This was posted 9 years 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

NBA Premium League Pass 65% off (~$35 using VPN)


Was just checking the price of the NBA league pass in time for all-star weekend. Enter coupon code LOVELP16 which takes 65% off. Code works through other countries using a VPN

I just tried it through Canada using a VPN.
NBA League pass premium comes down to 35 CAD. Depending on the exchange rate + what payment you use [use a 28 degrees mastercard or similar credit card to get it for roughly 35 AUD]

If anyone finds it cheaper for another country, ill update this thread.

Prices of other countries using VPN + coupon code for NBA Premium League pass
Canada ~$35 (cheapest so far)
India $50-$55
Australia $105

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closed Comments

  • -3

    Good price, but if you want to watch only up to game 7 nba finals (19th june 2016) I think it's better to subscribe with vpn method (I chose India).

    Currently I am paying 800 Rupees per month (around $17.20 AUD).

    • Why is that? Does the Australian version not include the finals?

      • -3

        It cost $37 if using australian IP address when you subscribe with normal price.

    • ignore my previous comment, with vpn it's cheaper now if using the code.

  • -1

    Is this a good deal given teams have already played 53 of 82 games this season? So save 65% off but missed out 64.634% of the season.

    • +5

      You are not taking into account the playoffs mate! Sure some the teams will play just 82 games, but these packages include the playoffs which at the end of the day it's what I want to see haha.

      For this price, it's a no-brainer to me.

      Thanks OP!

    • +3

      Nba Tv is the shiznit as well

  • +2

    considering ballstreams died last week, I might have to grab this

    without the code, via Canada last week was about $101 AUS for the premium level. Wonder if that works with this deal.. And do you still get the playoffs if sign up via Canada(VPN) but watch locally(no VPN)??

    • +1

      What happened with ballstreams?

      • closed down/disappeared without a trace
        site no longer responds to DNS lookups

        • Wowsers. Cheers. Was going to try it this season but didnt.

        • @Gringoesai:

          well this was my first, so go burnt for some $ :)

        • @SBOB: whack

        • Wow. I came so close to doing it, but then I felt guilty. At least if you pay a little bit more it goes to the NBA and eventually filters down to the players, resulting in an even better game.

        • Yep RIP Ballstreams.

          Im still hoping it comes back since it was better quality than league pass

  • Just curious. Will the code work for the monthly sub, or just annual? (Not that it makes a dif considering the playoffs are in June, 5 months worth).
    Edit: Yes, is works for monthly too.
    Edit 2: LP (non-premium) comes down to $13.30 per month. Will need max 5 months to cover the playoffs. Works out to be $66.50 instead of $84 for annual.

    I wonder how I can get this promo price using google play (Telstra credit), or via iTunes billing (lots of credit there too). Any ideas?

  • What does the price come down going through Canada using a VPN?

  • +1

    Sports betting sites like bet365, sportsbet, william hill stream all games for free.
    When on PC however you cant view the games in full screen. But mobile and ipads expand. So could be an option for people that dont no.
    You just have to have funds in your account. Minimum $1. (Min deposit limit may be more to get started though)

    • Its free but it truly stinks with ads going across the screen etc. More of a last ditch to watch the game.

    • What's the quality of the stream like?

      • +1

        No ads, only occasionally at end of a qtr if at all. otherwise it just has the camera focused on the court (no commentary etc) I find it does the job.

        Stream quality depends on your internet connection. But great quality imo.

    • I used to be on sportsbet but could never get the stream working. did u have to spend a certain amount before it worked?

  • +5

    Can get premium in India for around $50-55 code works :)

    • +1

      thanks - updated

  • Im trying to use Hola too access the promotion, but it still seems to be in AUD instead of Rupees?

    • Wasn't working for me either, took 2 seconds to get the flyvpn trial and it worked perfectly.

  • +1

    if you sign up via VPN i assume you can then watch at all times without the VPN?

    • +2

      Nope. Fine to watch through Australia once signed up. VPN only used when paying.

  • +1

    Via Canada
    Premium comes down to $35CAD (So essentially $35AUS)

    Any issues signing up via Canada?

    • -3

      Canada can be more susceptible to blackouts. But it's rare.

      • +1

        but if watching it from an Australian IP after sign up?

        • -3

          They still think you're in Canada, with a Canadian account, so blackout rules still apply as if you're in Canada (even though an Aussie IP).

        • @shavi:

          if thats the case it means no all-stars and no finals…
          I thought it only mattered where you signed up for based on price, but watching was like netflix and (if not using any fancy vpn etc) it worked the same as a local league pass

        • +2


          I thought it only mattered where you signed up for based on price, but watching was like netflix and (if not using any fancy vpn etc) it worked the same as a local league pass

          That is how it works.

          You'll only get Canadian blackouts if you log in to League Pass when in Canada, or via a Canadian VPN.

