Second post and ironically another cheesy one.
Was shopping at coles and discovered half price Camembert cheese.
It's the Tasmanian Heritage brand : smooth and creamy.
The double brie is also half price.
Second post and ironically another cheesy one.
Was shopping at coles and discovered half price Camembert cheese.
It's the Tasmanian Heritage brand : smooth and creamy.
The double brie is also half price.
on the second shelf.
I got some today at the Fairfield, QLD store.
Noice…my old stomping ground.
+1 for the lame joke/pun
The double bree is also half price.
in middle earth?
Its at all coles. Looks like this weeks special.
Is it my imagination or does Coles seem to raise the prices on their products a week or two before running these '1/2 price' sales?
I'm certain that the normal price for this product was NOT $11.24!!!
i was thinkign the same thing. does seem to be about $11 in woolies as well though (albeit on special for $8)
Plus I saw Tasmanian camembert and brie at Bowral Harris Farm for $12, for a whole kilo - huge big disc. I'm not even sure it was on special - just thought it was a cheap variety.
My belief is that Coles and Woolies have slowly conditioned us think double price is normal price, across the board. That things like Connoisseur ice-cream should really be $5 normally, not $10 just to legally allow them to advertise half price.
I definitely wouldn't buy it every time it's at $5 if that was its normal price.
Harris Farm have been moving a lot of brie that close to expiring in my area. Very cheap, so I've got lots in the freezer. It's not normally that cheap there in my experience.
It actually was a bit higher. This is the reason I created this website:
What kind of cheese can be used to lure a bear out of a cave?
Correct. For more cheese jokes just post more cheese bargains.
Coles do this….
I recently bought $300 worth of birdseye salmon and barramundi at Coles because it was half price…"on special" …went to Aldi a week later and discovered that the same birdseye fish is relabelled under the Aldi brand and is always half price. It just goes to show the markup that Colesworth make in branded items. I am not a big fan of Aldi, I hate shopping there, but I will be buying my salmon and barramundi from them in future. I'd rather have 2 packets in the fridge than 25.
Location in title please.