• expired

Original Xiaomi Earphone, USD $17.99 Free Shipping @ BangGood

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MOD: Various reports from people who have received the earphones stating that these might be fake/counterfeit products. Please read from this comment onwards.

Headphones sounding ratty? Got a broken cable? For USD $17.99 You can experience the pumping beats of your favorite tune with Xiaomi piston headphones. Great frequency response, inline controls and a rugged pull resistant cord that’s perfected with an all metal casing.

Xiaomi’s products are immensely popular in China and now the world has begun to see the brilliance of it s electronic products. Experience theses headphones at our lowest price ever, only for OZ bargain members, only for a limited time so grab one for yourself today!

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Referee gets $2 in coupons. Referrer gets 10% off (if referee spends over US$10)

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closed Comments

  • Hi Rep, do you have the ttpod t1 as well?

  • +2

    For those wondering, these are regarded by some as some as the best iem's under $50. But no offense to banggood or anything, this model in particular is notorious for fakes, so I would be wary.

    It would be also good to know if these are the 2.0 or the 2.1 model.

    • Yeah just worry that it's maybe fake. Really temped to have one

    • -3

      Hi,we guarantee this product 100% original,xiaomi is a popular brand in China.

      Sorry for the late reply guys,we will hold the basketball match this Saturday,so after I posted the deal,I went to the basketball ground.D:

  • +2

    Hi Rep, just a quick a question, how can you guarantee these are the authentic and not fake ones with a huge mark up price? $17.99 USD is essentially the cost price, won't you be selling at a lost if including free shipping?

    I actually placed an order for the exact same model a few days ago for a total of $35ish including shipping but cancelled it since the delivery was too long. I'm glad I made that choice! If Rep can provide a good answer then I'll be sold.

    For those are interested, the in line controls are for ANDROID, so only one button will work on iSeries.

  • Hi Rep, are they version 2 or 2.1?

    • -1

      hi,it's the upgrade version 2.0

      • you mean 2.1? because on the page it says it comes with the shirt clip which 2.0 didnt have.

  • +2

    ^cheapest and genuine considering they are official resellers of xiaomi.

    costs only USD$23. note shipping is 15-25 days.

    otherwise banggood is a preetty good deal if its genuine :3

    • Thanks for the heads up. The original price on banggood of $26 is about the legitimate price for a genuine one (cost + operations + shipping + profit, etc), but anyone can sell a $2 fake for $26.

      I'm now slightly hesitant with the lack of response from the rep. It seems odd to post a deal at such a late time of day and not be around to answer questions. If you can post a deal at 7pm then why can't you hang around a bit more?

  • What about the xiaomi micharger?

    • hi,how about this?http://www.banggood.com/buy/xiaomi-charger.html

  • code doesnt seem to work

    • It's working D:

      • alright i bought one OP. It better be real!!

  • 7-25 business days Free Shipping to Australia according to the site. so basically anywhere between 2 weeks and 4 months? is this right banggood?

    • -2

      Hi,it usually takes about 2 or 3 weeks to arrive.

      • Thanks. Ordered one

  • hello banggood! planning on buying 3 for gifts :)
    If there not genuine can we return them?


    • also dumb question but where do i paste the coupon code lol?.

      • +1

        I believe you need to be in desktop vote to see it. When at your shopping cart, on the right side there's a text label for coupon code, click on it and a text box will open up

    • -4

      We guarantee they are genuine, if you receive non genuine items we will happily accept a return, but these are genuine. Thanks

    • -4

      We guarantee they are genuine, if you receive non genuine items we will happily accept a return, but these are genuine. Thanks

    • -4

      We guarantee they are genuine, if you receive non genuine items we will happily accept a return, but these are genuine. Thanks

    • -4

      We guarantee they are genuine, if you receive non genuine items we will happily accept a return, but these are genuine. Thanks

      • +2

        It would be illegal to send the earphones back to you in the mail.

  • Where is the option to choose the color? I want the silver one.

  • +2

    if its not genuine just do a credit card/ paypal (assuming banggood take paypal)charge-back.

    i've bought a few things from banggood and shipping can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months to lost in the ether. if you need this for a present then have a contingency.. if you just collecting headphones and stuff. go for it.

  • After converting to AUD and currency conversion fee total was around $20.50

    • $19.97 AUD for me.

  • My order shipped tonight :)

  • +1

    This news just got in!

    Guangdong police seize fake Xiaomi products in factory raids

    Quote: "Over 3,000 battery packs and about 15,000 earphones with the Chinese smartphone maker's brand were seized during the raids, with the counterfeit goods set to enter the market in Shenzhen's Huaqiangbei district, the most prosperous and influential consumer electronics shopping area in China."

    So I am a bit worried about getting from vendors that is NOT from xiaomi it self.

