• expired

ME Bank New Account - A Movie Ticket a Month for 1st Year with Weekly Tap & Go Transaction


Basically open new account and make paypass transaction with your card every week and you get a free movie ticket every month for the first year (except after 5pm on Saturdays). Ticket expired 8 months after issue. Got this in the Village cinema newsletter.

Limited time offer available from 27 January 2016 to 29 February 2016 (“promo period”). You’re eligible for the offer if you (1) successfully apply for your first ever ME Everyday Transaction Account (ETA) during the promo period (2) enter promo code movies in the promo code field and (3) make at least one tap & go purchase each week in a month with your Everyday Transaction Account buck Debit MasterCard to receive your voucher as an E-Voucher sent to your supplied email address on the 10th day of the following month for 12 months. The first E-Voucher will be sent on the 10th of the following month if you have fulfilled the offer conditions as above. Existing customers with an ETA opened before the promo period are not eligible to participate. We may change or withdraw this offer at any time. Vouchers entitle one adult per voucher to attend a traditional movie session at all Village Cinemas, Greater Union, Birch Carroll & Coyle or Event Cinemas in Australia except after 5pm on Saturdays. Voucher is valid for one adult admission and is to be redeemed online at www.villagecinemas.com.au or www.eventcinemas.com.au or at the ticket box. Vouchers do not guarantee a reserved seat - seating is subject to availability. A surcharge applies for 3D and booking fees may apply. Not valid for group bookings, movie marathons, special events, Village events or in conjunction with any other offer or promotion unless otherwise stated. Vouchers are not refundable, cannot be sold and cannot be exchanged. Vouchers will have an expiry date of 8 months from the date of issue and need to be used prior to the expiry date. Expired vouchers will not be extended or replaced.

Referral Links

Referral: random (37)

$150 Coles Group & Myer Gift Card for both referree and referrer when loans are settled.

Related Stores

ME Bank
ME Bank

closed Comments

  • How much does the tap&go transaction need to be? can is be anything?

    • No limit mentioned, I think it can be anything. You need to do a tap for the bonus rate in the ME high interest saving account anyway. Though it's not easy to remember every week.

      • If you forgot to do it one week, you forfeit the interest for the whole month, too risky IMO

  • +2

    Thought it was per week, got all excited! So roughly $144 worth of tickets still not too shabby

    • -2

      Depends how u look at it. A movie ticket these days is around $20+ but cheaper on Tuesday.

      • +34

        I looked at it as an OzBargainer, one who never…. ever pays $20+ on a movie ticket. I looked at it as a $12 ticket.

      • Not after 5pm on Saturday. It's in the terms and conditions.

      • +2

        Pretty sure you can get them for $11 from Telstra/Optus/RACQ/NRMA/Union/Enter something everyone has here.

        • +1

          Optus do Hoyte not village

        • +3

          Telstra are $12.50 (no additional booking fee) at the moment n

        • +2

          @Gavman: Sure, but Telstra and RACV do Village. Didn't realise it jumped to $12.50 recently.

        • Optus Perks do $11, up from $10 last year.

  • +1

    Wish they would bring back 5% cashback on Paypass purchases.

  • Do you still get the 5% rebate for Tap & Go Transaction with this offer when open a new account?

    • I think that deal is already expired

  • Is an ME bank account free to open and maintain?

    • +4

      Yes, no atm or account keeping fees or minimum balance

      • Can ur withdraw at any atm or just affiliated ones?

        • ME Bank, Westpac, St.George, Bank of Melbourne and BankSA ATMs (except ATMs at BP stations).

        • @cheepo: That's for fee free.

          You can use any other ATM in Australia and the fee will be rebated within 30 days.

        • @sween64: Really?
          That's crazy (excellent). I'd love to know how that works/balances for their books.

          I doubt we'll ever see the widespread interbank amnesty other countries have had for decades.

        • +2

          @Utopian: ING has free ATMs Australia wide with an instant rebate.

        • @sween64: But I'm pretty sure it is tied to a $1000 minimum deposit in the month. Otherwise, it is not free.

        • +1

          @bluesky: Yes true. Well $1000 worth of deposits in the previous month.

      • is there a minimum deposit per month?

        • +1

          No, the monthly bonus interest rate requirement is weekly tap & go transaction for the whole month.

  • +2

    Time for my wife to get a ME Bank account. As I don't have any of those cinemas within 150km of me, I will sell the vouchers 'on her behalf' here or on ebay. I was hoping to wait for a referral deal from ME but I haven't seen them in a while.

    • +4

      If there is a problem with what I posted, how about replying rather than negging.

    • +6

      You asking the gutless to shows gut ? That isn't gonna happened … I felt ya pain

    • +1

      I'll probably buy them off you =p

  • +3

    Easiest way is probably using a self checkout machine at Woolies/Coles/Aus Post/Kmart (wherever else they have it) for $0.01 per week on stuff you'd be buying anyway

    Oh gosh MEBank would so hate you for it though..

    • +2

      I was just thinking one coffee per week.

      • +1

        Nah, that's 450x (assuming $4.50) too much.

