I just been to Target Parramatta NSW, found Target Floor Lamp 178cm height for $10, original price is $60, enjoy…
Target Floor Lamp $10

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any barcode or receipt, so I can ring my local store.
Should be nationalwide, as scanned @ $10, barcode is %44746216
Are the globes included?
Reviews seem poor - flickering, buzzing sound from dimmer, plus with things moving to LED these days 300 watts for a light is a bit extreme!
Go to rishigill's link, select Features, and it says globes are included.
with things moving to LED these days 300 watts for a light is a bit extreme!
You'll have a hard time finding an LED with an uplight of that kind of light output.
300W linear halogen = about 5500 Lumens, which would mean at least 60-70W for equivalent LED plus a massive heatsink.
there are some LED R7s in the market, not sure how good they are.
Can confirm also available at Target Garden City, QLD.
Still about 5 left at 2pm today. Bought 2 - am cooking myself under the reading light now :-(
have one, going to get rid of it once i find a good looking replacement. when it's on it heats up the room and the bulbs arent standard
I have replaced the 300 watt halogen with a 30 watt Led from China. It was an easy straight swap. The dimmer does not work with the LED but the light is more than enough.
Have you got a link to it?
Good price but good luck putting it together. I returned mine after I could not get it fit together - the internal cable was made it impossible to connect the top light fitting - ended up cutting my self on a sharp part of the lamp… not good at all.
Took me about 10 minutes to carefully unpack & assemble. Pretty easy - screw together, tighten, plug in.
Certainly no reason to neg, just because you had problem.
Yep me too..easy assembly..lots of plastic packaging..no bandaids required.
That bloody plastic covering everything… after it was off, assembly was easy.
That's great it worked for you. All I wanted to do is let everyone know that the quality control is not great and potentially save them some time and effort if they also got a dude item. No doubt they have slashed the price due to high returns or poor sales i.e. there is probably a reason why it's not selling.
There are other ways than a neg.
A neg is appropriate if the product is defective (it has got its issues which others have commented on), but it's certainly not a generally defective product.
I just assembled another one easily.
Obviously yours was not fit for sale, but others had no problem or injury. One shoddy item does not mean all are defective, justifying a neg.
WARNING others about the problems you found is great. I warned about another deal by putting the word WARNING in bold & giving my reasons. Some people took notice.
A neg often gets noticed for the wrong reasons & people can debate the um… use of the neg vote rather than the issue you raised ;-)
I think the price reduction is due to this product will no longer be stocked, so it is being cleared. (I bought a $25 Christmas gift clearance gadget at Target yesterday for 50c while looking for this light. Its not defective, just won't be stocked after Christmas.)
Why wouldn't Target want to stock this larger & heavier item - the high power consumption is a major negative point which is no longer wanted in electrical fittings, along with buzzing controls & short bulb life - according to the reviews & commented above. They have alternative products at more reasonable prices that do not require the specialised bulbs. I'm adapting it as a 12V LED light, so that's not an issue in my case.
Many reviews commented on how easy it was to assemble, like "Works well and easy to assemble.".
No reviews mentioned any issues with assembly, or being injured by it as you claim. I think if anyone had had those problems - it would make its way to the reviews.
I think for your neg to be valid, others need to agree with your criticism.
Sorry to hear of your injury though.
I got mine about four months ago. It went together perfectly. At first it seemed a little wobbly until I found the little screwdriver and realised that I hadn't tightened up any of the screws. Once done, it was solid. Every now and then it has one small flicker, but has remained working for the last four months. The only hassle with it is the small flying creatures which seem drawn to it and end up burning under the bulb. It causes a bit of a stench for a short while, so I end up having to turn it off (must do this or you'll go blind for a few seconds), tip it over and shake the creature out. I use it every night as it's far brighter than the silly LED lighting installed in the ceiling.
I also had a similar one many years ago, which kept going for years, and I only had to change the bulb once (which I had no problem finding), but I sold it when I moved back from NZ, so this one was a replacement, and seems just as good.
Good to read. A review on Target said was a bit unstable. I find that on carpet. Could easily add weight on base but no real issue.
Main issue is it will be expensive to operate & too hot to use at moment.
Since we're in same locality, you don't find the heat from reading light an issue? I'll be changing that to LED soon. Really only needed it for the reading light.
It may be more expensive, but it makes up for four other lights that we don't use. I don't notice the heat. And, to be honest, I rarely use the reading light because it's not that bright for where I have it.
Link to China Replacement LED:
http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-118mm-led-R7S-l…Note: Make sure you get the 118mm size 30W Led. Even though it is dimable, the dimmer built into the light-stand itself may not work with this bulb.
Looks very similar to the Aldi one from a few months ago. Fully LED and is awesome. Bought two on clearance at $50 each.
Must keep a watch in case it returns. Am tempted to convert this one to 12V LED, as have most of lamps & parts. Its far too bright on full power for my use.
The 300W bulb failed after less than 30 minutes use :-(
Lucky I bought 2 $10 lamps. Will return at least 1. Am looking at LED replacement bulbs.The foil reflector is easily damaged, as it is so thin. My screwdriver slipped & went straight through.
So definitely disconnect power before replacing bulbs.
Opened 2nd box - bulb broken.
Given up on these lamps - returning both.
wonder if this is nationwide