This was posted 9 years 4 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xiaomi Piston 3 Earphones AU $16.73 after 6% off Using Coupon Code @ Banggood

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I think considering the popularity of these on Ozbargain this deserves a separate deal of its own.

Have been looking for a good price on these for a while. Thanks to this deal get 6% off on the original price $17.81 which brings it down to $16.73. Use Cashrewards cash back to get it for AU$15.93 after 4.8% cash back. At AU$15.93 I think I can wait for one month to get these shipped from China.

AU$1.84 extra if you want shipment tracking.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    The new eneloops I see. Thanks.

    • sorry ?

      • +6

        Member Since 08/12/2013? You should come here more often.

        • i see haha, what was your comment in reference to though ?

        • +3


          Eneloops are like OzB 'currency' or usually an item that people are constantly searching for bargains on and then the OzBers will go in and pretty much buy them all and stock up on them even when they don't need them

        • @seefu: Ahh thankyou :)

          I thought something similar to that but wasnt sure, and i too have done that a few times ahha.

  • Great price, thanks OP

  • Thanks OP, Bought a pair.

    • +12

      I was born with a pair. But every man to themselves

  • Are these really THAT good?

    • +9

      For the price, simply, yes!

      I just bought another pair…. :D

    • +1

      Yep, I replaced my Sennheiser CX-300II with them when they died and don't regret it. Build quality is so much better. Review on my site (Home Theatre Life) if you want it.

      • U serious?! I'm using the cx300 now! They costed me 80 bucks at jb !!!!!!!!

        • I feel your pain. I loved my CX300's but after going through 3 pairs due to one ear stopping working, I got these and found the sound quality to be on par but more durable.

    • +1

      Eh, depends on what you want it for and what you like.
      It's alright, you do get a functioning microphone + remote as well as other stuff with it. It's well-built and overall, I cannot think of any other earphones that I could recommend at that price range.

      I personally dislike how Piston 3 sounds and I have to use EQ half the time which I am currently not a fan of (especially since I have multiple headphones/earphones), Piston 3 is my spare earphone that I have as a back up at the moment. I personally thought it was good for its price. Since I've not been a fan of earphones (I personally like headphones slightly more), I cannot say for certain, but these are better than many budget earphones I used to use.

    • +3

      For $17, it's really a no brainer. One of the best sounding earphones for the price!

    • Isn't a top-notch earphone for sure, but at this price, this is a pretty good deal.

  • +1

    Are these actually any better than what we get with say a mobile phone like a Samsung Galaxy?

    • +6

      Yep, definitely miles better. I'd say better than Sennheiser's CX300-II as a comparison which retails for around $75. Sound quality is on par with the Sennheisers but build quality is significantly better.

    • Yep. I had the same doubt, and bought a pair off the last deal on these. Definitely better than the ones that I got with Note Edge.

    • On the same level if not slightly better than the ME Electronics A161P in my opinion.

  • I have had these ones for about 4 months. Great value for money. I hear you guys rave about the Piston 2.0's. I wonder if I can get my hands on them if they ever come up for a sale.

    • These are more comfortable than the 2.0's, I think. They don't look quite as nice as the bronze 2.0's but I won't be going back to the v2 now, picked up a few pairs of these so I have back-ups

      • +1

        I'll take your word on the comfort factor. I prefer more bass on my ear phones while training, and I have read reviews that 3.0's are low on bass compared to 2.0. Correct me if I am wrong here

        • yeah, i wonder the same too? How this one compared to 2.0 in term of sound quality?

        • I dont have 3.0s but I have 2.0s and I find them to have a nice bass. They are comfortable for general use, although I find they irritate my skin if I fall asleep with them in my ears too often. I'm thinking of getting these 3.0s as a backup, unless I like them more, then they will become my primary.

  • Thanks bought a set after reading some reviews. Hopefully they arrive, not real trusting of these Chinese sellers.

    • You should be fine, banggood are a good seller. Very few complaints as far as I know, unlike gearbest.

      But I have only had good experiences with both, sometimes ya just gotta be a bit patient waiting for them to arrive.

