Anyone looking to join Telstra will get double data on 24 month plans
400GBs for $89 a month aint bad if in cable area
Anyone looking to join Telstra will get double data on 24 month plans
400GBs for $89 a month aint bad if in cable area
naa this one is for new customers, some of the legacy plans are still better value
I believe they dont distinguish adsl / cable, if you check the address and fit in cable footprint you'll be offered cable
yet again existing customers screwed over.
My plan is $80 for 500gb so I'm not being screwed.
Mind you the plan finished a while ago but we have just stayed on it.
$78 for 500GB, 100Mbps, includes line rental…
$160 for 1TB out of contract…wanted to sign up again but not offered for existing customers…that's what I meant
I am out of contract and they offered this deal to me a while ago to re-contract, I did not take it up at the time.
Get on the chat/phone and ask for a deal.
Optus have been offering unlimited data for the past 1.5 years and before that I was on 500 GB. Stupid Telstra.
It's sad to see that people still have download & upload quotas for their home broadband service.
Yeah but Optus' network is absolutely horrific in peak time whereas my Telstra Cable ran at 115mb/s down at all times.
Unlimited netflix has rooted the optus cable network where I am
It was unusable for me also - couldn't get over 2mbps after 4pm. Getting 35mbps on 30mbps Telstra plan now.
yeah but less likely to be congested on Telstra network, guess its what you pay for
I have no problems on the Optus network.
Sounds like you are one of the lucky ones. Just look at the massive thread in Whirlpool.
Just be warned my brother who had terrible peak Optus speeds moved to Telstra to try and see if it was better. It wasn't. At all.
Wow that sucks, thanks for the heads up.
I'm on 500gb at $80. Looks like they'll never get me to sign up for a new contract.
I'm on the same plan. I don't mind 1tb for $90 but not for $120.
I'd be happy with less data at a cheaper rate. Never gonna happen though.
I'm on 58/month for 400gig. (Telstra ultimate broadband). They will pry that deal out of my cold dead hands.
Before the inevitable replies.
Yes I do.
No it was never a published deal.
Yes I do
No I can't get it anymore
Yes I do
Yes it includes home phone (what ever the cheapest one is)
Yes I do
I can't change anything with my account without risking losing it.
Original plan was 200gig with homeline for $88 and I talked them into discounting it $30 because I had a mobile and tablet plan (along with the home phone).
They upgraded the data to 500gig at some point, which was fortunate because 200gig was feeling limited.
Yes I do
Yes I get the 3 free double data months.
Yes I do
Telstra support still sucks.
awesome plan I pay double for the same (500gb) plan
I have that same plan ($88) with home phone and international calling pack for $78. You did well for $58
Yeah very lucky. I rang telstra one day about something or other and was asking about changing it and the person on the phone said don't touch it you will never get anywhere near as good a deal.
Correction 500 gb not 400 gb
Good to that they are at least offering more than 1TB now though. Having said that if I had 35Mbps or better upload speeds, then I would more than likely want much more than 1.5TB. I am happy to bulk upload to the cloud off peak though, so it looks like I will have to change providers when we finally have our cable upgraded to NBN.
We typically upload 3x what we download.
Man if Telstra offered 30/5 or 100/5 on their cable plans I'd jump ship instantly. I can't wait until NBN Co starts upgrading the HFC networks. Need that sweet upload speed!
It is a real tease having such strong downstream compared to up!
Any Small plans? 200gb would be enough for me.
Finally some decent caps, though would be better to do away with them entirely. Decent deal for those in Telstra cable areas!
Signed my parents up on the 400GB $89/month cable plan in mid December last year, and got it installed in early January. Came with Gateway Max + professional install — took the Telstra guy almost 3 hours to get the outlet installed. Nice upgrade for them as they have been using Exetel ADSL for the last 2 years but could only sync at ~2Mbps down.
Dang would sign up but I hate 2 year contacts and nbn is coming in 4 months hmm
Telstra would switch you over to the NBN and not break contract?
Got a call today from their adelaide call centre - guy offered credit of $10 per month so took it down to $79.99 a month with the intial setup fees of $60.
Said no, cause of 24 month contract, I am with iinet and though i get a line speed of ~5mb but download speed is 500kb/s.. so this telstra guy advised i would get a min of ~3mb download speed though i can get anywhere to a max of 15-24mb.
Ohh, did offer free foxtel for 3 months - not a single penny to spend… thanks but no thanks.
Telstra is no better. Now with iinet unlimited boardband. Stable connection then telstra
Edit: used to be a telstra adsl user
having 3 free data top-ups per year is handy for the times you go mad on the downloads….you get your full monthly allowance as the top-up.