          Log in from oz and you'll be fine.

        • @Baltoski:

          so it would seem a $35 sign up via Canada is the best pricing at the moment (and a decent bargain for 1/2 a season + all stars weekend + finals)

        • -3


          Are you sure? I thought if you sign up n country X, you'll get they're blackouts no matter where you watch. That was the case with my account 2 years ago.

        • +1

          @shavi: I was fine with Canada last year. Albeit the all-star game was not there but it is correct, it is dependent on what country you are in and Australia will work 100%. If you were in Canada you would need to use a vpn to watch it.

        • +2


          99.9% sure.

          Signed up in previous years via VPN in India and Zambia and can't even remember where for this season and had no issues to date.

          But if you look through the Whirlpool thread on League Pass subscription, I remember reading a while back in depth exactly about this topic.

    • @SBOB Do you need to subscribe to Getflix (pay with cc) first?
      I downloaded the OpenVPN and created Getflix account just now (free trial) but when I entered my username/password, the authentication failed (AUTH_FAILED). I tried Canada-Montreal_UDP1194 as the guide in your link showed

  • Where do you enter the code? It's giving me the payment/cc screen with no code option.

    • Hmm seems the above link randomly takes you to one of three different login variations of

      Some of them were giving a $99.00 price and no code option and finally got one to offer the code input and pay in Rupees.

      Just checked my bank, Premium from Indian VPN for a total of $54 AUD all up.

      Thanks for the post and recommendations OP and contributors :)

  • Also, I seem to regularly get a page ( indicating

    NBA LEAGUE PASS is currently not available for purchase."

    anyone else?

    • Yeah, I've been getting that for a couple of months. Page loads properly from work pc, but not from home. No idea what the issue is. I did try from home using VPN earlier in the season, and I had signed up last year from Algeria (but not this year), so I assumed I was on some blacklist or something, but I admit that sounds a little far-fetched. Might have to ramp up the exploration to get it working for this deal…

      • mine seems to do it also in incognito windows and via vpn's.. and then sometimes it works
        strange, as im tempted to sign up as my ballstreams account is dead

        • I think it happens when I use one of Getflix's 'smart' vpn locations or my own and havent adjusted the getflix DNS settings to match the country I want

          Just tried a non-smart Canadian VPN and it worked and a 'smart' indian VPN but set the Getflix smart dns to 'India' for that section of the config.. and both times seemed to work

        • +1


          This happened to me for a while until I was looking in my getflix account, a setting near the bottom of the page was set to Saudi Arabia which does not support league pass. I changed it to India because I purchased my sub through an Indian VPN, all works great now

        • @Jdizzle77:

          Oh mate, nice work! Bloody Getflix, I didn't think of that. Mine was set to USA. All sorted now. Thanks :)

        • +1

          @blasfarmer: Happy to Help :)

          If anyone else is having the same issue here is a screenshot of the region settings page, region needs to be set to a region supported by league pass

  • Can someone please clarify for me,how much of the season is left? Is it worth paying for at this stage? What is the cheapest option I have a pure vpn account so region access isn't an issue. I really want to watch nba again I miss it!

    • +1

      Of course it's worth it! Just paying for 5 separate games for single game prices is a total of $50 so you may as well pay that much for every game, every team, all star game, playoffs etc!

      • is this the entire season? I mean how much is left?

        • We are at the halfway point.

        • and the best country to buy through ?

        • @Ronnie23:

          canada appears to be ~$35

        • @SBOB: Seems to be varied opinions on potential blackouts though. If Canada blackouts apply you might regret it. I chose India for $54AUD instead. Still a huge bargain imo.

        • by blackout you mean power outage?

        • +1

          @Ronnie23: If a local team is playing and the game is televised in the home market, the associated feed on League Pass is blacked out and unavailable for viewing.

          Per the website: “Games will also be blacked out when they are appearing on national television. This applies to games being televised on ABC, ESPN, Fox Sports, TNT and NBA TV.

        • +3


          I have had Canada subscription for the past few months this season, and all of last season. I have yet to experience Blackout restrictions for any live games.

          I figured it was based on my devices location as of time of viewing. I could be wrong though.

        • @szabby: That's good to hear. Wasn't sure so was just giving people a heads up based on above comments. I'd freak out if I sat down on my day off to watch my favourite team in a big game and it was blacked out ;)

        • Cheers for the Info the blackouts sound like a rort honestly

        • +1

          @Phreakuency:Found this on the nba website,something to keep in mind

          "Also in Canada you will not be able to access the All Star Weekend, live Playoffs or NBA Finals on the NBA app as it will be shown on TV in Canada".

        • +4


          unless you are watching 'from' Canada this doesnt apply

  • Does anyone know if I can cancel my current monthly subscription and resign with the discount code whether I'll get the discount or will it only be for new league pass subscribers?

