Due to boom gate issues V/Line is giving all users free transport for a week. Seems a good deal.
Herald Sun link
Due to boom gate issues V/Line is giving all users free transport for a week. Seems a good deal.
Herald Sun link
Same comment, over and over again. Is it saved in your favourites?
yet people keep posting forum topics as deals… Go figure ???
Please read the guidelines before posting.
I did…
It's something you usually pay for, and for one week it's free. Pretty sure that's classified as a bargain.
It's something you usually pay for, and for one week it's free
It's compensation for poor service, not a bargain.
How is it compensation if people who don't normally take the service avail of this free transport?
@JohnHowardsEyebrows: It's a freebie for all the people who wouldn't normally travel and now can travel for freeeeee!
The reason they're offering the bargain doesn't change the fact that it's a bargain.
The reason they're offering the bargain doesn't change the fact that it's a bargain.
it's not a fact, and it's not a bargain. It's an announcement of compensation.
I've never travelled on Vline before. Now I can have a free ride that week when I am going away. To me that is a bargain. Maybe if you use this free service, it would equate to a bargain for you too.
And how about all of us who buy 33 day passes.. Too bad so sad?
not sure if you can lodge a refund request perhaps?
I did that during the RRL works and it is a BS process.
You need to send in your Myki via mail, which means you are left without one if you do not have a spare.
Then they work out the balance by calculating the days used at full fare rates (instead of the discounted average (ie amount paid /33 days) and subtracting that figure from the amount you paid.
SO if you used 20 out of 33 days.. you pretty much get nothing back.
wow what a joke.
also it's really annoying as almost anyone with a pass would have bought it early Jan after new years holidays etc…. and they're giving the free travel within the first month of the holidays ending.
I do compensation requests every month because they never meet their performance targets. I just fill in a form and mail it in, part of which is supplying my myki number.
That said, since I have a Metro station nearby I'm taking Metro trains until they sort out this Vlocity mess. Took 40 minutes longer to get home via train replacement bus the other day because most of the peak hour trains home were cancelled
@zblackeagle: Do you use a myki pass? If so, how much do you get back every month? If it's worth the effort, might have to give it a go myself!
I use v/line, metro and the trams, so perhaps this free travel thing won't really work for me.
@zo1dberg: Yes, a myki pass. Conditions are at https://www.vline.com.au/About-V-Line/Additional-pages/Compe…
I'm tempted to pre-fill out a form without the month filled in and make photocopies to save myself time
@zblackeagle: Great idea - I took a screen grab of the PDF (i don't have an editor), pasted in paint, filled out the details, copied the image into a word document with narrow margins and saved it in my dropbox. All so i can get back about $7 in myki credit each time i do it :) Better than a kick in the teeth i suppose…
@zo1dberg: You can use the comment feature in Adobe Reader. You can place a text box anywhere in the doc. Easy. I have lined them up this way myself… change month and print.
@rentonc: Wish i knew about that. Oh well, it's done now. I even went to the trouble of putting the address on the facing page so when i print it double sided, it shows through the window from the envelopes i have at work. Makes it a quick process. Time is money after all and that makes it cheap!
Good luck getting a seat.
Something that you normally pay for that is then free - it qualifies as a bargain. Simples.
You are having a crack about the way in which it was communicated.
I'm pretty sure Ms Allan said "it's compensation - it's not a bargain and therefore belongs in the ozbargain forums instead".
Still qualifies as a bargain though, so tough titties Ms Allan!
Please read what the H/S article said -
Have taken the below from the article & it specifically encourages people to go on day trips -
“We recognise that regional passengers have been affected.
There will be free travel on all V/Line services starting from this coming Saturday, through to Sunday 31st of January,” she said.
Ms Allan said from Saturday, services should resume as normal on the Seymour line, and the Gippsland line should have restrictions removed next week.
Passengers can simply get on V/Line services from Saturday until January 31 and not pay, and there are no restrictions on travel.
Ms Allan said it could be an opportunity for people to get out and see parts of regional Victoria.
Customers needing further information or special assistance, contact PTV on 1800 800 007 prior to travelling.
ask questions - re: myki, will gates be open, does it also include buses eg: if going to echuca - catch train then bus ? etc
How about Vline to Canberra or Adelaide? Free as well?
Nope… Vic country only.
Maybe take a train to the border and walk the rest of the way…
Booked a return ticket. The Vline staff at the station said it shoild be free but wanted to seek clarification, unfortnately the lines were busy. Got home, gave Vline a call and booking confirmed.
So it's free travel to Canberra or Adelaide confirmed?
can we book a ticket or just hop on if they have seat?
ask Ms Allan who like to make announcements without providing any details…
If you go to flinders do they just open the gate to let you out instead of tapping your myki card is what im interested in.
ask Ms Allan who like to make announcements without providing any details…
V/Line don't arrive into Flinders Street, they arrive into Southern Cross where I would say they'll just have the gates open.
Well, you can board Bairnsdale trains at Flinder St, but due to the issue that led to the free travel, they start at Pakenham now.
where I would say they'll just have the gates open.
The gates for the vline trains are always open.
