• expired

Uber - 2x Free Rides up to $25 Each, New Users with a MasterCard


We believe that riding with Uber should be rewarding in more ways than one. That’s why we’re excited to announce that we’ve teamed up with MasterCard to give new riders two free rides (up to $25 each)!

Sign up with your MasterCard for two free rides!


Download the UBER app on an iPhone, Android or Windows device.
Create an account and register your MasterCard.
Enter the promo code “MASTERCARDAU”
When you’re ready to ride hit ‘REQUEST’ and your first two rides will be free!
Offer Fine Print:

New Uber users only.
Valid between 10:00am Tuesday 17th November 2015 and 11:59pm Thursday 31st December 2015.
Discount will apply automatically at the end of both trips and can be seen on your receipt.
Only available to riders who have a MasterCard (credit or debit) registered as their payment profile.
Only available in cities where uberX or UberBLACK currently operate. Find out if Uber operates in your city here.
Valid in Australia only.

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (215)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (213)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    This will come in handy later this week. Thanks!

  • This deal would have been great for me this week. Unfortunately the service is not offered at my location. Ohhh well.

  • +2

    Guess I'll be taking Uber instead of train to my exams this week!

    • arriving to exams in style

  • +3

    Pity they never have discount codes for existing users

    • +1

      create a new account?

      • I rego'd but have never used it. How do I create a new account - anyone tried this? Seeing as they have my name -= the one on the Mastercard.

        • been using sims from telstra pack deals. Same payment was fine but last one's got flagged and the discount didn't apply. paid full but not complaining.

        • @tesse112:
          pretty sure they link the account to your card or paypal not to the phone number

        • +2

          @Garagesale: It's both phone number and card afaik. At the very least it is the phone number.

        • If you haven't used Uber before but have registered then you can still use this code.

      • Tried that, you can't register with the same mobile number twice.

        • Update—-I read the stuff below and it worked!

    • +9

      This worked for me - change your number and remove your payment from your current account. Sign out. Create account with same email / phone number as original account and discount will apply.

      • I will try that, thanks!

        I needed to register with a new email adress, however it worked well.

      • By change your number do you mean insert a new activated $2 sim card into your phone?

        • No, just go to settings on your app and change the number there. Then, do the logout and register with another email.

          I think you will also need to change the payment if you plan to use the same card. I was using paypal before, and now I'm using the card.

        • @mewdex:
          Im using android app… But my phone number and other details are greyed out in the settings sections and won't let me change. Any ideas?

        • @jdogg: on the top right there are 3 dots, click on it and then "edit account"

        • @mewdex:
          Hmm.. When I click the 3 dots in the top right of the settings page it only gives me the option to 'Sign Out' that's it.. :(

      • So if I click on the $10 Referral Link and also apply the Coupon code, will that be $10+$25= $35 for my first ride? or will it be $10 Off for my first ride, then $25 off for the 2 rides after that?

    • What happened with Uber in Paris?

    • +3

      Err.. why?

      Wait, think they're referring to the surge pricing which is an automatic thing, but was then cancelled within 30 mins according to Uber, read here

      Well enjoy your taxi anyway, less chance of surge pricing happening for the rest of us.

      • +4

        They'd probably refund anyone who complained the value of their fares (or at least 75%) anyway.

        This is automatic anyway, thirty minutes is a reasonable amount of time to spot it and manually override.

        • That's exactly it. But that doesn't stop the Uber hating crowd from jumping on the bandwagon.

    • Did one of the terrorists use an uber or was an uber driver taking the terrorists around town?

    • not sure why you're getting negs, that's a good article outlining exactly what happened in Paris with Uber

    • The article is very clear but doesn't seem to spell it out.

      Uber does not have an automatic terrorism detection feature.

      Without that feature, people will pay more when too many people request an uber.

      How exactly can you complain about that?

  • +3

    Is it possible to monitor the Uber fare while you're in the car? I plan on jumping out at $25.

    • +1

      Make sure to take a route that takes you past a hospital..

      oh wait, you are.

    • +2

      yes, get an app called "meter for uber" it's on Android, probably iOS too.

  • Just signed up. Where in the app does it confirm the 2x $25 credit?

    • It doesn't. When you go to request a driver, enter the code in again just in case then just request a driver. You can also check if the code has been correctly applied by going to the "Promotions" or "Promo Code" section in the menu. Type the code in and it should say that this code has already been applied to your account (I assume you applied it before registering).

    • Logon using your browser then hit Payment, if your code has been accepted it will list it on the page.

