This was posted 9 years 4 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nanna's Frozen Fruit 1/2 Price at Woolworths (Eg. Frozen Blueberries $5.20/Kg)


This special is in the weekly catalogue, but I couldn't find reference to it anywhere. I may not have searched properly (wouldn't be the first time).

Best price I've ever seen…

Better than

Cheapest I have seen frozen fruit at Coles/Woolies. Usually go with Coles who offer 3 x 500g bags for $10, which equates to $6.66/kg

Yes, Nanna's is owned by Patties Foods who had the contamination scares earlier in the year. I figure lightning doesn't strike the same spot twice, right?

I am a daily smoothie fiend so I'll be loading up at this price.

Love, Tafe

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closed Comments

  • Love my nannas berries

    • +10

      Love getting Hepatitis too? :P

    • +3

      Better than her melons?

    • +1

      I checked at one woolie, product of china for sure!

  • +12

    You can't catch Hep a twice….I'm all in.

    • I think you'll find out you followed the news they were all cleared and there was nothing in the berries.

      • +2

        pffft, sure there wasn't

  • +5

    half price on hepatitis? sounds like a deal to me!

    • +1

      A,B or C. 3 to choose from.

  • Where are they produced?

    • +5

      Google broken?
      Country of Origin - Chile…

      • +3…

        Blueberries - Chile
        Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries - China

        • +2

          That berry incident is attributed to 88℅ hit to their profit this year!

        • +8


          It will take many years to recover…

          I'm never buying imported frozen berries again…

        • +1

          @jv: can't lost link, but said something like "challenging year…we're focusing on savoury side of business"

        • @jv: agreed, this will take me years to get over. Not going to be swayed by cheap prices.

        • +2


          I just freeze my own fresh ones now, when they're on special… Peace of mind is worth a few extra $…

    • +1

      I checked at one woolie, product of china for sure!

  • +6

    Now with extra hepatitis!

  • +9

    Sh!tty Deal

  • +1

    These go great in smoothies.

    • +2

      i prefer fruit in my smoothies over faeces personally.

  • +1

    As long as no China berries this is a decent deal

    • +13

      Australia sells it's great quality produce like berries into China while companies sell imported produce like berries from China into the Australian market and we accept it.

      • Would you rather we passed laws to prevent the practice? What's the problem?

        • +4

          No. Just passing comment on how ridiculous it is that we import produce that is of lesser quality than we grow,

        • @chumlee:

          Cost and demand. Australians are way too stinge to pay the prices.

    • +2
    • +1

      As long as no China berries this is a decent deal…

      Blueberries - Chile
      Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries - China

      • +2

        No reason at all to buy China berries.
        As mentoined above we grow our own high quality fruits that other countries import and we import low quality, shit soaked, berries in return!

        Many supermarkets stock local berries now because of the outbreak.
        but I assume Nanna's are hoping people forgot the outbreak with the incentive of a discount.

  • will give it a crack op ty

    • +9

      will give crack a try op

      • -1

        That reminds me, where's tightarse ?

    • ALDI still didn't have Country of Origin last I looked.

      • +4

        Is that legal?

      • I think I looked a month ago, the blueberries were from Chile (who allegedly also have poor water & hygiene standards like China).

        • Ok, must have changed labeling. Last I saw they just said Imported Ingredients

          The Coles deal 3/$10 is better, and they don't have mutant Strawberries in the mix blend.

    • Coles normal price is $4.50/500g
      Adli $3.99/500g

  • +8

    For those of you worried about Hep A. if you frequently buy berries it is cheaper to get the vaccine and buy these berries.

    • +4

      Vaccines aren't foolproof. Some people who get the Hep A/B vaccine will still contract Hep A or B with sufficient exposure.

      • +1

        it generally has more to do with vaccine response rather than exposure.

        Hep A you need booster every 5 years.

        Hep B you can have you levels checked.

        Also the only vaccine spread via berries is Hep A, which is spread faecal-orally.

        Unless you are injecting berry juice or something you are unlikely to get Hep B/C.

        • Hep A Berries incident meant that whoever in China picked them after toilet without washing their hands. Or they put their berries in mouth and spit into the collection baskets again. Still no good if no more hep A incidents in the future.

