Found the Telstra $30 Sim Starter Pack on the Officeworks website for $10 instore only. Also on sale at Coles for the same price if you're struggling to find stock.
Telstra $30 Prepaid SIM Starter Pack $10 @ Officeworks

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Hows that work?
You can pay for Google Play purchases using Telstra credit by selecting that option at checkout in the google play app whilst using the SIM .
SO how does that work exactly?
Let's say I activate a sim card. Do I have to stick it in my phone or can I put it in a WIFI dongle?
And then what happens? I have one month of access and 3GB of data. It says $30 credit for the month. Is that credit what I can spend or is that what I have spent activating? Do I have to add another?
I have a bunch of sims for tablet. I want to use them for access. But if I can boost my Google Play credit cheaply I'd consider burning one on that. Google Rewards hasn't been kind lately. I think I've had 30c in the last 6 months.
Yes I came across that. And I STILL don't understand if that means I have to add credit, or whether that $30 that shows up alongside my 3GB data can be used in some way.
@syousef: If this is still accurate, yes it does.…
Ok thanks. If so I missed out on about 4 months worth of credit but next time I activate one (mid next month) I'll try it out.
I am on a Telstra post-paid phone so I think I'll try adding my account from a tablet instead and see how I go.
everytime i walk into an officeworks after hearing about one of these discounts, it's out of stock. I feel awkward walking out of the store empty handed.
Don't. They failed to get a sale - it's their fault and problem.
I get pissed at their BS stock levels, unwillingness to confirm shelf stock, and this:
Broden can empty shelves of "in stock" "in store only" items, over the phone. Stacked under counter for purchase later… Meanwhile, they're still shown in stock. So I'm there for 1, cash in hand.
"nope".shoplifting is a crime and is forbid.
Eh, so this $30 bucks start kit gives you how many GB of data? 1.3GB?
Add $50 recharge and you'll get 8GB for a year and $80 dollars to spend on android apps or sell on ebay
On which Telstra prepaid plan do you get 8GB for a year?
Mobile Broadband Data Pass. I don't quite understand how it happened, I've activated the same $30 pack and recharged with $50 - as a result 8GB of data and $80 dollars to use
Alternatively, you can wait for a 30% off Amaysim deal, buy the 10GB for 1 year data plan for $70, and get cashrewards $19.90 cashback. I ended up paying $50 for 10GB.
Has to be a new account though.
an optus $2 a day plan you recieve 500mb for $2
which makes $4 per 1gb and no rewards or cash refunds to wait for.@Happy Bergin: Do they still have that plan?
Anyway, 500MB per day cap is not flexible enough for me. Some days I don't need that much, some days I will need more. On days that I don't use that much, I don't want to pay $2 for it. And on days when I need more, it won't be available.
Some days I won't use data at all, but I'll still be paying $2 for it. If you use exactly 500MB a day, it will be good value, but I don't. And on weekends I'll have wifi.
The main thing is, this is a $2 a day plan, or $60 a month or however they choose to bill you.
The $50 Telstra recharge is a prepaid 12 month expiry deal, just like the Amaysim deal I mentioned. Your deal is not an apples to apples comparison if a 12 month plan is what people are after. After 12 months you'll be paying $730, which is not what people are after if they're considering 12 month data plans. Sure you'll get better value, if you're using 180GB a year, but that isn't me.
Optus does have $50 12 month prepaid for 7GB, which beats the Telstra $50 for 5GB and is overall cheaper than $60 for 8GB if you get the $10 sim. You can't really stock up on these sims if you plan to recharge to extend the expiry date of your credit, due to the expiry dates of the sim packs themselves..
Does this work the same in IOS devices? Sure would be good with an extra $80 bucks for my games.
about 3 years ago i had an iphone and a flatmate had a crappy android.
he could do this and i couldn't, so i pissed iphone off forever and glad i did.
Sell what exactly on eBay?
You can sell your available credit through Credit Me2U.
Hi mate, could you please tell us which plan did you choose to activate it?
Mobile data pass $30 gives you 3GB and one month, recharge $50 (one year and 5GB) and you'll get one year and 8GB and $80 credit available.
@dimavs: are you sure it still can be used for play store purchase? I might try this if it's true. Normally I activated my prepaid with long life plan.
@sonic2011: Don't know if you've seen it, but just in case
Can a data pass be added to this starter kit? I'm thinking of putting in my second sim slot and having that as data only.
