• expired

Free Emoji Themed Stuff from Uber for Samsung Galaxy Owners [Syd Melb Bris Perth CBDs Only]


First post ever so sorry if I did anything wrong.
Pretty sure uber is giving away stuff that's emoji themed according to the link. I don't have a Samsung galaxy anything so I couldn't test it out. From what I gather 🍩 would score you donuts for example. Deal started at 11 expires at 4pm and is only for Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth CBDs. Hit me up with any edits I need to make and sorry this is so unprofessionally written.

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (214)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (225)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

  • Note the donuts is a box of four big, messy ones - you'll need somebody in the office to share with.

  • I'm curious what the love one is….
    Maybe I'm getting lucky today? ;)

    • Happy ending on your uber ride.

    • Hope you have a thing for beards..

  • Got the poo.
    4 poo shaped meringue

  • I'm after the treat, anyone know what it is?

    • Still trying for this god damn treat!

  • Sweet = 4 Donuts
    Silly = 4 poo shaped meringues
    Love = bouquet of flowers
    Treat = big box - not sure whats inside

    • +1

      Treat = Samsung Gear S2

      • You seriously got a free Gear S2?

        • I didn't get one, but if you check their twitter #GalaxyEmojisAlive you can see the prizes they give out.

      • Can someone confirm this?

        -edit, posted before twitter was mentioned. Confirmed Gear S2

      • Looks like the treat changes.
        Another person got a pair of samsung headphones.

  • I can see there is some doughnuts 5 mins away from me..although byt the time I typed this is changed to none available. Heading out to lunch shortly will give it a try

  • I don't know how to do it. Do you move to the emojis and click request?
    Ain't I requesting an uber to ride?

    • +1

      You move it to the emoji you want (you should see the 'sweet moji' etc buttons where you would normally switch between UberX and Uber Black), then click on the request ride button as normal.

      • Thanks. Found none and that's exactly because I am not in the CBD. Thanks a lot.

        • I don't see that on my S6, it's just the normal app interface :(

  • Oh, it shows on the map?

  • Anyone get any? How do they know if you've got a galaxy?

    • My guess is non-Galaxies simply don't show the emoji buttons.

  • I got the donuts in Brisbane. Thanks heaps.

  • I'm located in the Sydney CBD, I've been on the Uber app for the last 30 mins, no signs on emoji?

    Also I'm using a Galaxy s6 edge.

    • I've seen the emojis pop up but they get snapped up really quick! :(

      • I havent worked out if its best to just keep requesting constantly, or wait till i see it popup..

        • Waiting works fine ;) It pops up from time to time (probably when it's close to you)

        • @Piter71: Perfect thanks! That means i don't have to sit staring at the button, waiting for it to change.

      • Got donuts! :) last pack too

  • Is it one per device? There are donuts close to me available but would like to have something else and don't know if I should take them or not ;)

    • yes 1 per device.

    • where abouts are you located if you don't mind me asking (curious because i've been waiting for a long time in Sydney CBD)

    • It will be 1 per account. I have uber open on two phones with the same account, as soon as you request a car on one they both update and show requesting screen.

  • Macquarie Uni, Sydney - but now its gone. Maybe going towards you? ;) (oops, didn't reply…)

    • Saw a guy pick up the donuts in Macquarie Park at the Citrix building

  • Someone please help, don't know and other comments don't work

  • Got the uber poo and 3 colleagues got the donuts.


    EDIT: Was fully expecting someone in a car while I waited outside, not someone on foot.

    • where abouts are you located?

      • cnr Bourke and William, Melbourne

  • My s4 is rooted and has cyanogenmod on it… it probably won't work, will it?

  • cant even sign in..

  • I don't know if it's just luck but two people at my work got cool stuff.
    One got a tablet, the the other got a Gear S2.
    Lucky (profanity)…

    • wow awesome, was that before 12 today ? Don't suppose there's anything left now nothing shows up for Sydney CBD

  • Had to borrow a colleagues S5 and ended up with the chocolate meringues. (couldn't choose any of the other emojis). Just enough sugar to get me to the end of the day.

  • nothing available here… too late to the party as always :-)

  • -3

    Why uber discriminate against iPhone users?

    • +2

      Probably because it's a Samsung promotion funded by them.

  • +1

    waited for HALF an HOUR outside for my donuts, got the receipt when i received nothing. saw the donut guy walk past me and asked him if there was any under my name and there wasnt.

    SOMEONE STOLE MY DONUTS. to that person, i hope they were stale AF

    • Go on the facebook page. Saw someone say the same thing and they arranged a replacement for them

      • haha i just requested one later, thought it would be capped at one per person but guess not!

  • Appears to be no love in Perth at the moment…

    • I just saw two of them walking around in front of my building (197 st georges), one who looked like casey neistat. I saw the poo meringues in his bag.

      There was another guy opposite him across the road

      • My location keeps refreshing as being there so I wouldn't be surprised if people have accidentally sent their goodies to your office haha

    • It feels like it's a catch of the day birthday event refreshing hoping to get one of those cheap PS4s

    • Just keep the app open stuff pop up every now and then. Just don't take my galaxy gear 2 haha.

    • Me and my colleagues in Central Park got some donuts, some poo shaped food and some roses.

    • Perth treats have all gone from discussions with the Uber people :(

      • Lies!!!

        Someone in my office just got a treat

        • oh wow lucky! what did they get?

        • @lkp:
          Samsung Tab

        • @Paulb5: If what you are saying is true I'll kill myself for ordering the Poo :)

        • @rvsure:
          Pretty limited now though, said there were 3 tabs left

        • @Paulb5: i was so close to getting one! but it cancelled out :(

        • @lkp:
          That sucks more than me not even getting a sniff. To almost have it in your hands only to have it cancelled :(

        • @Paulb5: Yep heart racing then cancelled request saying no one in the area :(

  • Looks like brisbane is all out of the emoji gifts except for the sweet emoji.

  • They couldnt recognise that I was using a Samsung Galaxy Edge Plus…so i missed out…..pretty disappointed with this

  • I waw lucky enough to run into one of the 💩 uber people. Has a chat and gave me a pack.

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