        • I'm in Melbourne. It's only $3.80 for a regular size, single shot, flat white.

          Splitting payments and doing 1c is a damn good idea though.

        • +1

          @sween64: Haha 380x too much then!

        • +2

          It depends - I mean, if he buys a coffee every week anyway then it doesn't actually cost him anything extra because he was going to buy the coffee anyway.

          As long as you're using it to buy something you would normally buy every week then this is a great deal really. $144 (or whatever) for nothing!

    • that is a really really good idea!!

  • +2

    Paywave your partners $12/$20 movie ticket. Half price date night.
    BTW $8 tix at Reading Cinemas.

    • +7

      Or…get your partner to sign up to open a MEBank account too. Free date night!

      • +6

        Agreed. Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap and your in.

    • Where do you get $8 tickets from?

  • +1

    not working for me, using browsers they say anyone get to work on chrome, firefox or ie7+?

    • on the same boat, tried chrome, safari and firefox

    • Safari on iPhone worked eventually. The link didn't. The website is terrible. It said at the end it was completed yet it also said it wasn't. Got an email a little while later saying it was.

    • +2

      Found a way, Use this link instead https://www.mebank.com.au/lps/eta/offer?cid=ETAC0144

      • great, thanks

  • +3

    just buy a banana every monday

    • bananaaaaa

    • +1

      No….Tuesday… -_-

  • Boo I hate things like this. I signed up to ME and got nothing because I wanted to get away from the Big Banks. So why dont existing customers also get their loyalty rewarded? Is it a case of once you join up you get no more perks and then you switch away from them?

    • +4


    • +4

      thats how everything works in life

    • Business experts say it costs less to retain a customer than to sign a new one. So with the offer of no new perks and if I want perks, I have to go somewhere else.. wouldnt it be better for ME to reward their customers to get them to stay?

    • This bonus interest rate deal is available to existing customers. Although, there is still ambiguity as to the precise meaning of weekly purchase using tap and go.

      • That's what I'm confused about. Do they clarify it anywhere?

        • +1

          Please see my comment below. Hope it helps! I have basically used it quite a bit, so as to satisfy both the criteria.

        • @bluesky:

          Every five days would probably be the easiest way.

      • +1
        • Reply from ME within my account Date: 21/01/2016 2:06:13 AM … maybe will explain.

        The 'Loyalty Bonus Rate' is applied to your Online Savings Account 000xxxxxxx and for your reference I have included some information about the promotion and how you can make the most out of your ME accounts.

        To receive bonus interest on your OSA for any calendar month you must use your EveryDay Transaction Account (ETA) 0xxxxxxx during that month, by making a weekly purchase with your ETA debit MasterCard using PayPass Tap & Go.

        You must make at least one PayPass transaction in each of the below weeks.

        Week 1 is the 1st to the 7th
        Week 2 is the 8th to the 14th
        Week 3 is the 15th to the 21st
        Week 4 is the 22nd to the 28th

        If you do not make a PayPass transaction on your ETA in each of these weeks (even if you only miss one week), you will not receive the bonus interest rate for that month. You will still receive the base rate which is currently 2.00% p.a. The offer begins again on the 1st of each month.

        For your reference, you do earn interest on all funds in your Online Savings Account 000xxxxx, at an interest rate of *2.00%p.a. and the bonus rate of *1.55% p.a. to be applied to the first $250,000 in your Online Savings Account (OSA) *interest rate is variable.

        (In any month we may without notice waive the requirement for you to meet all of these bonus interest conditions. We may change or withdraw the bonus interest offer at any time.)

        If you have any further queries or if we can be of further assistance please feel free to send us an email or call us on the number below.

        Kind regards,
        Online Communications and Support
        National Customer Contact Centre

        • Thanks very much! Exactly the kind of confirmation I was hoping for!

          The more times a week definition is provided by their cust support personnel, the more confident we can be it is the right one. Furthermore, you got this in writing, which is great. (I could not get anything in writing, despite asking for one, when I was told a different week definition ("a period of more than 7 days cannot pass without a tap and go being made").

        • +2

          I included name and date for others, but anyone can contact me here if original email reference wanted.
          It's odd that 29th, 30th, and 31st don't count with this ME bonus.

        • @Bargitrage: Thank you, this is very helpful. Just as well the last few days are exempt :-), hassles enough to do this every week within the right periods.

  • whats the interest rate on these cards

    • I have a credit card with them. No annual fee and purchases are 9.99%.

    • +5

      It's a debit card, they take money from your savings account with them

  • +2

    Can't get the form to load :( I've been looking to move away from Comm bank and this offer seems alright!

  • +3

    I will write a negative review on MEbank.

    1. Signed up for the last $50 referral credit deal within 1 hour after the deal is published. Never received the $50, called them and they said I don't qualify because the place is limited and I'm too lated etc. Well, when I was going after the ING $75 deal I signed up days after the deal was published and I do get that $75 within 1 month. (I could be wrong about this one but I am really disappointed about this)

    2. ING gives you those movies tickets in one go but MEbank want to force you into staying with them for 12 month. $12-$20 earnings a month? Personally I will pass.