8GB a year? Wish it is a month :-/
Don't you have broadband at home ;-)
3 as broadband datapas
Is anybody else having problems activating these starter kits online? I keep getting an email back telling me to use phone or livechat to activate, because of "technical issues" with their online activation system. Today was the third time in as many months and I'm wondering if it's just me.
I had issue this time porting across. As soon as I logged into my account it would reject my port (opened an invalid page link). It would activate it without porting. I spent 30 mins on chat, and he ported it for me. Then a few days later needed to also chat to get Google billing working. It did make me wonder if they try and make thinks difficult for regularly porting users, or if their systems really just suck.
Yeah I was thinking along those lines too, that they might possibly be putting speed bumps in the process to discourage creative use of starter packs.
Having said that, both times the telstra chat people were very happy to help me with my problems. So I'm reasonably confident I can continue porting in and out and enjoying all the Google play credit!
the invalid link error has been around for months and Telstra never bother fixing it, last time I port they said they were going to inform technical but they just never did.
Good to know. Thanks.
I got a technical error message every time I used my passport number to activate. Switched to medicare number and worked like a charm. Maybe you could try using a different type of ID and see if it helps.
I'll give it try next time. So far I've been using my drivers license.
There's a limit of one per customer at Coles. But the lady at the checkout didn't seem to care, so I managed to get three.
I was not aware of a limit, and had no problem purchasing three.
I bought 10 at my local Coles yesterday
Telstra prepaid kits are being stocked up like eneloop batteries. Batteries seem to have longer shelf life. I should hold myself when they were sold for $15.
New to this pre-paid thing. I need some help on clarifying how this can be used.
I have a phone number that we just moved from Post to Pre paid. Can these starter kits be used for credit to put against the existing number and pre-paid Freedom Plus plan?
So instead of recharging in traditional manner of paying $30 for 28, use these kits to achieve the same for $10.You can't recharge with this kit, just activate a new service (or transfer your number)
So you can transfer your number every 28 days as it expires?
That's what I do. Get whatever cheap $30 Sims I can, and use telstra half the time or more, as they are so much better with the Google play credit. I'm prepared to pay $15 for the telstra ones if I need to, but no more than $5 for the others.
Snuke, if you're with Telstra, you'll have to port out to another carrier and then port/transfer your number back to Telstra using this kit. And after 28 days, do the same thing again.
@snuke: Agree. The time and effort to keep porting/transferring your number each month, I rather spend in my work hour and earn more money than the saving I get from this chore.
One Number to rule them all?
Van,Virtual ANdroid(SIM)#:)
works all over the cyberspace, forwards calls/sms to Gmail. & lets me preserve ~260c per minute Telstra idd credt by 2, 1, 0c per minute international.
^pairs well with Freedom plus AU's.@edfoo:
Yep, considering I got them to swap from Post to Pre paid 10 days ago, and it is still not done, and they say at least another 2 working days, there is no way I am going to trust them to do this every two months.
Good luck finding stock
How does it work for mobile broadband?
I see above the mention of 8gb for $80
Could you add an extra $20 (20 + initial $30) to get the 5gb for a year? or can you only get the 8gb for $80?
No. You need to recharge the $50 to extend the expiry by 1 year. Can't just add $20 to the existing $30.
I bought a few to port out/in after each kit, anyone know where to get Optus/Vodafone-based SIMs for free or less than $2?
My local Kmart has plenty of Optus $2 international prepaid for 5c, some regular optus $2 sims for $1, and a few Vodafone $2 sims for 5c.
Has anyone ported to Vodafone or Optus ppaid int and back without having to add a recharge?Porting should not require a recharge
Any deals for Optus $30 SIMs going around at the moment?
Get yourself a dual sim phone. Saves porting in and out. Bought enough Sims to last me a year for the family.
What's your approach here?
You use your main sim for receiving calls in slot 1, and your second slot is for data and calling out.
Texting is a bit tricky. If you text with a temporary sim people won't know who you are, and you have to explain it every time. Actually the same with calling people but I text more than I call. It will be annoying for the people you call, but they'll get over it.
If you use slot 1 to text people, then you're paying for it with your current plan, probably at a more expensive rate.
What prepaid plans would you be using in each slot? I'm trying to get the most data possible, on Telstra network (doesn't matter if it's not 4G, for $40.
my friends just cant get their head around the concept. im about to go back to being a 1 sim man
@prhino: If you can get $10 Telstra sims, just stock up on those, and activate them as broadband sims, you'll get 3GB a month. So that's $10 for 3GB. $120 for 36GB a year, if you can find enough stock. I had no luck with it.