      • There were selling fake ones.

        • That deal is 1.5 years old, and they admitted that they may have received some fake ones from their supplier and refunded anyone who thinks they received fake ones.

    • Mine took 1 month to reach me, but it was worth the wait !!!!

  • Can confirm that CashRewards still tracks the order even with the coupon XMAS06 applied as I ordered one of these yesterday.
    Tried to use the coupon for the Pistons today and said I could only use it once per account. So I logged out of my BangGood account, checked out as a guest using PayPal - still managed to use the coupon and get Banggood points (for what they're worth…)

  • +2

    Would anyone recommend using these for gaming and voice chat plugged into the PS4 controller headphone jack?
    Or is there something more suitable for that at a reasonable price?

  • How are these compared to the Piston 2. I have had those for over a year with all joy!

    • I would like to know this as well.

    • These are more comfortable to me, although that is subjective. SQ is very similar, at this price it's handy to have back-ups because it's really the shipping time that is the worst component of these headphones.

  • +2

    I hope there genuine, Look at this thread they were selling fake ones.

  • How's the noise isolation with these?

    • Reasonably good. There's 3 different size rubber tips and they angle into your ears. They don't block 100% of ambient noise though.

      • Thanks mate

        • Your experience may vary from what I saw the tips I are pretty similar in size I had to go through my spares I had from other earphones to find a good fit.

    • Pretty terrible - have not tried these with comply tips but don't expect 16db let alone 26db of isolation with the rubber tips.

  • Can anyone who bought these recently from Banggood confirm if they are genuine or not? There was the thread that was link from last year, but I'm not sure if anything has changed since then.

    Also are coupons stackable? You can get a 10% off coupon from using their app but don't know if I can stack it with this xmas coupon.

    • See my comment here

      I'm more sure they are genuine than I am sure they aren't, but I'm never 100% convinced when it comes to China.

    • Can't stack coupons unfortunately

    • I bought two last month and they came a few days ago, pretty sure they are 100% legitimate

  • +2

    MY everbuying ones never arrived. might give the banggood another go.

    • +1

      Yeah neither, im sure theyll rock up at some point. Everbuying is from china, takes a while.

  • These ear phones are over rated. I have one and it is nothing special.

    • +1

      Are they worth $16.73? I don't really need them but was thinking about keeping them as a spare

      • Yes if you want a spare, no if you have too many, in fact I don't know where I have placed my one. I don't bother to look too hard for it.

        • +1

          You think these are overrated for $16.73? What do you think they are worth?

        • +1

          It is overated by many members and make people believe it could replace ear phone that costs hundreds of dollars. However, $17 is fine for this ear phone. It worth that much.

  • What do they mean with "partially compatible with iOS devices" ?!

    • I'm curious as well. Didn't see your comment before I commented. Think only the volume button or call button works on iOS…

    • +2

      Only the middle button (accept/decline calls, activate siri with long press) will work. The volume up/down buttons don't.

      • Thanks for confirming which!

      • +2

        This is because of patents. Go corporations in general!

        • Does this mean there are no 3rd party earphones that have volume buttons working with iOS?

      • I can confirm this

  • Is it the usual compatibility issues with these and iOS, that only the volume buttons or mic start/end call buttons work with iOS unlike full functioning buttons with Android?

  • Please tell me if these are better than LG Quad Beats 3

    • I've actually heard good things about QuadBeat 3 (though people were saying, the silicon tips you get from LG are awful). Though as I said, people were mentioning that it's hard to get a good fit because of how awful the silicon tips are. I'd assume QuadBeat 3 is "better" than Piston 3, simply from my experience with the older QuadBeat 2. I personally preferred QuadBeat 2 + tips I've snagged from Sony more. That said better is a very arbitary term in earphone/headphone market (what you like depends on what you like).

  • thanks, got 2

  • +2

    Just fyi, if you have an Android or Windows Phone all the buttons and mic will work.

    With Apple devices only the pause/play/answer button and the mic will work.

  • Around the same price as Gearbest right now(under 10c difference),without any coupons.

    Is their shipping times around the same?