    Also according to Xiaomi wiki

    Xiaomi has no retail stores nor does it partner with third-party distributors. Instead, all Xiaomi products are sold directly via the company's website.[60]

    • Oops I accidentally negged your comment was supposed to give you a +.

      We shall see if banggood are selling real ones or not even they arrive. Will be putting in a PayPal dispute and negging this and every other banggood deal if they turn out to be fake. Fingers crossed they aren't!

      • pls comment here again when you get them. The coupon still works and i want to see if these are real or not before i buy some.

  • +1

    Hi guys - unfortunately I just received mine and I'm not sure if they're fake or genuine. They have a smell like chocolate, but they do not come in a cardboard box? It's the original Xiaomi, not the upgraded version because there's no shirt clip.

    EDIT: I'm pretty sure these are fake. They have the same barcode on them like all the fakes and no cardboard box. The barcode is 218400120511. However, I'm a complete noob at this so if anybody else got theirs and want to hopefully say that I'm wrong, feel free!

    EDIT2: So I was really curious and popped one of the buds out. They actually look like B on the inside, so I guess they're real earphones in dodgy packaging or something.


    • hmm thanks for the reply. We shall wait and see. Hopefully mine come in tommorow otherwise I will have to wait for the weekend.

      The pictures show a shirt clip so you really should be getting one. It also says a clip is included in the description. Maybe they sent you the wrong pair? I would contact the seller and see what they say.

      Anything else that makes you think they are fake?

      Edit* looking at the banggood site I see something interesting. The pictures at the top seem to indicate the 2.1 version (has S, M, L where the ear buds are). The description says a clip is included (further indicates they are 2.1). However, the big images after the description seem to indicate 2.0 as there are musical notes instead of the S, M, L where the ear buds are.

    • From your link I'm leaning more towards fake than genuine. But I'm no expert either so very interested in others thoughts.

  • just got mine today! they rock!!

    :) thanks.

  • Hey guys. Just received mine. According to this video they are fake :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XncOP0545bI

    The packaging mine came in is exactly as shown in the video. Furthermore one of the 'rubber' buds has a split/tear in it :(

    That said they do sound quite good.

    Interested to hear others thoughts as they receive them.

    EDIT:- Another thing, my voulme up / down are back to front. The bottom bottom is volume up (should be down) and vice versa. Not looking good.

    • +1

      Ok these are either definite fakes or they are the version 1's, not the version 2.0 / 2.1. Doesn't really matter as the advertised product were the V2's, and this was clarified by the store rep in the comments.

      So disappoint!

      • I'll confirm if I get them today

      • Correct they are version 1.0. Dispute

  • I messaged the seller last night to reply to this thread. The negs are incoming if no reply. That said I hope I receive mine today

  • +2

    These are definitely fake. No cardboard box, the exact same serial as the one in the video above etc.
    They sound awful even compared to stock Xperia Z earphones, very boomy and muffled, and also have no left or right markings. For those convinced that these earphones sound good, go buy another pair of earphones that aren't the supplied iPhone or Samsung ones, they will blow your mind. I will still burn these in, and see how they go.
    The supplied size of eartips also do not fit the earphones, only the default ones do.
    The volume buttons do not change the volume, rather, both buttons simply move to the next song on my HTC One M7. None of them go back to the previous song, both of them only go forwards.
    I will definitely approach banggood for a refund on these, for everyone else, buy from ibuygou.

    • +1

      Okay, I found the markings. They've somehow been slightly rubbed off and are very faint at the plastic part of the earphone.

      • Same. These are definitely fake - or at the best the version 1's. Are the ibuygou's one definitely legit?

        • I think the serial code removes that version 1 theory, and there's been plenty of people from the internet buying from ibuygou and they've all turned out to be genuine (ibuygou is after all an official Xiaomi Reseller). Wish I didn't try to save that extra few dollars and went with them in the first place.

        • unfortunately my earphones didnt arrive today. The seller seems to have logged on today but still hasnt replied to my private message. I asked them to reply to this thread too.

          Sucks that Monday is a public holiday, meaning I will get my earphones on Tuesday the earliest. If they turn out to be fake then negs on site for all banggood threads and will paypal dispute for a full refund.

          If possible can the people who have already received them take some photos and link them here? Maybe also make a thread in one of the forums (maybe electrical & electronics)

  • I received mine today. they are fake…
    as per the video, and link as evident. They also sound muffled and not the quality it is supposed to be
    What should we do? Paypal or wait

    • Well i think we got 30 days to put a claim in with paypal. I dont know if the OP will be coming back. But well it seems like i will be negging banggood deals on site lol. Shame mine didnt come in today so i could rectify.

      • The banggood rep logged in today and still hasnt replied to my PM about this thread. Deserves a neg just for that.

  • +4

    I disputed the Paypal transaction and I suggest that others do the same!

