should be $5 credit as usual :)
Free Movie Rental @ Video Ezy Express Kiosk

Last edited 07/12/2015 - 15:12 by 1 other user
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I went to one last week for nostalgia, pretty eerie. Was so empty!
Same here. Still wanted 7 bucks for an overnighter though, and they wonder why they're failing.
Or should I say, why they've already failed.
They have been busy watching their VHS collections inside. They don't know the outside world anymore. They will tell you John Howard is still the prime minister.
it's like that episode of parks and rec where that guy is watching iron man on his phone in a movie rental store haha
Are a list of the movies available in each Kiosk online?
does this mean that people can rent 5 DVD for free on Tuesday ?
Yes, if your local offers $1 rentals. You can also use this on multiple cards with the same email address.
thanks for your info
I think there's a limit of 4 per transaction.
Hard to believe that Video Ezy burned $20 million rolling out these kiosks. The future is in streaming content. Sure, there are some applications where transportable media is better but that is a really small market, enough to see the wholesale closure of video stores.
Some people love the image and sound quality of blu-rays. These kiosks are great for many of those people.
Even scratched blu-rays?
Millennials hate quality. Even in the torrent world where there is a choice of quality, and everything is free, the horrible 360p versions are chosen by the vast majority. Start talking about blu-rays and they will just stare at you with glazed eyes.
And I'm one of them
I rent the new movies to see if I like them and then wait till they are cheap to buy (IE JB's 2 for $20 sales) with the 20% off of course
20 million isnt really that much for a company like this. I much prefer bluray disk over lower quality streaming. If I could stream with full quality then I would do so.
And there are still a lot of family cannot afford internet + the streaming services.
They barely have enough foods and a poor TV reception watching movies with advertising every 5 min.
Some of us here have forgotten those poor ones struggling every night just to find a safe place to sleep.
truly Thank you these VidoeEZY FREE DVDs promo late. They have been roll out last few weeks now and enjoy watching a few movies each Week!
Am I bad for putting these codes onto a sticker and putting them on the machines?
Yes, because they will stop issuing the vouchers in future - save it for the OzB loyals
yep, I guess it's easy for them to figure out when 8 out of 10 customers at a single kiosk use the code when the average is 2 out of 10
Its tempting to be giving at the expense of the corporation, but my selfish instinct for the future vouchers kicks in… I only just used one of these free vouchers in the last fortnight, i hope they keep coming! It has worked for Video Ezy too though, because I'd never used one before but have since also actually hired and paid for a movie from there now too, as I found it quite easy and convenient, doesn't chew my limited data and is a higher quality movie than download.
Doesn't work though if a customer is already coming up to a kiosk to hire willing to pay for it, then gets it for free, it needs to entice new customer or encourage loyal customers to return.
Will use to rent antman this weekend
I think it said Tuesdays only?
Not Tuesdays. Any Day. Redeemed the code on Monday and got Antman.
Great thanks
Need to ask, do I need to put a credit card or something in to use this?
One of these kiosks opened up the other day at my local Coles and I'll give it a go but I hate giving anyone my deets.
Yes, even if it is free the credit card is the security for it you don't return it
Figured as much, as long as I don't get charged anything I shouldn't, should be right. Thought they might have overlooked it when you're using a free thing, but that'd be a bit silly hey.
Just watch out for the closing times of the centre where the machine is located, I recently tried to return one outside a Coles but they had closed that part of the shopping centre off so I couldn't get to the machine.
@melmac77: That's a bit dumb of them to put it in there, the one near me is on the external wall so you can get to it anytime, that's half the point I thought.
I miss the retail rental stores