Yet another deals for Intel NUC Kits
Intel NUC5i5RYH Core i5 Mini PC NUC Barebone Kit
Intel NUC5i3RYH Core i3 Mini PC NUC Barebone Kit
6th Gen NUC i3
Intel NUC6I3SYH NUC Barebone Kit $399.20
Thanks to tigharse for the coupon code.
Yet another deals for Intel NUC Kits
Intel NUC5i5RYH Core i5 Mini PC NUC Barebone Kit
Intel NUC5i3RYH Core i3 Mini PC NUC Barebone Kit
6th Gen NUC i3
Intel NUC6I3SYH NUC Barebone Kit $399.20
Thanks to tigharse for the coupon code.
It'll be nice if Futu can put some NUC 6th Gen on eBay. ^_^
Good luck getting an i5 one for less than $500-550 at the moment.
You can get the 6th Gen i5 (NUC6i5SYH) from B&H Photovideo at $396.99 USD (~$560 AUD) on the recent Australian day free shipping promotion.
Yes and that deal has now expired shipping starts from $12.26 us$
The 6th Gen would get my interest
What are different 6th Gen vs 5th Gen?
If you want to play back h.265 4K video content @60hz in a media centre it is worth getting the Skylake.
The only other h.265 4K capable device around that price point would be the Nvidia Shield TV…
Kevin22 yes a 6th gen i3 /i5 would be nice, great to have bottomless pockets
this deal
i3 @ $319.20 6th gen i3 @ $449
i5 @ $415.20 6th gen i5 @ $689
ok so you do not get a sd card slot how often would it be used?
Ram on the 6th gen is ddr4 ok so it might save a few seconds in your lifetime its more expensive
No hardware h265 on board This should have enough power to run soft decoder in Kodi
Most buyers of this type of unit would be using it as a media player
so the 5th gen currently at these prices seem better value
Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds like the 6th gen i3 has similar performance to 5th gen i5 and the price is not that much different.
So what do we have to add to this to get it going.
Add to cart then use Paypal.
Some DDR3L sodimm RAM and hard drive/s.
i3 NUC with 8GB RAM would be enough for daily use for two browsers and few excel sheets, no gaming, thanks.
Answer the following Question (5pts) :
How much do I need to spend for :
NUC i5 + 256 ssd + 8gb ram + windows (optional) + 24" monitor + wireless( optional)
remember to get dual slot ram for your nuc if possible … these low end graphics really get benefits from dual memory. im running a 6th gen myself. these nucs are great!
Does anybody know if the 6th Gen Skylake's are much better for gaming compared to previous generations?
Really wanted a dedicated rig for light gaming/streaming plex but want it to sit in the lounge and for not to be intrusive like a regular sized PC build.
Yes, the 6th Gen i5 GPU uses eDRAM, which improves the graphics performance quite a lots. Here is a review on it
Skylake i5 NUC Review (NUC6i5SYH / NUC6i5SYK) – Part 1/3: Overview
Skylake i5 NUC Review (NUC6i5SYH / NUC6i5SYK) – Part 2/3: Benchmarks
Skylake i5 NUC Review (NUC6i5SYH) – Part 3/3: Gaming & Conclusions
Thanks guys for the info guys. Might have to invest in one if the price ever drops.
NB, the 6th Gen NUC can do HDMI 2.0, with this adapter from Amazon:…
Should also work on the 5th Gen.
The normal displayport version is:…
Good price, but spend a little extra and get Intel NUC 6th Gen Skylake.