This was posted 9 years 1 month 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Cards Against Humanity Aus Store, Aus Edition $30, Expansion $12 Each + Free Shipping on $40+


Thought I'd breathe new life into the expired deal posted by lockdude way back in Nov 2014

It got 140+ votes, so was popular.

Seems as though the prices on the official site are somewhat cheaper than eBay etc (am I missing something?)

It seems more packs have been added since 2014 too, Scroll down the main page for more info.

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Cards Against Humanity
Cards Against Humanity

closed Comments

  • +4

    Cards Against Humanity is a party game for horrible people. Each round, one player asks a question from
    a Black Card, and everyone else answers with their
    funniest White Card.

    • 550 total cards: 460 white cards and 90 black cards.
    • 13 duodecillion+ possible rounds (10^40) with 6 players.
    • Adapted from the original American edition to suit your vapid, fun-loving culture.
    • 0% of proceeds donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

    Wow. I guess it's not giving season.

    • +6

      It's not as bad/great as their black friday 'sale' where they let people pay them $5 for literally nothing and pocketed it.

      • +14

        To be fair they then bought out their Chinese factory for a week and gave all the staff a week off

      • They donated a bunch of that to charity

        (25% ish maybe if i recall)

      • +2

        How about when they sent literal shit to people?

    • These are banned by the Geneva convention… And by me

      • Thanks.

        • Your welcome

  • Before Christmas ebay was about $75 delivered in qld for base and all 6 expansions… Now its 120ish… What happened lol

      • +6

        You can download the PDF of their cards from their website and print them yourself if you want…

      • +2

        Lol to get your holidays you likely had to Play "cards against holiday"

    • Pretty sure its $102 delivered for the main box and 6 expansion packs through australian link.

    • +2

      These guys never sell through eBay, only through their online store. There are lots of fakes which is only encouraged by the makers as they released the base game under the Creative Commons license. My sister picked up a fake set (inc expansions 1 to 4) for $50 shipping from China off eBay in 2014.
      I've kept an eye on their prices and they haven't really budged since opening their AU store early 2015 (when AUD was near parity with USD). In fact, looking at my invoice when I bought it in Oct 15:
      Base Game AU version $30
      Expansions $12 each
      Bigger Blacker Box $18

  • How does the game work exactly?

    I kind of get the game, but how do you decide the winner in each round?

    • +1

      The person who's turn it is to ask the question decides the winner.

    • +1

      one person each round is the judge who will not take part in the answering and reads the question instead. Personally I have this game only because it was purchased for me and I tend to never play it….

      • Whomever purchased it for you, is who you should be playing it with :P

  • +12

    Normal price for the game, not a bargain..

    • +3

      True, but this was a popular deal, is the cheapest available and It is still a great game a few people havent yet caught onto; I thought id repost an expired deal.

      Tough crowd…

      • Doesn't matter, you still got a front page deal!

  • +10

    From the original post:

    The Australian store has finally opened for Cards Against Humanity! Yes these are regular prices,

    The 'deal' was because it had just launched in Australia, and required importing before that.

    This is just normal price here, not a deal.

    • Fair enough then! The hunt for a bargain to satisfy will continue :)

    • Yeah, I recall paying the same last year

  • +5

    I don't get the hype around these cards. Having played a few times, it was alright but not spectacular. But overrated imo.

    • Target market is tipsy 20-somethings.

    • -7

      This game is not funny in anyway. It's entertainment for retards.

    • it isn't their fault you have no sense of humour… myself and my other around 30yr old friends play this just about every time we have a get together and its always a great laugh… get a sense of humour or just go away would be my advice… not everyone has to like everything but you don't need to come on here and bag it out

      • +3

        Um nothing wrong with expressing an opinion..?

      • +2

        Wow, calm down mate. I hardly 'bagged it out', I merely mentioned that while it is a fun game, I believe it is undeserving of the massive fanfare it gets online. Once you play it a few times and see all the cards, it becomes fairly repetitive and loses its appeal - once again this is my opinion.

        So take a deep breath and relax. Life is good.

  • They should have a special pack which only contains the cards that are different between the Australia and American base versions.
    I already own the original American starter pack and I'm not going to double up on cards by buying the Aussie one.

    • +1

      Hey buddy, you know you can just download and print the Aussie expansion pack for free from their website? They're pretty much shrimp on the Barbie, 'Roos hopping down the Main Street what you'd expect though…

      • I guess I could… But considering I own pretty much every other set they have available people would know which cards are the Aussie ones when someone else has one in their hand. Doesn't sound like much to worry about based on what you said there though.

  • +3

    I've witnessed (never played) CaH, wasn't what I'd play. Although I'd highly recommend Exploding Kittens, the game is hilarious and makes family reunions more (extremely) bearable.

  • +3

    Cards Against Humanity free clone is pretty cool too -

  • Is this in USD or AUD ?

  • This is for the Australian webshop, so AUD.

  • +2

    Thanks, you reminded me to order more.

    Got 5 expansion packs and bigger box.

    Probably the easiest checkout process I've ever used.

    • +1

      Remember to grab the hidden card from the box. :)

      This thread made me pick up all the sets I'd missed though. $78 down the drain. :p

  • I love how acerbic these guys are. What an awesome website.

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