1 day sale on all full price items at Allposters.com.au
Says the code expires in the user's local timezone.
1 day sale on all full price items at Allposters.com.au
Says the code expires in the user's local timezone.
Allposters are jerks, they reduce the price on their cool posters by say $2-$3 so that a sale code does not apply. But you can buy the same poster mounted for full price, apply the code and still be massively ripped off with about $60 in postage in addition to the framing rip off.
For example a minecraft poster is $15, reduced to $12 to avoid the sale, but hey you can get it in a black frame with an ACRYLIC!!!! protective layer for $277 plus postage.
Also heaps of other cool items (shirts, accessories and so on) also have a small price reduction to circumvent the sale code.
So what is the solution? Buy the picture, and get it framed locally?
My local framing shop framed 3 surf posters, all under glass, choice of frame with a small etched plaque for $70 a pop.
Otherwise IKEA do perfectly serviceable poster sized frames for cheap.
Good price on posters, shame shipping is over the top! They want $39 to ship a single laminated poster.
Needs more nature photography. Insects specifically.
AU $39.00 Shipping to sydney
This place can F*** right off.
They are at least fairly transparent in the shipping price.
Everytime I go to this site it says 40% off. I think it's just an ongoing discount. Shipping cost kills any bargain.
This sale is always running. People stopped posting because of the insane shipping. If want art prints, try Society 6.
Min Shipping:AU $6.98