurements can vary depending on how much water you have in your body. The solution is to measure it at around the same time under similar conditions, e.g. after you wake up and have a pee.
The absolute reported value may not be 100% accurate, but the relative value should be. i.e. the exact % figure may not be 100% correct, but the change from last week to this week should be reasonably accurate.
If you pull out a electronic scales from the shelf, from 10 bucks one to 200 dollar one, scale yourself multiple times with same/different units, you'll find you mostly get different readings, usually the descrepancy is unacceptable. And you cannot compare this to lab scales- think about the price difference.
If you pull out a electronic scales from the shelf, from 10 bucks one to 200 dollar one, scale yourself multiple times with same/different units, you'll find you mostly get different readings, usually the descrepancy is unacceptable
Not for my scales. I like accurate measurements so I do actually do that every now and then out of curiosity. My ~$40 Withings bathroom scale is consistent to roughly +/-100g each time, at most +/- 200g. That's a precision of 0.14 - 0.28% for a 70kg person which is perfectly acceptable to me.
I have a set of calibration weights for my ~$20 digital kitchen scales as well. It is in-spec and absolutely repeatable.
I did have a cheap Propert digital scale a long time ago that was shockingly inaccurate. Needless to say it didn't last long.
And you cannot compare this to lab scales- think about the price difference.
I was thinking more about the technology behind it. Strain gauges are nothing fancy.
I haven't investigated possible reasons for it happening, but our Aria fluctuates a reading by up to 500g at times (and body fat by up to 1%), even after getting off and on 1 minute later. I'm no biologist, but I don't think farting would vary my weight by what is effectively a whole can of drink. It also sometimes takes time to send it's numbers off by wifi so you can't just have two people measure themselves straight after another.
I've got one already but if I didn't, I probably wouldn't buy it again.
It's on a solid floor as opposed to carpet?
Yep, tiles
If you can reproduce it with a fixed weight like a large dumbbell, that sounds like a warranty claim!
Lol. Don't put high hope on these gimmicks. It's normal.
Are you moving the scale? Every time I put mine away, I have to recalibrate it. Takes at least 3 times to get an accurate reading once the scale has been moved.
These may be a good price BUT be warned - read the reviews about the troubles people have had connecting them to wi-fi … they use very old wi-fi chips that require the old "B" wireless network …. and if you have any spaces or non standard characters in your network SSID name, they will not connect …. these scales have cost me hours of time to get working on my home network … once they are connected though, we have had little issue with them.
I had the same problem. I spent about half hour trying to get it to sync with my phone then I tried the laptop then worked out that my router was on G/N so changed it to B/G/N and syned fine.
It works well as a weight tracker and syncs with my Fitbit account so it is good motivation but the body fat is absolutely crap - even with wet feet.
I paid $124 from the Futu eBay store and can say it is worth the money if you have a Fitbit otherwise I wouldn't bother.
I dont have fitbit but fitbit account is linked to my fitnesspal and from there to everthing else (apple health).
Can't find them in black. Is it just white?!?
The advantage with white is that dust and water stains are more well-hidden. :)
Great price, happy with mine. Time to claim price protection ;)
Thanks, will check which card I used.
I've had mine for over a year and still working well. I've only just recently changed the batteries. FitBit App will tell you when to change the batteries.
But if you have eneloops, well…
Thanks OP! Been wanting one for a while.
Does it measure muscle and water %? Or does it measure only fat %?
Had one since November 2013, and have a record of my weight for almost every day (except when I've been away). Definitely a good motivator to see a graph of your weight over time. I was 90 KG with 22% Body Fat when I started, and dropped down to 72 with 10%.
As others have mentioned the BF% may not be completely accurate but it does show a trend over time. You may also have problems if two of you are of very similar weights, in my house my partner is smaller than me so it easily can tell the difference between us and attribute the readings accordingly. If you are serious about weightloss I think you need all the help you can get.
Batteries last at least a year even with both of us using it once or twice a day each.
Oh no! went to buy one and the price has gone up to $176 :(
Let me know if anyone changes their mind about their purchase.
:-( I was about to buy one too…
$132 after the 20% off from Fotu online
I had to buy from Futu too but $132 delivered isnt too bad, it doesnt look like GG have any left for pick up so $126 inc delivery.
It's back down to $148 before discount again!
I know. Disappointing :(
I've had one for about three months now.
It works surprisingly well, no issues attributing weights to the correct person.
While it does do body fat percentage as well - as long as you're barefoot - I'm not sure I'd trust the absolute value, but it's still useful to keep track of trends.