  • -6

    Got surprised with unexpected surge pricing 2.4x when I went to SYD airport from Woollomollo suburb. Total cost around $78 for 1 Trip to SYD airport, ludicrous
    Should be almost a free ride because I got $30 voucher for first ride and airport-woolomollo fare should be around $32-35

    Complain to uber support they said they can do nothing
    Be aware guys! These guys sometimes abit sneaky, stab you in the back

    • +2

      It's advertised clearly before you book when surge pricing is happening. It also tells you how much the current surge pricing is as well.

    • +4

      how this can be "unexpected" and "sneaky" is beyond me.

      they're pretty upfront about it, and even offer a calculation of the fare with the surge pricing

      • Allright Allright, I was out of line.
        It was my mistake. I didn't read it carefully and just click it ASAP without thinking carefully first because it was a last minute ride to the airport. It was raining and the traffic is quite horrible so I got no choice.

        Bus and Railway is too risky. BUt they shouldn't charge the 2.4x surcharge to the clueless first-time customer who never use Uber.

    • +1

      Be aware in the popup, when you click "I accept higher fair" that big number above it ie. 2.4x will be applied

  • How long do you normally have to wait to request for an airport pickup? Thinking to use to for a ride from perth domestic to the CBD but Uber said reservation does not work.

    • It shows the current ubers in the area, so can't really give estimate of time to wait. You request and they wait for acceptance.

  • Is Uber recommended for early morning home pickups to go to Perth International airport? If so can you request the equivalent of a maxi taxi? and could this $25 offer be used to pay the first $25 of the fair?

    • No maxi taxi. A mazda 2 might rock up so I'd plan accordingly.

  • if I click on the $10 Referral Link and also apply the Coupon code, will that be $10+$25= $35 for my first ride? or will it be $10 Off for my first ride, then $25 off for the 2 rides after that?

    • +1

      "A new user promotion is already applied to your account". Apparently it won't let me use the MASTERCARDAU code after I use a referral code. Either that, or it doesn't like Mastercard Debit cards. Bummer.

  • Woo. It worked.

  • Just used Uber for the first time. Holy shit I was so happy. It was 36 degrees in sydney and my UberX driver had his aircon turned to 18 degrees. SO HAPPY!!!

  • Why the taxi come to pick me up when I use Uber…I thought it's a private car

  • It says, code has already been applied
    but still doesnt work for me :/

  • +1

    Thanks OP.

  • So if it is a $35 fare it will be only $10 ???

  • So, if I apply this promo code to my new account on 30th December, will I only have one day to make use 2*25 free riders? How long are the rides valid for? I am guessing 31/12 is the promo code expiry.

    • I'm wondering the same thing

    • "MASTERCARDAU! $25 off your first 2 trips with Uber! Offer is valid for 90 days."

      • Where does it say the offer is valid for 90 days. Sorry, I am on my mobile and I just can't see it anywhere.

        • +1

          Web login (not app) shows the relevant info.

        • @Reveen: That makes sense. Cheers.

  • -1

    So if it is a $35 fare it will be only $10 ???

  • -2

    So if it is a $35 fare it will be only $10 ???

  • Sweet, needed this for tonight. Woop!

  • For those with multiple accounts, be careful because I didn't get my $25 promo. It was a new account but they somehow tracked me down as having multiple accounts. When I questioned them about why they didn't give me my $25 credit off they wrote this:


    I'm happy to explain what happened here. While we certainly appreciate you sharing your personal referral code with friends and family, after reviewing your account it appears the usage of this promo code violates Uber's Terms of Service. This promotion code is applicable to an invited user's first ride — it is not intended to be used by people signing up for multiple Uber accounts.

    We won't be able to honor the value of the promotion, and your Uber account has been disabled indefinitely.

    Thank you for using Uber thus far, and please let me know if I can help with anything else.

    Safety is our top priority. Discover the steps we take to make Uber a safe ride from A to B: t.uber.com/zensafe


    • What device were you using? Is it a second hand device that the previous owner may have used to sign up for Uber?

      Can Uber track the IMEI of the device?
      Or only the Apple ID/Google Account it was used with?

      • No it was my second phone. Original owner. No association with Apple ID/Google accounts that I know of. Could be IP address maybe?

        • same credit card used?

  • Used my 2 x free rides for a crazy night out on Saturday. Uber app is a bit tricky to use when really drunk and tired. First time I tried to get a ride home from city, I sent an uber to my house instead somehow.

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