This was posted 9 years 2 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox One 1TB Console & 3 Games HALO 5/Gears of War/Rare Replay $344.55 Delivered Target


This Xbox One 1TB Bundle features Halo 5 Guardians, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, Rare Replay and a full-game download of Ori and the Blind Forest.
$389, Combine with 5% = $369.95
$25 off =$344.55
Available online with free home delivery or C&C.

EDIT back in stock @ Target online

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Target Australia
Target Australia

closed Comments

  • No Halo 5 this time

  • Halo 5 no longer shows in the pictures but in the description: "This Xbox One 1TB Bundle features Halo 5 Guardians, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, Rare Replay and a full-game download of Ori and the Blind Forest."

  • -1

    2778157821950 - doesnt work for the 20% off anymore: The Promotional Voucher or Code you entered was incorrect, no longer valid or did not meet the required conditions. Please try again

    DOES work for the 5% staff discount


    • Code is 5% for electrical

  • Out of stock: "Currently unavailable online".

  • Was checking out when I got the message stock levels had changed while placing my order :(

  • Back in stock again, but as pointed out before, Halo 5 nolonger shows on the invoice

  • +2

    I rang customer service to check if Halo 5 would be included. She did confirm that it is mentioned in the description and hence it was highly unlikely the item would not be included in it.

    I was about to cancel my ebay order and re order it here, but its out of stock again.

    Plus, I am unsure of how to cancel the order via ebay as I have already paid for it. have contacted ebay for this.

    • Back in Stock again now. Ordered one.

      Thanks for sharing the clarification.

      • I just noticed it myself. Thanks for the heads up. Still unsure of how to cancel the order via ebay. Target customer service couldnt cancel my ebay order.

        • @cpeiqi: Thanks mate. I checked that page, but thats a refund option from a seller's point. Not for buyers ! I think I am going to stick with my ebay order. I know its $30 more after Cashrewards, i dont see a point in cancelling it and then hoping it would come back on the main website. It currently shows up as out of stock now

        • @cpeiqi: I only hope those idiots on ebay dont cancel my order just because I made an enquiry.

        • @aspirepranesh:
          bugger, forgot the cashreward.

        • @cpeiqi: haha… Target main website cash reward is like .5% . So you didnt lose much ($2 approx)

        • @aspirepranesh:
          yeah, Cashback on Electrical & Other: 0.75%
          not feeling so not ozb now. :D

        • @cpeiqi: I know that feel bud :)

          I wish I could save those $35 by ordering it from the main site, but I dont think I would lose my sleep over it. too much work to save the difference.

  • Ordered successfully (7:30am Melbourne time this morning) with 5% and $25 discounts. Thanks OP!

  • +1

    out of stock again.

    • +1

      Not sure if they are toying with us. Its like you place one order and the item goes out of stock and then comes back up again in a bit, for the same thing to happen again!!

      • Yeah.. was about to hit pay button… :(

    • I reckon their warehouse guy is scanning barcode to stock the items. :)
      At the same time we are purchasing the item they just scanned.

      That certainly explains why it goes in and out stock.

      • Maybe I should stick to my Xbox 360 and those $1 games bought from JB. :)

        • +1

          Just keep an eye on the website for a few mins mate. I have seen the item come back on stock a few times this morning

        • @aspirepranesh:

          It's back in stock!

        • @victorheaven: Go for it mate. I am still waiting on my ebay order cancellation. I dont want to pay for 2 xbox's :D

        • @aspirepranesh:

          Bought, can't resist. :)

          Good luck with your cancellation!

        • @victorheaven: Thanks bud. Christmas comes early. Merry Christmas.

        • @aspirepranesh:

          Merry Xmas Buddy.

          Hopefully Microsoft will speed up the process of making more Xbox 360 games compatible in XBone.

        • @victorheaven: haha.. yeah! Tbh, I am not a big xbox fan. I only bought the 360 to play gears of war. But I am curious to know what other exclusives are good on xbox one. I am looking to sell my Halo 5, never played it. Doesnt seem to be of my interest. Any recommendations on games?

        • @aspirepranesh:

          I still need to find out as well mate.

          Bought before doing any research. :P I heard Halo is good though.

        • @victorheaven: Hah! well, good to know that I am not the only one. :D

      • I think you got lucky. right place at the right time! :D

  • I've ordered for the 1TB + 8 games for $498 from Ebgames online last Monday. Is this a better deal really ? What should I do ?

    • Same here mate, pulled the trigger for EB deal with 8 games but this one seems to be way much better deal.

      • Thinking to check if my commbank platinum card can reimburse me for price difference but I guess it would be too hard as they are different bundle.

  • dammm. little guy wanted one for Christmas..

    Edit in stock again…

    but when you go to checkout get this

    We’re sorry. This product isn’t available in the quantity that you’ve chosen.

    • Mate.. it came back a while ago. I was able to cancel my ebay order and reorder it here for a cheaper price. Check again

      • You cant add it to basket.

        "We’re sorry. This product isn’t available in the quantity that you’ve chosen."