        • +2

          @ultraviolet: The reports seemed to indicate that it was more likely the poor quality of the water used in production (washing the berries etc.), where contamination in the water supply could of been from sewage leaks, spills etc.

    • +3

      I've never heard of someone vaccinating themselves just to buy berries. You must really love your frozen berries! =D

  • -2

    I believe I bought them online for $6.99/kg last week; highly doubtful that it's 1/2 price.

    • +1

      I believe in jesus

  • +9

    I'm still waiting until they get that coveted no human feces certification, I hear there's a crap load of paperwork involved. That the entire situation is a beurocratic sh*tstorm and I for one can't wait until this number two is…… I'll just see myself out.

  • +4

    Eat quality not quantity, people. The price difference isn't that much if you think about it. For example, this week strawberry at Aldi is $1.49/punnet of 250gr, so it's $6/kilo. Same with blueberry, it's only $2.49/punnet. Clean, bag it and chuck it to the freezer. I still have couple bags left on my freezer from the previous special from Aldi, 50cents/punnet, bought 2 trays. Plus if you buying for your children, only the freshest fruits on season that you should get.

    • +4

      This comment brought to you by a jackfruit.

  • +1

    Hepatitis A at half price! yum yum!

    • If you are worried, just don't eat them raw. Same with oysters.

      Blueberry and apple pie - yum!

      • +1

        Cooked faeces is still faeces.

        • +7

          I see people eating McDonalds daily.

        • +3

          Don't ever have kids, or eat any organic veggies if you are that scared of a bit of poo :)

  • +3

    I was at my local Coles the other day and saw that Coles branded berries now occupy pretty much the whole freezer space.

    Nannas and Creative Gourmet only had a tiny amount and for lines which Coles didn't stock like cherries, avocado etc.

    That scandal really did accelerate their private label dominance.

    Also agree on freezing local strawberries, but these are the only cost effective berries to do so. I'm not freezing my blueberries!

  • My friend got extremely sick from eating Woolies frozen berries just a few weeks ago. Had to go to hospital. Forget the brand but they were made in China.

    I would never, never eat frozen berries sourced from China.

    • +3

      A problem with food poisoning is that you usually cannot know what caused it. It could be something you ate a week ago, Or a virus from a door knob.
      Your friend blamed the berries because of the publicity, Just don't eat raw food from China. The Chinese themselves cook or peel everything, including the tap water. There is no word in Mandarin for salad.

      • No he didn't blame the berries because of the publicity. Otherwise he wouldn't have bought and eaten them !!

        The only change in his diet were these frozen berries that were eaten a day or so before. It was the berries but you can choose to not think so. I know he's not buying them again. He is elderly and almost died from the experience.

        • Correlation does not imply causation.

  • +2

    I love the amount of people cracking Hep jokes but I bet hands down more than half of you don't wash after using the toilet.

  • Makes you wonder how Nanna contracted it in the first place.

  • $5.20/kg! risk of contracting hepatitis B….errrrrr No THANKS!

  • +5

    I bought these berries but did not get Hepatitis. This disappointed my Asian father and brought my family shame. "Why you no get Hepatitis A+ like everybody else!?"

    • I think it's the Asian mom that you have to worry about, you get caned for getting A without the Plus. You better try harder!

      • +1

        Oh, I'm not so worried about the cane anymore. Years of conditioning has made my rear end immune to trivial household items and kitchen utensils such as the wooden spoon and the rotan stick. It's my fathers loveless stare and his monotone voice with the occasional raised and lowered intonation as he expresses his disappointment that brings me, a man approaching my 30s sleepless nights nowadays.

  • +2

    Costco has frozen blueberries for $6.50/kg every day. Late last year they were sourced from Chile, then supply moved to USA (these were juicy and very flavoursome), now the origin is not listed on the packet. I really hate that. 'Packed in Australia' means absolutely nothing when 100% of the product comes from another country.

    I have been buying and eating frozen berries raw every day since 2008. Personally I have yet to encounter any food borne illness due to the berries.

  • Any cherries?

    Also I noticed Coles has brought them back after about a 6mth hiatus - does this infer that they really did have a Hepatitis problem (but not so widely reported as Nannas)?

  • The avovado is actually good and from peru.

    • +1

      I believe the vomiting wears off faster too.

  • Hepatitis A Last version !!!

  • Since the last hepA scare, I only buy Aussie made/sourced food especially berries.

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