    • +1

      You can do what you are saying. Cancel, code, sign up. Not dependent on new customers

      • Thanks mate

      • Did you sign up a new account? or with the old account? I get a "you already have an active subscription message"

  • +2

    Can confirm CAD$38 for premium subscription using Canadian VPN

    • thanks - updated

    • +1

      see my comment above
      I was getting that when using Getflix and my location not matching the smart dns settings for NBA League Pass

      • Ahhh, im using getflix but havent changed any smart dns settings, cept to change region to US East 1. Does this mean I cant use the league pass if getflix is set to any us region?

        • +2

          there is one of the settings which applies to various streams, one of which is league pass

          You would just want to make sure you set this to Aus i think

          I just signed up via a Getflix VPN to canada, paid $35CAD (about #35.50 AUS), disconnected and with my Getflix setting configured to Aus im currently watching NBA TV (dunk contest from 2007 all stars)

        • @SBOB: via the getflix vpn tab? ok im doing it now, im not sure whether to change region to Canada, India or Australia or which vpn to use, should I just google one? or use the getflix one.

          Ples to help, I want to taek the plej.
          edit: ok i turned on full vpn mode in getflix and ill try this…

        • +2


          1) I used their free VPN offer and connected to the 'Canada-Montreal' VPN end point. On a mac I'm using Tunnelbrick, but just follow their guides on how to set it up for your own setup (
          2) Then went through with the sign up process/discount code/paypal payment in canadian $
          3) Signed out of the new NBA account and disconnected from the VPN
          4) Configured the getflix setting for 'Channel Group C' to Australia
          5) Navigated back to the NBA site was watching league pass as expected.

        • @SBOB: im stuck at step 14, enter your account username and pw. What account username? I tried my getflix one and it didnt work.

        • +1


          on the VPN page it will list your VPN user and password.. something like username: VPN-1234 and associated password

          I was about to give up and was closing tabs when I saw it in the GETFLIX page (for anyone having the same problem as dopey me) its in the vpn page, the username / password is there.

          Watching ItNBA atm. Thanks alot SBOB appreciate your help.

        • @thedude23:

          WHERE???????!!!! I can't find it anywhere.

        • @31mop: Its here dude -

          U gotta click full vpn on too.

        • @thedude23:

          I'm such a dumbass. I was looking in my UFLIX account not my GETFLIX account hahaha

        • @31mop: heh ,glad u got it.

    • weird - haven't seen that. Are you using a VPN and if so which country?

      • Just getflix.

  • Thanks OP. Bought 2 days ago for AUD $86 for standard. Contacted them just then to cancel and got a full refund and now I bought premium for AUD $36.

    • via Canada?

    • Hey I too just purchased league pass 2 days ago and want to cancel. How did you cancel your subscription and get a refund? What email did you contact?


  • +1

    Sounds like a great deal! Thanks OP and other contributers!

  • Great deal! I signed up at the beginning of the season for AU $140 via Canada, standard league pass. And I thought it was a great deal. I guess it's too late for me to cancel and ask for refund. sigh

  • Just bought it! Great deal! Now I am contemplating buying NHL.TV as well. Just too much stuff to watch along with Netflix and Stan.

  • Thanks for the find OP amazing deal!
    Just bought from Canada using paypal was $36AUD (plus a couple of cents). I was reading an article that mentioned using a VPN to avoid blackouts if you are in an affected state of USA so i think AU locations will be fine and avoid blackouts…hopefully.

  • +1

    Has anyone had any blackout problems with their Canadian account? Brief search on whirlpool states that all games that are broadcast live in Canada wont be available (All raptor games, playoffs and all star weeked) if this is so ill just get the indian NBA league pass.

    EDIT: after a bit of more research it seems like it will work as long as ur not in Canada
    Blackouts currently apply in Canada, where games will be available on demand as soon as the game is processed for archiving, shortly after the game has concluded.

    You can find a list of blacked out games here:…

    Also in Canada you will not be able to access the All Star Weekend, live Playoffs or NBA Finals on the NBA app as it will be shown on TV in Canada.

  • +1

    looks like Canada is the place to go… OP updated

  • Paid AUD$37.03 using PayPal via Canadian VPN. Awesome!

  • $35.77 paid using 28degree card and Canadian VPN.

    No known issues with blackouts, as we are watching from Australia not Canada!

    Amazing price.

  • Cancelled my subscription but when I try to sign up again with the code it says: You already have an active subscription (current monthly payment runs through to March 3rd…)

    anyone else get this? Anyway around it?

  • I am also getting a "paypal cannot be used at this time message" worked fine last night when I signed up another account… trying to now help a friend re-subscribe his account cheaper.

  • Any trick to get it cheap using google play credit? I have heaps of credit (not from telstra prepaid). Tried using PIA and change region to canada(Toronto), but i still getting the normal price $99

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