Alternatively, if you're after mainly data, you can buy a 12 month prepaid expiry block from Telstra ($50 for 5GB) or Optus ($50 for 6GB). They have 2 year expiry blocks too for better value. Amaysim has $100 for 10GB (but it's always on special — I paid $50 for it after cashback)
If you used the Creditme2u exploit you could have got some really cheap data from Telstra, but I heard they stopped it. Coincidentally not long after it was posted on OzB..
If you insist on Telstra network, I would guess getting cheap starter packs is your best bet. But that's subject to stock availability.
What to do with slot 1 depends on how much you call.
Think I'll stick with Spintel ($27/month with 4GB on Optus), and use a cheap Telstra starter pack + $50 to get 8GB/12 months on Telstra in the second slot.
@prhino: Hmm.. if you use 4GB a month, that 8GB Telstra is only 2 months worth of data. Makes me wonder why you need it at all. 4GB from Optus is a lot already.
I would eitehr drop to a lower plan, or drop the Telstra sim.
If I want to use it as a second sim in a mobile, would I activate as mobile broadband or tablet?
@prhino: Doesn't matter. The plans are the same.
Click on the Recharge button on both of your links and you'll see the available plans and they are identical. Both will work.
Saves on waiting for porting and having bulky pockets for 2 phones while porting happens and buying 2 buck sims.
Anyone know the when these sim cards would expire?
the one's I bought expire june and july 2017.
Bought the $10 deal at coles this week- my sim expires halfway thru July 2017
Thanks OP.
Does this work on tablets? Or is there a different type?
Can you still do the creditme2u exploit to get free data for every $1 you transfer between sims?
LOL. I'm going to take that as a yes. Don't worry, I won't get this exploit stopped for you.
Idk but jbhifi do have heaps of these in stock so does HN, perhaps they could price match as well, also Myers. Generaly we only have 5-10 of these per store, and take awhile to replenish these.
Don't forget to use your Telstra sims for the Telstra $11 movie tickets. one of my accounts just expired so couldn't book anything.
It is very inconvenient with a iPhone using a pin to remove the sim tray.Need to make sure you buy the right size sim cards. iPhone now uses nano-sized sim card while a lot of Android phones still use micro-sized sim cards.
Nothing a pair of scissors can't handle.
Haha, don't think I can trust them.
Get a $4 sim cutter from ebay.
iPhone have used nano since 5 which was 4 generations ago.
Some Android flagships are using it now too. My S6 does.
If you have Coles near you, then that's 5 x 4c fuel vouchers gone right there.
If not, good job.
Hope you used an mebank card + paypass for extra 5% off!Watch the expiry dates.
all July 16 - October 16 bar one which is 27 December 15.
Well then you have 15 of them and less than 12 months to go.
What's the point of having more than one for yourself?
If you can give one to friends or family great, but not a lot of people are going to be happy registering one a month.
I have 5 prepaid currently "active" which I have no intention of recharging, and I've had at least 7 listed at one point.
@syousef: Then why did you ask me "What's the point of having more than one for yourself?" since you yourself already have more than one for yourself.
Telstra have a limit to the number of phone numbers that can be registered to your name. I don't remember what that limit was. 10, 20, 30? Even though you've thrown away your sim, it's still in your account registered to you.
I have never had more than one with credit on it at a time. If you have 15 months worth of cards and 12 months to use them in, you're going to have to either burn through your included calls or data more quickly so you can activate them more than monthly or you're going to end up with expired sims.
@syousef: Then back to my original question.. how many phone numbers are you allowed to have registered with Telstra?
Remember, them being inactive doesn't matter. They're still registered in your account and don't get deleted just because you threw them away. Doesn't matter if you only have one active at a time.
You can only keep using one card a month for a while before you reach a limit and can't activate any new cards.
Do I look like a Telstra rep? I have Googled and not found a definitive answer. Just speculation.
I seem to remember seeing something about accounts becoming inactive after 6 months if you don't recharge - as in the sim card can't be revived and the number is resused.
@syousef: Your answer originally was "What's the point of having more than one for yourself?" which has nothing to do with the question, but it sounded like an answer. In other words, you could have just said, don't know.
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God I love these deals! Cheap android apps.