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Cycling Insurance 20% off with Bicycle NSW ($52.80 Comprehensive, $43.20 Third Party)


This is a great deal on comprehensive insurance for cyclists. 20% off insurance, in two packages: commuter (TPI, $54 without discount) and individual (comprehensive, $66 without discount). You do not have to live in NSW to be a member.

Belonging has many benefits, including:

  • 24/7, worldwide comprehensive ride insurance, tailored for bike riders
  • Dedicated, experienced bike advocacy for NSW, in NSW
  • Priority entry and discounts for great events, including next year's Spring Cycle
  • Exclusive retail discounts and offers
  • Info and advice, including a free legal consultation with a cycling specialist
  • A member discount on some of Australia's best bike magazines

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Bicycle NSW
Bicycle NSW

closed Comments

  • -1

    Any bike deal?

    • I got the commuter insurance last time. It's a little cheaper, and covers everything I do. Will update the post.

    • Commuter you miss out on "Exclusive discounted subscriptions on Australia’s best bicycling magazines, and deals, discounts and offers through our event and retail network"

  • -1

    Seen these come up in the past… what benefits does this have over my private health insurance?

    • Lots of differences. Biggest are coverage for injury to other people and property damage. Also legal advice in case of any issues. Lots of other payouts may arise in different situations.

      • How much damage can you do on a bike??!!

        • Wait until you crash into a 100K sports car, or knock over and injure a pedestrian. Without insurance you are up for all repair or medical costs.

        • @ruddj:

          Yeah but my question still stands - how much damage can you do on a bike?

          Worst case scenario a one in a million shot you ride into a Ferrari at 20km/h and scratch some paint… Absolute worst case, one in a million you're up for a couple grand to fix some scratches.

          I'll take my "chances"

        • @damoo:

          P.s-if you knock over a pedestrian (at fault) as a bike rider and you SHOULD cop a big financial penalty as a minimum.
          As a fellow vunerable road user you should know better.

          (fyi this is from someone who rides as a cyclist every day on a shared pedestrian/bike pathway in southbank, melb.)

  • 24/7, worldwide comprehensive ride insurance, tailored for bike riders

    What does this mean exactly. eg I used tomcycle when I was in Chamg Mai, what does it cover ? I hit a car and damage it ? a car hits me and hospitalises me ? medivac back to Aus ? the bike ?

    • "Cover under the Bicycle NSW insurance policies apply when members are riding their bike (including three-wheel trikes and legal e-bikes/pedal –assist bikes) on a 24/7 basis, including commuting to work, on a training ride or participating in an organised cycling event (excluding a race), regardless of size, and travel to and from these activities. The policy coverage arranged for Bicycle NSW is issued on a Worldwide cover basis."

      Here is the PDS.

  • +2

    One thing to watch is it only lasts for this financial year. So if you sign up in December it still only last until 30th June.
    I am a member and paid up, but did so in July to get full year length.

    Often they have a half price sale in January to reflect that half the year is gone.

  • "Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to your cart contents."

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