    • +3

      Banggood 2-3 weeks
      Gearbest 2-3 months

    • +1

      GearBest has really bad reputation in OzBargain (they just got banned recently, from sheer number of people not receiving what they've ordered in July).

      • Oh,ok then

  • Awesome IEMs, punch well above their weight and price. The Piston 4's are due out later this year, in case these whet your appetite :)

    • Reckon it might be worth holding off a bit on buying the 3s then? Just in case they do a specific sale to move the 3s on when the 4s come out?

      Would be good to have a spare, but Im in no rush.
      Then again at $16, its a good stocking stuffer! :D

      • "Then again at $16, its a good stocking stuffer! :D"

        This exactly. Not many people would be disappointed to receive these as gifts!

      • +1

        There's no point holding off. Piston 4 may not be as good as piston 3. No reviews are out yet. Piston 3 wasn't exactly better than ver 2 for example. Just sounds different. Some people still prefer ver 2 in audiophile forums and they never got discounted.

    • +1

      They're set to release in 6 days! :)

  • +1

    Thanks OP, hopefully these live up to the OzB hype!

  • This is "Reddot Design" whereas Geekbuying doesn't state. Are they the same?

  • +1

    The successor to this has been anounced, it is this new one coming soon

    • +1

      Is it just me or is the design getting worse with each update?

      • i feel its getting better. piston 3 is much more comfy than piston 2 and looks sleeker. The hybrid looks pretty cool too


      This is a measurement of 1 More's hybrid earphone (well it's not the Xiaomi one, but it should give some indications on what kind of technology they are using). I know that people say measurements don't tell the complete story but that said, those seriously don't look promising.

  • I bought a pair of these from mushtato a few months ago, and they worked perfectly except for one
    problem.The wires would kind of make a small arch or bulge and stick up through the insulation, and at one point
    I could actually see the copper wire (I would include photos but unfortunately, I lost the earphones). this could have
    been because I often kept them in my pocket, but I don't know. Has anyone else had any problems like this?

    • +2

      Yes I believe mine are heading for a similar fate, purchased from Allbuy back in June. Over time they developed kinks in the cable that were more prominent on the braided side. It might have been caused by how I carried them around when not in use. I coil them around my hand and then shove them into my pocket. Pics below show where the rubber under the braid has started to come through a kink in the cable.

  • If your signing up for a new account then you can get 100 points as part of the promo and 50 points for confirming your email, Then it only costs $11.09USD when applying the 150 points.

    • Whoops a bit too quick through the checkout haha, looking forward to getting them for even a few dollars more

    • Only managed the 50 for some reason.

      • +1

        You need to click on the banner at the top of the page then make a wish and then share it on facebook then you will be credited with 100 points.

        • make sure you wish for something really good from the catalogue, I didn't understand it and wished for the bloody headphones that I purchased. Now if I win my wish all I'll get is another set of headphones. Doh.

    • They don't appear to stack? When I enter the coupon, the area where you punch in how much points you want to spend is greyed out and vice versa.

      EDIT: My bad, that's the price with points only.

  • Does anyone know how these compare to the a-jays one+

  • +1

    Does anyone know whether these are better than earpods?
    Inb4 -10 negs

  • These or House of Marley Smile Jamaica?

  • Just want to say thanks banggood.
    Just received my power bank that i ordered uber cheap from the last deal

  • Awesome on this one, grabbed 2 pairs - one for home another for work. Can't go too wrong for $33 me thinks…

  • +1

    How long are they lasting for people here? I've had one P2 and 2 x P3's (all banggood) go weaker in one ear after around 4 months, not by much but enough that's it's too irritating to keep using them.

    • I had the exact same thing with my 3's. It really annoyed me because even though I was using them for hours every night it was nothing loud and I wasn't exercising or anything that would put any strain on them. The difference on mine was very noticable, to the point that if I turned the volume right up, it would be blaring from the working one but a normal level one on the broken side. I only use my P2's every so often when travelling so I hope the same thing doesn't happen.

  • Thanks, bought a pair. Plus some other crap, there's plenty of cheap goodies on that site!

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