I have been with TPG for the last 4 years and it beats this deal.
$89 a month for unlimited internet + phone line rental + unlimited calls to mobiles & landlines and unlimited calls to 13 countries.
In 4 years I only had to call TPG customer service once for internet issue which was because of Telstra cables and got fixed in a week. I have been getting the same speed that I used to get when I was with iinet.
Except if you can get cable. Or if your ADSL Sucks.
for the cable nothing better than telstra, TPG unlimited or not doubt you'd hit 1 TB in a month 24/7 downloading, could hit it in a day and a half on cable
So you'd use up all your data sooner.
I live too far from the exchange to get decent speeds on ADSL, it's like 1999 speeds.
Even when I did live close enough, it had nothing on Optus or Telstra cable.
i got Unlimited Boom Broadband on NBN or (cable) for $80 or $90 with home phone. 50/20 mps on average i get exactly 45MB+
telstra = rip off.
lucky for some, unfortunately not all of us can get fibre thanks to the libs
Come on the NBN was just as big a joke under Labor. Don't forget K-Dudd's "Great Firewall of Australia" either. Billions spent, years of delays, throttled speeds, crap plans…. hello Australia!
Labor's plan for NBN may have been too ambitious, but it was better to try to do something than Turnbull's shadow communications minister opinion of "networks are made up of all different types of infrastructure, so let's do nothing"
Lucky for you that NBN has been rolled out to your area, unfortunately most of Australia can't say the same.
Until then, Telstra cable, then Optus cable are the next best things.
Unlimited cable?
Is that a question or a statement?
I don't know what you're saying.
Very true. But for me - and a lot of other people - fast is more important than unlimited download.
@legiong: There will always be people on each side of the fence. High speeds, without being to use them for long sucks, in my eyes.
Have a Ferrari, 300KM/H… for 100Metres :D
All depends on usage habits & decent limits. NBN is available to me, but I have no interest at their crazy prices & low limits - Despite considering myself a broadband junky.
finding information on Telstra's website is like mining for gold. You suspect it's in there somewhere, but no matter how hard you try you only get a few ounces per tonne at best.
I'm on 1tb for $113 a month plus phone no deal here
$113/mth… PLUS phone?! Jaysus!
Made the switch from my very average TPG account. Thanks!
I currently pay $80 per month for my 1TB Telstra 30mbps cable plan. Used to pay $120 for 500GB but then then they had the double data deal for all current customers, plus I had a $20 credit (can't remember what for) that they apply every month and another $20 credit to remove the landline as I don't use it at all. Maybe people here who are on Telstra landline+broadband package can get their bills reduced by removing the landline also?
I was just considering doing this, we have a landline with only phone connected in the back room that is currently used for storage. Family and friends don't call it because it might wake the baby, the only time it rings is sales calls.
Did you have to work hard to convince them to give credit for removing the landline?
I'm not a Telstra customer, and when investigating broadband deals the sales people simply say there is no discount for not having the landline because it is included for free. So maybe it works only once you have already become a customer?
I was able to get them to waive the $59 activation fee. Anyone able to negotiate anything better or any other cashrewards or anything?
not sure if this is a one use code but try putting this in special codes section on last page of the application.
Code worked for me. I tried, but was unable to negotiate anything better.
I called up last week and worked through the following deal - 500gb for $78.95 including gateway max and full professional install. I couldn't get them to waive the $59 activation fee, but they assured me there would be a $20 credit each month as a 'Bigpond Broadband Benefit'. I'll have to wait and see once it all goes live whether the extra $20 off actually happens… either way it'll be a big change for me after years of unreliable ADSL in my street.
That is a good deal for a current plan… the 500gb plan is normally $95/mth + $59 activation + $240 pro install + $216 gateway max modem + $12 delivery (for modem)
R u existing customers? I tried my best to call TSA but they only offered $89 for 400GB w free installation. Nothing more they can do unless I have a local line to port in which I don't.
Customers churning from another ISP can get the following deal:
$79/month: 400GB, free install, $50 welcome credit, phone line with free local and national calls, Gateway Max modem, 3 months free foxtel platinum and IQ2.
You could probably get this deal by bargaining with them on the switchboard, otherwise you can get it via Telstra reps (PM me if you want to get in touch with one).
damn wish you had sent this 3 weeks ago when i applied :D.
Does Telstra let you downgrade to this plan if you're on a higher tier plan? Can find where it lists cable internet for the same price as well.