New Xbox One Digital TV Tuner
The Xbox One Digital TV Tuner provides Xbox One users with a better over-the-air digital terrestrial TV experience through the USB single tuner, an alternative to accessing TV content from a cable or satellite set-top box connected through the HDMI-In port.
Xbox One TV Tuner $26 Delivered Big-W eBay

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What does this do?
Allows you to watch television on your television. But through your XBOX one so you can be playing a game and have TV showing in a small box on the side. In the future I think they're going to be adding full PVR functionality.
Allows you to watch television on your television.
Oh… Must get one then…
Yes. As if your modern TV can't already do this. haha what a con this is even at $26.
This doesn't even convert the gaming console into a PVR unlike the Sony PlayTV does for their Playstation consoles. All it is just a TV tuner which any HDTV does out of the box.
@hollykryten: actually, it might have soon…
@Apple96: yep PVR functionality should be here this year. I hope and would guess this receiver will be superseded by a dual or tri turner though when that happens so people can simultaneously record and watch other channels. The PVR function will be very limited on a single tuner setup.
Good price but, and if they do upgrade the tuner I'm sure it'd be reflected in its cost.
The best thing it does is let you stream tv to your phone/tablet using smartglass.
This doesn't even convert the gaming console into a PVR unlike the Sony PlayTV does for their Playstation consoles.
It will this year, that has officially been announced.
As if your modern TV can't already do this.
Your modern TV can't snap TV to the side of the XB1 game that you're playing.
I'd say having a guess it converts your Xbox One into a digital HDTV set top box.
What do you do?
Nothing in the way of seeking self sufficient answers to easy questions, apparently
Sometimes people find a simple google search an arduous task.
I have this and I find it quite useful.
Some of the uses for me are
1) can stream to tablet or phone using the smart glass app.
2) can pause / rewind /forward live tv
3) EPG is quite good.. Better then my current tv.
4) can snap this and watch TV while using another app (don't do that often though)
5) using voice commands using kinetic is very usefulAlso heard that DVR features are coming soon, which would be just fantastic.
Can I use it on a PC
Can I use it on a PC
No. If you want a Tuner for a PC, they are a lot cheaper than this.
Think its like $40 normally..nice one mate
Wow, didn't know this existed, how cool, anything similar for a ps4? wouldn't mind watching free to air tv on my ps4
wouldn't mind watching free to air tv on my ps4
Totally impossible to watch TV on a PS4, since it doesn't have a screen.
To watch on your TV screen, simply switch the input over from "HDMI In" to "Tuner" = SOLVED
There is nothing for PS4, it is a gamer's machine where as the Xbox One is one box for everything including a great media player.
ahh, cheers for the info!
My main antenna and set top box is in another room and i transmit this to the room where other tv and xbox os set up. So im thinking this maybe no good for me?
Because voice commands! Got one ages ago, works awesomely!
Does it pickup MPEG4? Perhaps more of a bargain if it does..
Yes it picks all the MPEG4 channels up like Racing, 90 (9HD) and 7flix
Just watched a review and seems good can record and pause and play games while ya watch tv in small scrren to side cheers op just got one
You can't record yet. You can pause and then catch up to live for up to half an hour, but no recording until later this year.
Is this confirmed?
Yes -…
Australia not on the list for launch, but we won't be far behind.
What happens if my aerial is already connected to a Cable set top box?
Does it have Antenna out?
Pity only single tuner, to me the best feature might be:
Stream Live TV: Stream over-the-air TV to other devices within the home using the Xbox app on Windows 10 devices or the Xbox One SmartGlass app on Windows, Windows Phone, iOS or Android, even while someone else is playing a game on Xbox One.
Not quite kodi,tvheadend but good for some
You cant expect it to be modern tech, we are dealing with a console here after all.
useful if your console is connected to a monitor or projector I'm guessing.
Yes, plus faster better TV guide on Xbox one I believe.
this isnt a bad idea for me who doesnt have a tv in my room, i have all my consoles hooked up to my second monitor with a 5 way hdmi switch, might grab one, thanks.
yeah but what are you gonna record on australian TV? it's all crap like MKR, the block, australias got talent, masterchef etc. lol srsly.
"If you are the one" :)
SBS on Demand.
You can watch all this on catch up services.
While you slow down everyone on your network and catch up services use internet data.
Sadly no linux support for TV Head End or Kodi, though I guess there are better multichannel tuners available for that.
Still don't know what I can do with this or if any good to me with my set up?
Tv in one room socket on wall to antenna for digital tv, bigger tv in another room where the signal from tranmitter Se dos to other room so I can watch digital TVs on other tv.
Have apple tvs in a few rooms and projector that just gathers dust,I'm trying to figure how I can use this?
As the Xbox is set up in the room where ithe digital transmitter sends to.Perhaps start off by re-writing this paragraph and it barely makes sense.
Why would anyone waste fifty cents to watch Australian tv.?
Footy. I can have the footy snapped to the side of the screen while playing Halo/Forza/etc, then switch back and forth to fullscreen tv in between games using voice commands. Works very well.
What u just described is the one reason i would consider buying this
Pretty much the only reason I bought it haha.
Live Cricket, Tennis, News, SBS and ABC.
Argh the news, where they repeat the same story over the course of the show. One liners, up next more on this story, tonights top stories, the actual story, and a few more coming up soon. The news is a bloody waste of time.
SBS and ABC are available on the inet…live is barely worth the bother.
Is it delivered? The listing says "In-store pickup only" as the postage method.
Edit: It was only temporary, says Free delivery again
I have this with a Kinect. It means I can walk in the room, and purely with only voice commands, turn on the tv, change the channel and set the volume. It's cool.
Other benefits of live pause, and the OneGuide on the Xbox is way better interface (and much faster) than my 5 year old Bravia.
Would this allow you to watch tv on a computer lcd?
Surprised mr kindface is recommending this seller! :p
Would this allow you to watch tv on a computer lcd?
No, of course not. This is for XBOX ONE.
Was asked yesterday, and the answer still hasn't changed… XB1 can connect to LCD screen.
Yes, but so what? Your point is?
(and aren't you the one asking the question?)
Yes, but what/why exactly are you asking?
It's a TV Tuner for an Xbox One. Your Xbox games will display on whatever screen that you plug into the Xbox. Using this TV Tuner on the Xbox, you can watch TV using whatever screen that plug into the Xbox.
If you connect the Xbox to a TV, then you can play Xbox using the TV as a screen. If you plug the Xbox into a LCD Monitor via HDMI, then you can play Xbox using the LCD Monitor as a screen.
You cannot use this Xbox TV Tuner to watch TV on any form of monitor or any kind of TV if you don't have an Xbox.
This is a TV Tuner for a Xbox One, and it is not a TV Tuner for a LCD Monitor, or for a Plasma TV, or for a PC, or for a Mac, or for an iPad, or for an Android phone, or for a Nintendo DS.
@llama: I am asking, if my Xbox is connected to lcd monitor and I have this, will it allow me to watch tv?
out of stock
I would've got this for sure!
Voice/gesture command channel changing, and picture in picture while playing games… awesome addon that is very useful.
Some of the haters above obviously have no idea how to use this device probably.
How much is it normally?