        • +1

          Mate.. check my comment above in response to a similar feedback. I think they are updating their website every 15-30 minutes. And once someone orders it, it goes to "Stock unavailable". Been happening since 7am this morning. 3 of us have been able to buy the item after a while. I know its annoying, but keep track of the website once every 10 mins if you can.

          I literally just placed an order after cancelling my ebay order from yest

        • @aspirepranesh: cheers for the info, I'll keep sussing it out.

  • +1

    Looks like someone from Target is reading OZB comments, HALO 5 is now removed from description.

    • Whoa! You're right. Good thing I printed the full ad before it was edited.

      • +1

        Got screenshot with Time stamp as well if we need to go down that path. :)

        • Is it possible to send it to me? I didn't get a screenshot.

        • @rissler: Mate..check my comment below

        • Right with you mate.

        • @aspirepranesh: Thanks mate, but I don't really have a leg to stand on if I don't have a screenshot. Could you post the printout of the add?

        • +1

          @rissler: Sure. Lemme scan it and upload it in a bit.

        • @aspirepranesh: Thanks mate

        • @rissler:

          Looks like it is no longer required as Target is honouring the deal.

        • Can you please send the screenshot?

    • Its probably got more to do with the amount of inquires they received, sometimes it's better to buy first and query second, worst case you get a refund for the product not being as advertised, you ask now they correct the mistake.

      On the positive side if they fixed the issue it should indicate they will be re-stocking (unless they are going to try backtrack) but I don't think it's as appealing anymore, that being said it is a 1TB console.

      • Well! never been a halo 5 (now please dont neg me because of it- goes to anyone), I was planning to sell the game once I got it. But i now made them pay for it :)

  • +5

    Guys, heads up. I called customer service once I figured they changed the description. I had printed out the ad this morning when I placed the order as it didnt have the Halo 5 game picture, but it was in the description. I also rang customer service before I placed the order around 11 to confirm it.They advised me now that it was never intended to be a part of the bundle and it was a misprint and it wouldnt be honoured. I cracked it and told them that they are being sneaky and I wanted to speak with the Manager.The rep put me on hold and told me that they will send a $80 voucher via post so I could go and buy the game for $60 instore

    I suggest you all check your order and bundles when you receive them or pick them up.

    • Thanks for the heads up, I ended up calling Target and they confirmed their online team changed the description. They are going to send me a copy of Halo 5 directly from their Victorian warehouse. Would've preferred the $80 voucher though. :)

    • I went to pick my bundle up today and they honoured Halo after telling them it was in the description, no questions asked :)

      • Do you think if I have my photo and call up and complain, I'll receive the same?

        • they didn't even ask me for a photo on the phone, I think they know when they updated the website and when you ordered.

        • @aff: Yeah. They know that they changed the description. I am wondering if I should ask the store guys about the Halo 5 game when I go pick it up tonight. Dont feel like ripping them off. (The salesperson in me says 'be happy with the voucher')

        • It's worth a shot! I went instore and showed them the ad. It seems now they have changed it but may still honour the original photo you have.

        • @p3terp: This is the hard part of being in sales. As a salesperson, I am not wanting to ask them about it… but as a consumer, I am thinking WHY THE HELL NOT. Maybe Ill be nice and just ask them politely. If i get, i get. If I dont, no harm done I guess

        • +1

          @aspirepranesh I know what you mean! I used to work retail for many years and you just don't want to see the employee get into trouble. On the other hand, It will probably be bundled later on down the track so may as well try get it now :)

          Just ask politely as they may even know about the stuff up and want to help customers who are nice!

    • -1

      I bought 3 bundles click and collect.
      Checked when picking up. No Halo. I had screen shot printed. Lady serving rang C&C headquarters.
      They are sending a $150 voucher in the mail to cover the cost of 3 Halo games. Not quite sure where they got the $150 figure, but still very happy with the bundle (even without Halo) for $294.55

      • I totally agree with you.good value if you got the voucher. I should have not messed with my order. Now the store gave me the halo 5 disc and I may not receive the $80 voucher. I think you did the right thing.

  • +1

    I just called and they aware of the issue, if you call them they will arrange the Halo5 to be posted separately.

  • No Halo 5 in the bundle I picked up. On the phone now, wish me luck :)

    • Did you ask for halo 5 instore? And show them the picture with description of Halo 5?

    • Just got an email from Target saying they are out of stock of Halo 5, and would I accept a $60 gift voucher instead. As I was going to trade the game anyway, and my wife and I have several items from Target we were looking to pick up as Christmas presents, I'm pretty happy that I have now effectively got a 1TB XBox One for just under $285 :)

      • Good work, some people even had their order cancelled

      • And just to follow up again, received the $60 worth of Target gift cards on Christmas Eve, so all good :)

  • I'm calling now also - any updates?

    • I just picked up my bundle from Target. Also convinced the guy to add a halo disc. Now I am wondering if they would still send me the $80 voucher. I suggest you press them. If you look at this thread, some of the guys did get the disc in store. I would highly recommend u to ask the staff in store when u pick it up

  • Alright - I just got off the phone - and they're sticking to their story - it was an error and didn't offer to send me Halo 5 or a voucher or anything - essentially - if I wanted to return it - I can…

    Does anyone think I should have gone harder and asked to speak to a manager?