    Do not send back the earphones - they are counterfeit and you are liable to get into trouble under Australian law.

    • yeah definitely wont be sending them back. The fact the rep hasnt returned this thread after i contacted them is telling enough!

  • -1

    Received mine today..

    Got silver color with spots like rust and tiny dust spread all over the sticky box with chocolate smell:(

    Have disputed the paypal transaction…

    • Revoke ur + as well =)

      I should be receiving mine tonight.

  • +1

    Received mine today, and as everyone mentioned, it is a fake copy of version 1.0. Raised a dispute with PayPal.

    Does anyone know if PayPal will intervene and force Banggood to refund us? If so, how long will it take?

  • +1

    After trying to resolve this directly with Banggood I have also lodged a Paypal dispute. On another note is there a process in which we can have a untrustworthy seller banned from Ozbargain to protect other future potential suckers?

  • -2

    Sorry for the late relpy,I do not know why it's almost can not get access to ozbargain,very slow.
    We are sure it's original,if you think it's fake,just email us we will compare it to video,we will make full refund if it's truly fake.

    • +1

      "banggood on Tue, 10/06/2014 - 20:27
      If you feel you are not satsifed with the headphones you can contact customer service to organize a refund. You will be required to send the headphones back to us and we will refund you the purchase price and the shippin"

      Well thats not going to happen. I'm not sending fake goods through the post.

      • Is that what the store rep replied to your request for refund?

        • was in response to my message last thursday (rep has been logging on everyday since then too):

          "trumpedup on Thu, 05/06/2014 - 20:44
          Hi, a member received their Xiaomi earphones today and think it may be fake. He also says he received version 2.0 earphones when it should have been 2.1.

          Please help answer in the thread:



  • -2

    If you have any concerns about your product you have received please contact [email protected]. We always sell genuine products and if we find you have received something not as described we will happily offer you a refund. Sorry for the late reply everyone we have had some technical difficulties checking OZ bargain website.

  • Sorry,I just check our purchasing history,the suppliers changed once and the cost price is different,some of them may be fake ones.

    No worries,we would like to offer full refund for all the fake products,just feel free to drop me a mail.

    We will not sell fake products on purpose,that's stupid,you know,customer experience must come first,no sellers can make things perfect,we will try our best to deal with it.

    • will a full refund require us to send these fake items back to you?

      • Nope

    • We will not sell fake products on purpose,that's stupid,you know,customer experience must come first,no sellers can make things perfect,we will try our best to deal with it.

      lol. China.

  • Sadly, I also received the fake xiaomi piston(the colour I received is silver, missing the shirt clip too). the left earphone is not working at all and the build quality is poor as was shown in the youtube video. On the plus side, seems like Aaron is very responsive in this matter.

  • +2

    today I received mine, there are fake on 100%

    and I don't received gold, but silver
    and I don't received v2, but v1

    this is poor fake of xiaomi piston v1

    staff should banned this user - banggood

  • +1

    I received my refund today after emailing the address the banggood rep gave out. I didnt end up disputing with paypal as they did not require us to send the item back for a refund.

    Although I would have preferred to have gotten real xiaomi's at least the refund was painless. Oh and the earphones are cr*p. My samsung earphones that came with my phone are better.. thats saying something.

    • did you wrote to cservice adres mail?

      Today I stared dispute on paypal and wrote to bangood staff. I'm waiting for response :]

  • +3

    Im surprised that the REP was so confident that the product was genuine.
    Seeing it didn't take much work to figure out the product was indeed fakes, I wonder if you even bother checking if your products are actually genuine to back up your claim…do you just throw these statements out there and hope buyers will believe you?

  • I recommend to write a report about this cheater !!!

  • Today I received full refund after one email to aaron. I lost time but I didn't lost money. In the futer I will be more carefully with banggood.

  • I had some stuffing around for a few days with Banggood's customer support but after emailing Aaron received my refund today.

  • Had bought one for my wife and received it last week and they definitely seem to be the real deal.
    They are light gold color and build and sound quality is excellent. My wife likes it better than the Sennheiser she was using previously.
    All controls work perfectly with my Galaxy S3-4G.
    The volume controls did not work on my wife's HTC One (M7), they skipped tracks backwards and forward instead.
    But I installed Jays Headset Control and it works flawlessly with Poweramp. The stock HTC player still skips tracks. So it's clearly HTC's problem, not the earphones.

    I was so impressed with them that I came here to get a pair for myself if the deal was still on.
    Now after seeing all these comments from members who have been unfortunate to get fake ones, I am not so keen on taking any chances ordering another one.

  • I've emailed aaron this afternoon but haven't get any reply from him yet. Mine is the silver coloured which believed to be fake. How long have you guys waited to get the reply from him?

    • Got my refund within a day

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