Found this in-store at Ikea Richmond. Down from $149 original price. I think it's part of the up to 50% off sale that's going on at the moment.
IKEA DUKTIG Play Kitchen $99, IKEA Richmond in-Store (VIC)

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You realize it is a play kitchen, right?
On account of how OP's original, unedited, title said "IKEA DUKTIG Play Kitchen $99, IKEA Richmond In-Store (VIC)", I reckon it was pretty clear.
Okay, if this is a deal then I'm Princess Diana.
Watch out for the next tunnel, it's a doozy!
Too many flashes! Too many flashes!!
Next chapter: Charles and the Equine Love Affair.
Duktig is a Scandanaviavian anagram for Kid *** (censored). Do not part real money for a an imaginary kitchen. Remember what it was like when you were a child. Let the kids help you. Its free. They be happy. Duktig night.
A 3-letter word that is censored, coming from Mel Gibson?
I have no idea what anagram you are referring to. Maybe I'm missing a (bad) joke, but I'll answer anyway.
Duktig is a Swedish word meaning that someone has done or is doing something well. Frequently used with kids. I can't from the top of my head think of a direct translation, but think of it as your kid doing something and you say "well done". It's not exactly the same, but used similarly. There's absolutely no hidden meaning behind this word.
Edit: alright, I got it. When you said Scandinavian anagram I thought you meant just that and not an anagram (ish) in English. Nevermind this post then.
i always see rich grandparents buy these
The sink right next to the electric stove would never pass a building inspection.
Even at this 'reduced' price, play kitchens on Ebay (delivered) are less than this… and some of them look much better as well.
I love Ikea, but when I saw these kitchens in a store recently, I was shocked at the price. Crazy overpriced.
but… it's not a real kitchen.