• expired

DS Temperature Controlled Soldering Iron $30 (Was $89.98) + Delivery @ Dick Smith


Great soldering station at this price. Not sure how long the deal will last (or if it's available in store).

EDIT: Out of stock on the DS site, but still available on the eBay listing here, but no guarantee they'll actually have stock.


eBay listing has ended, however there might still be some stock left in stores, so I won't mark the deal expired yet.

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • +7

    good deal. must be about the last of the hobby stuff they sell.

    • +1

      Agree, this deal is pretty hot, makes me melt…

      • +1

        Terrible puns really get on my wick.

        • +4

          What the flux?

        • Did u burn your wick?

        • +1


          Nobody cares about my worries, oh well I guess I'll solder on.

        • +1

          Go with the reflow.

    • Personally I got one
      and I would avoid it

      since it is hard to get any extra tips

      the hobby king one is better

  • +2

    Delivery $11.95
    Bit much I think.

    • +3

      I agree, though similar soldering iron at Jaycar is $99.99 so still a good deal imo

  • I've got one of these:


    I've only used it for low temp soldering, but think its great. Tips are really cheap.

    There is always the hobbyking soldering station option as well.


    Maybe will come out with next round of sale items tomorrow

  • +4

    Ive got this same iron and had it for a good 6 or 7 years from memory. It hasn't let me down so far and I use it heavily about 3-4 times a week. I will tell you it is good for electronics and hobby type soldering however if you are trying to solder thick gauge wire, the wire will act as a heat sink and it tends to lose heat very quickly even when cranked up to its highest setting. Very good iron for smaller things though. The only thing that has gone wrong with it was the cable to the handpiece has a split in the insulation. A quick wrap of some self amalgamating tape and shes good to go again.

    Good price as I remember paying quite a bit more when I bought it. Have a + OP

      • +3

        He was probably already using the biggest tip there was and still not enough.

      • +1

        Yeah mate, I even bought a bigger tip than the one that come with it and it didn't help a great deal if at all…

  • +2

    Been using this for awhile now. I agree with Cvas, it's a quality iron. For the price, you can't really beat it.

  • +6

    same price on DS ebay plus 2.5% cashback and paypal protection

    • click and collect option not available

      • no click and collect from DSE site too.

  • Just bought one needed a good soldering iron to modify a PlayStation 1 , destroyed one last week using a 10$ iron from reject shop ,

    One question where do you buy tips for this iron ?

    I heard its no longer in production

    • +2

      Search for "T2200 tips" on ebay-they go for around $5 each.

      • Cheers

        • +3

          DSE themselves can still order a range tips in for you as well.

        • Thanks

      • +5

        Thanks for the tip ;)

    • +1

      You are modifying a PS1? What on earth for?

      • I have a collection of games that are aging wish to make backups of my favs and run those (fresh non scratched discs will put less wear on my laser), I plan to mod all my consoles just practicing on the older ones first, ps2 seems a bit overwhelming … Very small solder points

  • +3

    These are great soldering stations and if you are even remotely interested you'd be silly not to snap one up at this price.

  • +1

    Bought one, used my Amaysim ebay$25 voucher :)

  • My father has this station for about 20 years.. Only the temperature controller board went out on it before, but still rock solid. I use a Hakko FX-888 myself, got cheap from overseas electronic markets :)

    • +1

      How does it compare to the hakko ? I was thinking about one just didn't see the point dropping $150+ on an iron

      • +7

        If your a hobbyist I would say this is a great option. Cant argue with the price $30 is a steal. if it was closer to $100 I'll have to think about it. If your soldering everyday professionally the Hakko would be better.. but still can't beat the DSE one even for a backup iron around the place.. Both will do the job, but kind of comes down to Toyota vs Ferrari type of thing.

        I picked up my Hakko from the Shenzhen electronics markets for $85 or $90 AUD. Genuine stock (I've opened it up and posted pics on EEVblog forums) . Locally and some online shops are rip off at $150 to $200 odd.