    A 1TB XBone for $369 - "SHOPTHEAPP" didn't work for me still seems like a decent deal…


    • I tried the SHOPTHEAPP code about two hours ago. Rang customer support and the code is no longer valid for use on the XBOX. I think they are getting a lot of calls as the operator seemed abrupt.

    • Both the codes worked for most people. The store guy was surprised that my bundle was so cheap. And even more surprised to see my print out of the ad which showed the halo game

  • Yeah, the one I got was very… "…uh huh… Halo 5 is not part of that bundle Sir… uh huh… is there anything else?"


  • Also, it occurs to me - what the heck does "your order is awaiting review" mean?

  • Thanks for the comments and update guys. I picked up my order and checked for Halo 5. It was not there. I asked store guy and he called someone and one more guy showed up with Halo 5. No problems at all.

  • May I should have click and collected… online order shows "In Progress"

  • Yeah - dammit - maybe I should have clicked and collected too…

    I might send an email to the customer service line - I am more forceful in writing than I can be on the phone. Haha.

  • If someone has a screenshot of the listing with Halo, can you post it? I wanna add it to my email. It'll be good to add it to my email. Thanks.

  • I took a screenshot of the offer:
    clearly states Halo 5 is included in the package.
    They have to honour it.

  • Does anyone have time stamps on the halo 5 inclusion? I just spoke to Cust service who called me and their reasoning was that the Halo 5 inclusion was only up for '2 minutes and 15 seconds'

    • I don't have time estamps sorry, but it was 3.30am when I discovered the deal and even the pic had Halo then.
      It sold out quickly.
      The next day (2am) day when I checked the link and found it restocked, the pic had changed but description remained.
      Others say the description had Halo in it until 11am.

  • Ugh, I'm getting worried. I practically bought the bundle because it included Halo 5. Should I ring them before it arrives? :/

    • Yes, you should ring them before it arrives

  • The only notification i have is still the email that says "your order is awaiting review" - is that where everyone else is at? Anyone got something different? They've definitely taken payment from my CC.

    • It says in progress for my order, since mine is collect in store, I think I will talk to the store person to give me Halo 5, my browser still has the target website where halo 5 is included in the description

  • +1

    Well, I just got this email from Target -

    Unfortunately, your order could not be processed.

    We’re incredibly sorry we were unable to process your order. Unfortunately it happens from time to time.

    For any payment taken in Order [XXXXXXXX], we are in the process of returning this to you. Please allow up to seven business days for this process to be finalised.

    If you have any questions contact Customer Support on 1300 753 567 or [email protected].

    • Have you got the order confirmation prior to receiving this email?

      • I got an email saying "your order is awaiting review". They did take money from my CC. I have lodged a complaint. Will see what they come back with.

  • I didn't get Halo included in my delivery. On the phone with customer service, they claim that the deal was a fake produced by ozbargains and that the usage of a team member discount was agains the rules, basically that I'm lucky. When I requested to speak to the manager to discuss the "fraudulent" offer, she came back and explained that in fact the deal was online for 5 minutes, and even though my order was outside of the timeframe, they'd credit me $50.

    • Wow that's pretty rediculous, I think when I call I'll argue for a $60 voucher, enough to go buy Halo 5 from Target.

    • Should give you 60, halo 5 retails about 59 on the target website

  • Heads up if you havent picked this up yet.
    Went into my local Target to pick up, and Halo was not in the pack - showed them the webpage printout and they called the online store:

    Here is where it gets weird!!!

    The store told them it was a scam and that someone had hacked the site and Halo was never meant to part of the bundle.

    So I very politely asked them for the name of the person they spoke to and for the managers name as I felt is was a case of false advertising and I would be taking it to fair trading.

    She went off to talk to the Manager and came back with a copy of Halo 5. So stick to your guns!

    • Lol. The things that retail employees will say never cease to amuse me.

  • I was supposed to go pick up my Xbox One console today at the post office but plans changed and I can't pick it up until Monday. I couldn't wait any longer and called up Target about Halo 5. It was really awkward because they knew I couldn't 100% confirm Halo 5 wasn't wasn't in the box because tracking said I hadn't picked it up yet. But I also knew from the comments on this post that there was a really slim chance of it being there. Thank goodness they didn't make a big fuss and just told me that there was an 'error' on their site and will be compensating me by offering me a $60 gifft card and will send it immediately. Unexpectedly it was a very easy and smooth transaction so definitely recommend calling up their customer support.

  • People who have now recieved halo 5, did you get it as a hard copy, or as a download code? Target are offering me a download code only, no hard copy of the game. They are saying the bundle originally was meant to be a dl code of the game. I dont know how to prove otherwise.

    • Update: i just went to another store, explained about the missing game, saying it was more convenient for me to get it there, and they gave me the halo 5 hard copy no worries. Didnt have to ask specifically for the hard copy version.

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