Price drop to avoid price-beating competitors. Available in-store only. Have a great day :)
Google Chromecast $34 @ Officeworks

Last edited 03/03/2016 - 16:05 by 1 other user
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Now you really are trolling. Reported.
Nope rules are rules.
reported you aswell.
Dunno what your saying, it's one deal per 5 minutes and a limit of something like 5/day
EDIT:whoever negged me doesn't know the guidelines
Hidden agenda there?
Seems that way. He has no idea.
where the saving TA?
I provided a another store below with the exact same price
if no saving and multiple stores with the price it's more of a standard price then a bargain.
Just to clear up any confusion:
New users 1/hour, regular users 2/hour.
OzBargain posting limits are of course automated, so not something for users to worry about (it won't let you post again if you have exceeded posts). That wiki does say 1 an hour for the benefit of new users (I'll have a look at linking that text to the FAQ to make it clearer).
Ok thanks i always thought it was only 1 an hour.
Shoot first, ask questions later.
That has to be the most confusing FAQ answer I've read today:
"New users (less than 7 days) are limited to 1 post (deal & forum) every 6 hours and 3 posts per 24 hours. Regular users are limited to 2 posts (deal & forum) every 1 hour, 6 deals every 4 hours and 10 deals every 24 hours. Classifieds and competitions posts have a separate limit."
The table below this statement, however, shows that new users can post 2 (as opposed to 1) every 6 hours, and that regular users can post 4 deals every 6 hours (as opposed to 6 deals every 4 hours).
Just in the interest of consistency, it might need some updating :)
Thanks! Fixed that up. The table was correct but the text was not, had 2 typos in it. Have just removed the text now to not over complify things.
So who has a CC1 and CC2 and can define the differences? Is the CC2 worth it over the original?
Okay, found the answers in the recent HN deal, posting here for the benefit of anyone else who's also wondering.
I have CC2 it mirrors photos faster from my tablet to TV using 5ghz, as compared to the CC1 (maybe less interference with other 2.4ghz devices?). no difference for my wife playing youtube HD stuff.
I have both and I still haven't figured out the difference.
I'm running a pretty poor ADSL2 connection at the moment which I think affects my streams.
I finally bought a Chromecast yesterday. Had the same question, as to whether I spend the extra ~$24 for a CC2.
The app is the same after an update. Main differences are hardware: (…)
CC2 has a faster and less power hungry processor. Everything appears to be a bit snappier, talking about a few seconds difference at the start of a video.
CC1 has 2GB onboard storage, CC2 only has 256MB (there is some speculation that streaming might be better on the CC1 with a slower connection due to larger space for buffering)
I personally ended up going with the original for $34. I don't have AC wireless at home and I probably won't bother, N is enough, and every device except my phone and now the Chromecast has a Blue cable hanging out the back.
That is why he said this
"Price drop to avoid price-beating competitors. Available in-store only. Have a great day :)"Your point? This is better because you don't have to deal with Hardly Normal.
Seriously though, this is more convenient as there are more OW stores around than HN.
Isn't the price drop to get rid of old stock and nothing else?
I have more Chromecasts than TV's in my household. What do?
Sell off the ones you don't neeed?
You need to buy more TV's.
Interesting little article…
Turn The Chromecast Into A Standalone Media Player, No Internet Required…Be careful guys. OW is not an authorised retailer. Last time i had probem with replacing my faulty chromecast purchased at OW
Just take it to office works and get them to swap it?
Yes this worked for me but did not work for google
I don't understand - authorised or not, doesn't change your consumer rights.
You have proof of purchase, they repair/replace/refund as appropriate.
I'm new with this Chromecast thingy, so I was just wondering
if I stream netflix on my iPhone or iPad, can I use this Chromecast as a mirror to my tv (and no, I don't have wi-fi yet since I just moved to this new place)That's exactly what it does :)
Except you need wifi.
It 'mirrors' in a sense.. It basically pushes the media to your TV, the video won't play simultaneously on your phone, but you then use it as your remote.
As mentioned, it detects devices connected to the wireless network. It doesn't pair directly like Bluetooth.
Chromecast only works via wifi. No wifi means you can't use it, unfortunately.
Do chromecasts use internet data when mirroring youtube videos and stuff to your tv? I know it takes internet to load videos, but does mirroring add extra internet usage on top of that?
It just uses your wifi signal to cast the video from your device to the Chromecast. It doesn't use twice as much data as the video or streaming app you're using.
My internet is pretty slow at home (download speed). So if I cast, the rate at which my video loads will remain the same right? Or will it be a bit slower because of the casting?
I don't find any slow down in casting if my internet is slow to download a video. It should load the same speed as normal and then cast once it's ready.
If you want to save some money, you should consider this
It has good review, and only for $3!I presume the eye in the logo denotes the Chinese government spying on you?
Except for the part where it's a clone of the original M2 ;)
Have one. It's s*#t
I don't have Miracast, or AirPlay so it's pretty much pointless
DLNA works but it's already built into my TV.
The Chromecast on the other hand works well for any HTML5 video stream, as well as allowing screen mirroring from Android and casting of local files via Chrome.
Am I able to stream local files from pc to tv? The PS3 is just so slow at it and it's annoying when I do my cardio exercsie
Setup Plex Media server and it should be a snap, provided your wireless signal is good.
s s s s w w w w t!
I am toying with buying one as I have a netgear readynas running the plex app I can watch my movies and tv shows on the ipad
I would like to know if I can use one of these to mirror whats playing through plex on the ipad