PC Byte is offering these at cost price to clear stock. Again, couldn't get 1 cent more out of them. It's the cheapest price anywhere. Limited to one per customer, and will be dispatched immediately from PC Byte's Sydney warehouse. Simply apply coupon ARSEVO at checkout & select free shipping. Only 500 pieces in stock. Note: does not include SD adapter. Enjoy :)
Samsung EVO 64GB MicroSD $26.26 Delivered @ PC Byte

Last edited 01/12/2015 - 21:16 by 1 other user
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Will it should work in an SD adapter?
Hardly Perfect when you will need a SD adapter
Are you serious or just joking?
come on guys, Maybe look the definition of perfect up, its clearly not the perfect situation having to use an adapter in a DSLR, The difference being you have to go buy one and with an adapter comes a very small chance it could fail when using it. I know it might come across quite petty but hey its not perfect@Hayesy22: It's perfect at the given price right now, but nothing is perfect when considering the following potential consequences, but who cares as long as the price is right.
Way to make peace, dude ;-)
Sure, if you don't need it by Christmas…
I can say, you've got a point there.
you mean never receive it at all..
Still waiting for the ritek google glass
I disputed and in a few days got it in the mail. Maybe worth a shot?
Ordered a projector from GB, and was worried, but it arrived in a week with standard shipping. Phew. Maybe it's just the very popular, small cheap items that get lost or whatever? I'm still waiting for an SD card from a ShoppingSquare deal two months ago
Avoid this company at all cost
You order 1 for $25.21 from Gearworst..wait 2 months , spend $10 on phone calls , wait another month , pull all your hair out , the missus thinks your up to something because you check the mailbox every day… meanwhile you missed two cheaper sales still thinking yours is coming just to be told it hasn't been sent.
My last order took just under two weeks from gearbest.. I live in the country so that includes ausposts "deliver whenever policy"
Your ID matches your comment for Tearbest.
Stuck on checkout page (mobile page)
Also unable to checkout, tried in Safari and Chrome.
same here
Please give it a go with Crtl+Shift+N
FrancescaStill not working :(
Hi Francesca, it appears to an issue with the coding on the Billing button.
If I look at the code step through it's showing an error with the onclick for the button - can't find the save property…
Hope that helps :)
Cannot progress past billing information. Tried Safari, Firefox, Chrome & IE.
Do PC Byte post these offers to stress test the website?
works now thanks
Does this come with an Adapter?
Hi itzinfinite,
No, this batch doesn't. The ones with the SD adapter are over $2 more, and you can PM me if you want one of those for $29 instead. Both lots come in genuine retail packaging.
Francescawhat is the brand of this card?
True ozbargainer … buy first before they look …. lol …
He's just trying to make conversation with Fran before asking her out.
But this is Ozbargain, deals before love.
Hi, I can't progress past the shipping address in check out, any help?
Does this come with an adapter?
I recently got my mum the Nikon D3300 and I am guessing this would be suitable?it says no adaptor. Buy a normal SD card.
Original post has been updated as it DID NOT say that when I asked question minutes within post made by TA.
However, I have bought already with an adapter thanks to Francesca.ah, I see.
yeah I think an extra $2 for the adaptor is worthwhile.
the adaptor is like 0.15$ in my currency to US dollars….find some website like tinydeal those cheap chinese ones, must be very cheap.
Anyone else having an issue with checkout? I can't get past the "Billing Information" section of checkout…
Yeah, I'm experiencing that
And just for the record, I've tried Chrome, Firefox and IE… maybe I need Safari…
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe a piece of PHP the site needs is either down or non existent
Yeah, site is broken. If I look at the code step through it's showing an error with the onclick for the button - can't find the save property… At least I know it's not my PC :P
Why are they clearing them out? Is a new model coming?
Good for local storage for acer chromebook?
Wow wow wow. That is one cheap arse code A++
Missing State box
Site working now order placed.
Can't check out. F5 doesn't work
Try pressing it harder
No, more often.
Hi tightarse can you pls get a sd card box on special aswell as my stock is getting bigger..
Site didn't work. If you input the address during check out there is no State box to enter.
If you add the address first in your account it couldn't continues to check out.
no worky
Love how no one can buy this yet there are 46 upvotes
Gave it a pos then went to purchase. I'm sure they'll fix it soon anyway
Price & reputation (store & deal poster) is enough for me.
Has my faith & +Vote
is this arse-vo or ars-evo?
Everyone, please accept my apologies. I am doing everything I can to have the checkout fixed. Please give me a few minutes. Thank you :)
Thanks I managed to get through checkout and purchase one.
Tried to give them my money but they are refusing to take it….
Desktop, tried Firefox and Edge, tried checking out as a guest and also signed up for an account but no dice.
When as a guest you click "Checkout as Guest" then click continue and nothing happens
When signed in go to ship to this address then hit continue and nothing happensEven tried it on mobile with the same results.
Not going to Neg the deal as its a good deal, but can't give it a + either when I want to buy it but they won't take my money.
Guess I'm going to have to stick to my 16gb stick for a little more, ahh first world problems….
Working now
have a Plus vote
lets just hope that the Samsungs are better then the Sandisk MicroSD's as have a few dead ones sitting on my desk that one of these day I will get around to sending back.
Meh-speed is to slow.
Can you please add "SD Adapter not included"
Works fine for me. Thanks.
Had the same problems as everyone trying to check out.
Finally got things to work in 'Incognito' mode in Chrome. Ctrl+shift+N to create a new tab, and use that one. See if it works. :)
Everyone, site is now fixed. Please try again. And remember, please PM me if you would like the version with the adapter at cost $29. Thanks for your patience.
Sorry. New user. I can't PM you but still interested in the deal
Order went through but checkout wasn't as quick as usual.
Couldn't checkout from Windows tablet but worked fine on my phone. Thanks TA & PCByte, been waiting for one of these.
Worked for me, to workaround the checkout issue, you can enter your address from your account administration section (register first if you don't have one) then enter your address and go to checkout and you'll be able to select the address and pay. :)
I managed to buy 1.
I'm using Win10 with Firefox browserstill waiting for a u3 64gb special
anyway good deal
thanksCompleted check out, Windows 10 chrome.
Ordered, hoping for a good first experience from PCByte :)
Waiting for your 2300th deal TA ;) can we expect something like nikon 3200 that you posted?
Ordered. Thanks OP.
just ordered one, thanks TA and Francesca exactly what I was looking for
is this scotty's shop?
Ordered one using safari on a mac and had no problems. Why do I have so many micro SD cards?
how long is delivery to melbourne? fly out friday morning!
Bought it for the OzBargain Treasure Hunt winners. Originally only intended to give out 32GB now they get an upgrade :)
Nice one :)
Good job scotty!
Thanks I brought.
I didn't see a Cc option thoughawesome cheers!
TA is a memory deal champ. :Thanks
holding out for a cost price on the extreme pro 64gb, endured all the pcbyte deals so far somehow ;)
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Perfect for my new Nikon d3200