    3. Paywave rebate is instant in ING, but that takes a while in MEbank. For me the interest rate is also lower with MEbank

    • I have an ING direct account. Well two OE, a SM and an SM for my partner.

      I've signed up to ME just for the movie tickets. Easy.

      • Wish you all good luck getting them. They didnt say 'place is limited' this time but there r aways some terms like 'We may change or withdraw this offer at any time'.

        • Then I'll close the account.

    • I didn't get the $50 either. The deal for me was to successfully apply by a certain date, which I did, but they accepted my application after the date and refused to pay. I haven't used the account since.

  • How do they weeks in a month work? Each calendar week? Is that five times a month as all months this year have more than four weeks?

    • Either way it doesnt make much difference.
      Approx. 52 weeks a year, or 12mth*4weeks each mth = 48 weeks.

      You need to perform their designated task 48-52 times to earn 12 movie tickets rewards
      If you don't make this card as your main transaction card, Imo it's highly likely that some ppl would accidentally forgot to tap it in some weeks and get less than 12 in the end.

      • I won't forget. That's what a reminders app is for.

        It's probably 52 times a year, I'm just arguing semantics because that's what the Internet is for.

        "Each week in a month" could be for example: Week five of Feb 2016 which is only one day long. Then week 1 of March. That'd be 60 times per year.

    • +1

      Have a look at this thread - as I am assuming the meaning of the weekly purchase using tap and go is the same. There is ambiguity. People were told one thing earlier on, and then something else later on.

      In particular, earlier week definition provided by their Customer Support.

      And then, a later week definition provided by them.

      • +1

        Thanks. Once the account is opened I'll be emailing them for clarification and will follow the guidelines they give me.

        The first definition is more common sense and is hopefully what I will be told.

        • +1

          Hey, if you get another clarification, would appreciate if you let us know. Curious to see what they say now, so in time, hopefully we can get a better picture :-).

        • Also, don't forget to ask for the bonus rate interest deal as well! They might allow both concurrent deals, since technically-speaking, that is a deal on the Online Savings Account, and this is on the Everyday Account.

        • +1

          @bluesky: I didn't open an OSA. I have an ING Savings Maximiser.

        • ME Bank confirmed the following condition for the movie bonus on the phone - A transaction must be made within 7 days of the last transaction so if you tap on Monday, and then Friday in the following week, this does not qualify as more than 7 days has passed. The CSO agreed that the terms were not clear on the offer page so she confirmed the above with her team leader and could not point me to a page that had comprehensive T&C. So ME Bank is not saying days 1-7, 8-14 etc of the month but rather day 1, then no more than day 8, then day 15 etc after the initial transaction. Very misleading, and not within the spirit of the offer.

        • @bluetongue: That's what I was told. I'm using it every 6 days to make sure I qualify. 1 cent at a time at a self serve supermarket checkout.

        • @bluetongue: Mebank rep has clarified in this comment in the other thread, about the 'weekly' definition.

        • @bluetongue: received a 2nd conflicting explanation from another CSO at ME Bank so I am none the wiser about the T&C.

          "These terms and conditions do not go into specifics so I will clarify them for you. The way our system tracks the PayPass transactions is per calendar week, starting from the beginning of each month as listed below:
          Week 1 - 1st - 7th
          Week 2 - 8th - 14th
          Week 3 - 15th - 21st
          Week 4 - 22nd - 28th

          So, as long as you make a PayPass transaction within each of the date ranges stated above, you will qualify. The movie voucher will then be emailed to you on the 10th day of the following month."

        • @bluetongue: Our understanding have changed a few times, but the latest is here, from an ME Bank email to those with the ongoing bonus deal.

          Although this was specifically for the ongoing bonus deal, the weekly tap and go conditions for this movie deal are likely the same.

          So basically, quoting from the email:

          The simple answer is just use tap & go at least once every Monday to Sunday and you'll get the bonus interest.
          The more comprehensive answer is that you'll get the bonus rate if you make one tap & go purchase:

          • every successive 7 day period (1st day of the month to the 7th, 8th to the 14th, 15th to the 21st and 22nd to the end of the month), OR
          • every calendar week (e.g. Monday to Sunday) ending within the month.

          Hope this helps.

      • +2

        Just recieved the 'earlier week definition' from ME, on Date: 21/01/2016, on internal account mail.
        If you stick with that I'd say no probs.

  • +1

    I still prefer $100 sign-up bonus last time.

    • +2

      Nah. Never got my money.

      • +3

        Really?Maybe this time people don't get movie tickets!

  • I had an ETA years ago when they did they $50 bonus then closed. Chances of success with this?

    • You’re eligible for the offer if you (1) successfully apply for your first ever ME Everyday Transaction Account

  • Too much hassel for the movie tickets. This is not an attractive deal though cash option would have been much better.

  • Would it work if I cancel my card and open a new one?

    • No.

  • Does anyone know to to close mebank account online? Or do you have to call them?

  • +4

    literally u can't go out of Aus for a year if u want to take full advantage of this deal, l will give it a pass

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