        Differences -

        - Soldering iron lead much more longer probably about 1.8m. (good for keeping the transformer part far out of the way)
        - Soldering iron is lighter, more narrow. Feels like i can do better work with it..
        - Tends to heat up faster (70watt)
        - Probably has better temperature control. (havent tested it, just feels like it)
        - Has calibration functionality. (havent looked into it).
        - Feels like modern workshop high quality gear

        - Soldering iron lead from memory 1 metre I guess ? (iron is at old folks home not with me)
        - Has a analog display
        - Is a 48watt iron.
        - Feels like hobbyist grade quality from the 80's. rugged rock solid though.

        • Awesome feedback thanks

  • Even with delivery it's worth it I think.

    I had cheapo soldering iron from 10 years ago

  • This: http://www.dicksmith.com.au/tools-hobbyist/27-piece-servicin… could possibly complement it. Bought one of these a few years ago @ $50.

    I have the T 1976, used to be my dad's but he hasn't been using it much these past few years so gave it to me.

  • How long is the power cord on this unit?

  • +3


    Lose an extra 500% if you use the gift card above.

    • +1

      lol .. i was actually thinking $50 for $500DS$

  • Great, have been wanting to get one of these for a while now and was waiting for the price to come down again. Especially with all the raving reviews. (shame that it's not click+collect, but still seems like a great deal) Thx OP!

  • Temporarily out of stock

  • Scored one in store today. Thanks op. Also had all the other tools on clearance. Got a multi bit set for $10 down $30 and the tool chest with various tools in metal case for $20 (I think, maybe even $15) down from $119.

  • I nabbed one. My current iron is probably 40 years old with barebones features and has seen better days, hard to do the detailed work. Shame about the shipping but probably wouldn't be in stock in most stores I guess. I've eyed these for a while but didn't think $90 was worth replacing my one.

  • +1

    Still available on ebay

  • Darn, had it in my cart and was shopping around for other deals but its out of stock now :(

  • +1

    Thanks, OP. I already have a cheapie soldering iron that I don't use and this will no doubt get the same usage :P

  • Perth store william st: 2 left
    murray st: 4 left

    • I got the last one of the Perth CBD stores (tried both, only 1 stock)

  • How would this compare to some of the more modern (led display) knock off ones on the various Chinese sites? Last time I checked there were a few around that had decent reviews that didn't sound like they were fake (the reviews, not the devices) for around the 50 mark, but looking again they are up to 60+ probably because the crap dollar

  • Page not found anymore. Easier to delete the page then actually show out of stock. Typical DSE crap.

  • Just grabbed the last one at Melbourne Bourke Street DS. cheers!

  • Thanks bought one this morning. I want to do some arduino stuff and had an eye on this for some time.

  • Picked one up this morning for my old man, Carnes Hill

  • One left at Nambour when I left about 30 mins ago.

  • I visited a Dick Smith a few days ago and impulse purchased this unit. I had some buyers remorse but this thread has spared me future suffering, and so I thank you all.

  • There was one left at the Randwick store when I left at about 11:30am

  • +1

    Great soldering iron, certainly recommend it for that price.

  • +1

    Around 6-7 left at Glendale NSW 2285 this arvo. A few tools still in stock.

  • I got the last one of the Perth CBD stores (tried both, only 1 stock)

  • +1

    delivered today, thanks!

  • Received mine too. Dick Smith is a bit random with their packaging though, no invoice, no paperwork and just chucked in a bigger box. I was wondering, how likely do people think this soldering iron will be back in stock in the near future?

  • Got mine. Really like it, good build quality and a nice looking unit. Yet to power it on but have high expectations.

  • Still waiting for mine. eBay status says not shipped yet 2.5 weeks after order!

    • Something's wrong there…have you received a cancellation email from DS? They took 3 weeks to cancel mine (according to eBay) after the cancellation email was sent.

      • Yep, it never turned up, so got a refund, but I am over the non delivery thing.

  • Struggling a bit to find a fine tip for this one. Doing some SMD work.

    It is a bit annoying that none of cheap tips will fit. There's only about two sellers on ebay.

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