They're not open at Southern Cross
@jv: Which one? There are ones on the big bridge towards Etihad close to Spencer, at the main entrance, along the side on Collins Street extension. Vline travellers sometimes use platforms and entrances that metro customers never even go near, especially so at Flinders Street, platforms hidden in the bowels of the station.
@jv: For the Traralgon line, at Southern Cross Station they are the same. Do you even go on Vline dude? Anyway, you never answer the question, which gate is always open?
which gate is always open?
the vline ones…
I give up.
@jv: Not all Vlines at Southern Cross go from that section. Some go from the metro platforms which are pretty much shut up tight. Those people are going to have HASSLE getting in and out without swiping myki.
Some go from the metro platforms
That's why i said only the vline platforms and not the Metro ones..
@jv: don't know but it happened before these photos were taken
don't know but it happened before these photos were taken
looks like there's still one open gate…
The widest gate near platform 1 (there's only 3 of them) is always open - you usually see people walking straight through without touching off given it's busy when people get off the train there.
As for the other platforms (platforms 2 - 8), the widest gate there which is closest to the japanese takeaway and sugar station is always open.
If you get off at platform 16, however, you'd have a problem as you get out at the metro gates.
"If you get off at platform 16, however, you'd have a problem as you get out at the metro gates"
Actually, on second thought - if you get off the north side, there's a vline exit closest to the shopping centre. It's only the south side exit where all gates are closed.
If you go to flinders do they just open the gate to let you out instead of tapping your myki card is what im interested in.
If you wanting to go to Flinders you will want to be on Ventura Buslines Route 782.
This announcement is for V/Line.
This is great for all the people who are going to benefit like one off travellers and casuals, but the people on monthly tickets have been given the big middle finger.
If the bus replacements are still running at that point in time then this is really lame. Compensation via a substandard service, which is meant to be what is compensated for.
but the people on monthly tickets have been given the big middle finger.
Dan's making a bit of a habit of that…
I like your thinking jv… You must be a Liberal voter…
And you must be a Labor/Greens voter!
Actually, far from it. Moreover, The Greens have done everything that is legally possible to screw Australians over, whilst falsely claiming to be totally impartial from the big two parties and that voters will transcend into the next realm of humanity if they vote for their hard-line party.
Any suggestions on places to go?
get on an adelaide bound train and get off in perth claiming u fell asleep and need to return.
The Indian Pacific is not part of V/Line though, besides I'd rather explore country Victoria within a day or overnighter.
I'm with jv on this one, not a bargain rather compensation for those affected by network issues.
whats the longest free trip then? i am from qld just curious
Probaly to Bairnsdale, or to Warrnambool. Is Swan Hill a train the whole way through, or do you need to take a bus at some point?
Oi bongo, a Herald Sun article does not constitute a deal. You've provided no information on how this free travel actually works. Merely just government spin, This is an announcement not a bargain.
Have revised "Go To Deal" link from Herald Sun article to V/Line announcement.
Due to the recent service changes across the V/Line network, the Victorian Government has announced free travel for V/Line customers.
Free travel will start from the first service this Saturday 23 January until last service on Sunday 31 January. This will apply on all V/Line train and coach services.
Customers travelling with a myki do not need to touch on and off.
More information to follow.
Did just book a ticket last night from Genoa to Dandenong.
For when? If it's between the 23 - 29th of January you'll be able to get a refund.
Have a chat to Vline and see if you can get a refund and rebook.
The free ticket that I picked up shows the price as 0. Your should show the normal price, so they can tell the difference.
As per the vline website, if it's within those dates mentioned in this post:
"Customers using V/Line paper tickets
Customers with a single or return paper V/Line ticket can visit a V/Line ticket office to get a refund on the spot. Customers with a periodical V/Line paper ticket please contact the Public Transport Victoria on 1800 800 007 to arrange reimbursement."
The real reason is due to wheel wear on the vlines, they had 25 out of service the other week when the norm is about 10. They are still trying to work out the cause.
Due to this they are running vlines at 2 carriages which is not enough length to trigger some boom gates.
The cause is the flyover at Southern Cross/North Melbourne has too tight a radius.
It's chewing out the VLocity wheel flanges as the bogie axles are coupled and drive synchronously. Like leaving a 4WD in 4x4 mode will put too much pressure on the diffs and scrub the tyres out.
They're doing track works this weekend.
First video I found on YouTube demonstrates the issue. Listen to the wheels on the second train in this video. It's horrid.
Rail industry worker here.
Just so happens that I'm flying into Melbourne en route to Geelong later this month. Hopefully V/Line gets their act together in the coming week, but still, nice to have one less expense!
Does suck for the regular pass holders though…
Called customer service 1800 800 007 and they advised the following -
myki - Avoid touch on and off - absolutely no need for this
Vline includes buses and trains
eg: going to echuca - you catch train from sthrn cross to bendigo then bus will get you to echuca
suggest you go to vline at sthrn cross station and book tickets to avoid disappointment - won't be charged
p.s. it has been extended for another week - till 7th of Feb.
Has anyone successfully requested a partial refund for a Myki Pass for these free travel periods?