One of the cheapest prices for a PS4 controller lately
Original Target eBay 20% off offer deal post
Remember to use CashRewards for 1.25% cashback too!
One of the cheapest prices for a PS4 controller lately
Original Target eBay 20% off offer deal post
Remember to use CashRewards for 1.25% cashback too!
$79 for a Dual Shock 3… **** me.
sigh… bought this 2 weeks ago by pricematching Big W's price at EB for $74, thought i snagged a great deal then as they were selling for $90! should have waited.. :(
Picked mine up for about $50 ish a year ago , wish I bought 30.
Yup, or at least two. $54 here from DSE in September 2014.
Sank you!
Out of Stock :/ I really want the blue one
Good deal, as mentioned here: